everyone's using the new wrapper? - Printable Version

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everyone's using the new wrapper? - lowfighter - 15.02.2008

I still use the old one, with the filelist.txt necesary. Begins to be hard to me because all new modds are with new wrapper so it's becoming tedious to me to add all the paths...

- Trooper117 - 15.02.2008

lol.. You know you want to do it don't you..

- fabianfred - 15.02.2008

I was going to make a rar file of my whole MODS folder...for anyone to download and install....but even zipped it comes to 150mb

and my download site stops at 100mb. :roll:

- Bee - 15.02.2008

fabianfred Wrote:I was going to make a rar file of my whole MODS folder...for anyone to download and install....but even zipped it comes to 150mb

and my download site stops at 100mb. :roll:

Mine is 2.69Gb Confusedhock:

- asheshouse - 15.02.2008

I've had the new wrapper installed for a while and everything works but I still haven't completely cleared the old stuff.
This morning I moved my maps folder from root/files/maps to root/MODS/MAPMODS/maps -- no problems. All still working.
I still have the basic soundmod files in root/files and repeated in root/MODS/z_basic
I'm not sure if z_basic is supposed to be the first or the last folder in root/MODS.
At the moment its the last, but maybe the wrapper is reading the files in root/files?
Does anyone know? There seems to be conflicting advice on this.

I'm always reluctant to change things when their not broke.

---Hmm! I tried disabling the root/files folder, by changing the folder name, and all my menus changed to Russian language. Any thoughts will be welcomed.

- Username - 15.02.2008

Jolly recently said it's best to leave your old files folder in the IL2 root directory ie do NOT place it in the MODS folder or rename it. The reason for this is that he issues regular updates to old cockpit mods and his uninstallers are all set up to look for old mods in the old files folder (in the old location). Confusingly, his installer program then creates an updated mod within the MODS folder. I suppose this is done with one eye on the future, when we will all have adopted the new wrapper.

If you do not follow this advice you will find that Jolly's uninstallers don't work and yet still put new cockpit mods in the MODS folder. This will cause conflicts.

One caveat: my understanding of how the wrapper operates changes with every passing week. We have the worst of all possible worlds at the moment; two methods of installation which can cause mod conflicts. It would be better to make a clean break with the files folder. Just stop supporting it altogether and force everyone to reinstall every mod to their MODS folder. It would be a one-off pain. For newcomers it would be desirable to have every mod on this site equipped with an installer that creates a unique folder in the new MODS folder. But that is a lot of work...

- fabianfred - 15.02.2008

The new wrapper reads the MODS folder the Z_files folder will be read last.....
next it reads the old 'Files' folder according to the 'filelist'

and if it doesn't find what it is looking for ...then it goes to the default sfs files

I was hesitant to make the change...but now am glad I did

- Trooper117 - 15.02.2008

Are we still saying then that the old files folder must not be moved or renamed and is perfectly alright in its original place.. because when we had the new wrapper there were lengthy and detailed instructions on how to employ it, and how to move the old 'files' folder into the MODS folder and rename it with a 'Z' in front so that it is read last.. Which is what I did by the way..
I want to know if it's better to put it back where it was in the root directory and just change it back to 'files' again... I'm getting pretty confused here..

- Bee - 15.02.2008

I don't have my original Files folder in use any more. However I did seperate each mod into individual sub folders before moving them across to the new "Mods" folder. No problems encountered.

- Guest - 15.02.2008

I am using new wrapper, but old "Files" folder is still there and probably in use. Have no problems with that, everything runs normal.

- fly_zo - 15.02.2008

Trooper117 Wrote:Are we still saying then that the old files folder must not be moved or renamed and is perfectly alright in its original place.. because when we had the new wrapper there were lengthy and detailed instructions on how to employ it, and how to move the old 'files' folder into the MODS folder and rename it with a 'Z' in front so that it is read last.. Which is what I did by the way..
I want to know if it's better to put it back where it was in the root directory and just change it back to 'files' again... I'm getting pretty confused here..

new wrapper has been designed to read (load) "MODS" folder first ( sub-folders:alphabetically ) and "FILES" folder secondly .... So if you put your "FILES" folder into "MODS" folder and rename it to be last one , it is the same as if you leave it where it was regarding loading order .

If you have two identical files ( game system wisely ) wrapper will load first one only !

by game system wise i mean right path for files .

So if you have :

mods\mapmods\maps\ Hawaii\ load.ini


files\maps\ Hawaii\ load.ini

WRAPPER WILL LOAD ONLY : mods\mapmods\maps\ Hawaii\ load.ini


I strongly recommend switching to new wrapper ASAP !

- asheshouse - 15.02.2008


Just to clarify my lingering doubt -- Do your basic files go into root/MODS/z_Basic
So that they are read last within the MODS folder.

My basic files had got split up between root/files and root/MODS so I have made a new root/MODS/z_basic folder with everything in it, disabled root/files by renaming it root/junk, and now everything is working ok.

--- well nearly

I still don't get the new start up screens background0.tga and background0.mat
Do they go in root/MODS/z_basic/gui ?

I've tried that -- and just get a white screen at startup. So I've deleted them and now I'm back to having the Russian startup screen.

- fly_zo - 15.02.2008

asheshouse Wrote:Fly_zo

Just to clarify my lingering doubt -- Do your basic files go into root/MODS/z_Basic
So that they are read last within the MODS folder.

My basic files had got split up between root/files and root/MODS so I have made a new root/MODS/z_basic folder with everything in it, disabled root/files by renaming it root/junk, and now everything is working ok.

--- well nearly

I still don't get the new start up screens background0.tga and background0.mat
Do they go in root/MODS/z_basic/gui ?

I've tried that -- and just get a white screen at startup. So I've deleted them and now I'm back to having the Russian startup screen.

as i said wrapper loads MODS subfolders alphabetically so just check if you have any other mod that uses same files+path for gui in some folder before z_basic ( for example:AAA mod pack is using one ) .If you have one ,wrapper will load that file and not one from your z_basic. It is the same system for all mods ( specially for reticle modes .... all using the same files+path3d\cockpits"plane name")

...for your white splash screen , probably you had background0.tga in one mod folder and background0.mat (of different splashscreen) in some other folder

hope that helps


- FA_Cheech - 15.02.2008

IMHO, the new wrapper.dll mod has caused nothing but problems. It has not reduced load times, and it has not even simplified the file structure (we have the new MODS folder, but still have to keep the old "files" folder. I find myself having to do more work when it comes to saving maps, and load times have actually increased.

It also makes it extremely difficult for new people joining the mod community....all-in-all, it is more of a PITA than it's worth.

- fly_zo - 15.02.2008

FA_Cheech Wrote:IMHO, the new wrapper.dll mod has caused nothing but problems. It has not reduced load times, and it has not even simplified the file structure (we have the new MODS folder, but still have to keep the old "files" folder. I find myself having to do more work when it comes to saving maps, and load times have actually increased.

It also makes it exteremly difficult for new people joining the mod community. It is a PITA

sorry but here i must disagree

1 you don't need filelist.txt anymore
2 its easier to enable /disable mods (just put "-" as prefix in mod foldername)
3 if you put files folder into mods folder and rename it to be last one (alphabetically) there and just move maps from it to mods\mapmods\ once you won't have any problems afterward

**** decide which mapmods you like ( from files\maps and mods\mapmods\maps ) and put them in mods\mapmods\maps folder .... aftrwards remove maps folder from files\