What is the answer which most describes your graphics card experience?
ATI is what I use for IL-2 and never had a significant problem.
11 vote(s) (17.74%)
NVIDIA is what I use for IL-2 and never had a significant problem.
23 vote(s) (37.10%)
ATI is only what I have used and had major difficulties with it.
4 vote(s) (6.45%)
NVIDIA is only what I have used and had major difficulties with it.
0 vote(s) (0%)
Both ATI and NVIDIA have been used by me and I prefer ATI.
4 vote(s) (6.45%)
Both NVIDIA and ATI have been used by me and I prefer NVIDIA.
20 vote(s) (32.26%)
I don't know much about these issues but want to learn.
0 vote(s) (0%)
Total: 62 vote(s) (100%)