WIP News from Philippines - Printable Version

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WIP News from Philippines - delvpier - 03.06.2008

Well as there was no answer from Slot team members to my earlier post...

I'll try to do it, at least a basic one, because this a huge map to customize with objects...

I'll do my best...

Size of the map is 1/3 scale ( 1 pixel = 150m in map_c ).

[Image: Leyte.jpg]

[Image: Leyte_1.jpg]

[Image: Leyte_2.jpg]

[Image: Leyte_3.jpg]

- 6S.Maraz - 03.06.2008

Please consider making a smaller area but 1/1 size... that's my only advice...
I was considering Philippines as a new project with my friend, we considered as significant the northern area (plus a small part of Formosa), or Mindoro, or Leyte Gulf.

- MrOblongo - 03.06.2008

Please stay in 1/1 Big Grin, please.

Then make some online map.

- VBF-12_Sluggo - 03.06.2008

Just do the 31 to 61 grid line and make a start point for the Japanese up north for 41 scenarios. then you have more than enough!

- FA_Cheech - 03.06.2008

Sorry I did not get back to you sooner but, frankly, I was not really sure how to respond. I can't speak for the rest of Team Pacific, but here's my own personal thoughts:

- The Slot was an enormous amount of work, and I'm not really sure I personally want to tackle another project of that magnitude.
- After its release, the response from the community has been a bit "underwhelming". The Slot has been on the street for about three weeks, and we have had very, very little feedback - good or bad. I'm actually not sure how to read that, especially after the amount of interest that was shown during its construction. It could be the fact that the summer months usually see a downturn in IL2 participation, it might just be the fact that the PTO just doesn't generate enough interest to make it a worthwhile endeavor, it could be a reluctance to use a map that is a 4.09b1m only release, or they just hate it and don't want to hurt our feelings (not likely, as the IL2 community is generally a highly critical lot) Wink
- Am a bit hesitant about the 1:3 scale. Most of the guys who have provided feedback seem to indicate they only want 1:1 solutions. I personally think a good map is a good map, no matter what the scale, but I think "the jury is still out" on that one.
- We have not received a great deal of votes on choosing our next project, but the majority of those who did vote wanted to see a New Guinea/Rabaul map. If that's in fact the case for the community as a whole, then doing the Phillipines may not be the right answer.

I do not wish to hijack your thread, but seeing as you mentioned it, I did want to respond to your original request for Team Pacific to take on this map. I think these things need to be discussed, but we can move it to seperate venue - your call. 8)

- Dixiecapt - 03.06.2008

FA_Cheech Wrote:- Am a bit hesitant about the 1:3 scale. Most of the guys who have provided feedback seem to indicate they only want 1:1 solutions. I personally think a good map is a good map, no matter what the scale, but I think "the jury is still out" on that one.

A-men to a Good Map is a Good Map..

- dup - 03.06.2008

Quote:very, very little feedback

21 pages for the "[Feedback] The Slot is here " !!!
The map is great so what else to say ?

- Forager - 03.06.2008

FA_Cheech, I think the lack of response to the slot map is lack of missions to fly on it.
It is an excellent piece of work and I thank everyone involved but am waiting for more mission makers to practice their craft.

- delvpier - 03.06.2008

FA_Cheech Wrote:...I do not wish to hijack your thread, but seeing as you mentioned it, I did want to respond to your original request for Team Pacific to take on this map. I think these things need to be discussed, but we can move it to seperate venue - your call. 8)

Thanks for your answer. I agree with you. Map making can be very disappointing in this community. You had a lot of work during months for poor feedback or critics Sad

Myself, I forgot to give advice about The Slot : AMAZING Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

That's the reason why I proposed Philippines for your next project. You are almost like a professional team, so I think important maps are reserved for you... and there are two in Pacific : Philippines and Rabaul area. So if people wants Rabaul first, it's a right choice...

About advices on 1/1 or 1/3 scale, I think it's also a choice. I know it's better 1/1 scale for reality... but then you have to choose a part of the area... and which one ? Any part you choose, you have to cut some parts of islands, like in Guadalcanal, and I don't like it. An other point is time of flights, who has time to flight three hours to flight before seeing any ennemy planes ?

I made 1/3 scale for some reasons. First, I tried 1/2 but Cmap tool don't give me a valid file, due to size limitation I think, otherwise I would have choose 1/2 scale. Second, 1/3 scale is already huge for a map like Philippines but it stay playable in terms of time of flights. Third, keeping the whole area, you can make double scenario, 44 with Leyte and 41 with Luzon and also Borneo... don't forget the KNIL !

So I think I will keep this project as it started and work on it at my own slow speed of a lonely man... and maybe I'll release it even if I know there will be a lot of critics...

If you choose to do it, let me know, because as yours would be much better, I would keep mine for myself :oops:

Any choice you make, it will be the good one Smile

- Crankshaft - 03.06.2008

The Slot Map is excellent, the group I fly with online is called the Mod Squad, and they have quite a few Coop missions for the Slot Map. The only thing I could suggest about the PI map is add mountains and trees... everywhere I went in the PI there were plenty of those. But Kudos on the Slot map excellent work..... Big Grin

- duffys tavern - 03.06.2008

Hey guys, if it

- Forager - 03.06.2008

Crankshaft, any chance of you guys posting those missions for download?

I was in a Mod Squad coop last night with B25s attacking ships and lots of other things going on and it ran smooth up to the part where I crashed into the sea.

One of the main problems with the new maps is lack of missions for the general, non mission making public to fly on them.

I am sure there will be more released soon, as well as campaigns, but right now there aren't many.

delvpier, great looking map in the works, I hope it gets support.

- fabianfred - 03.06.2008

My Thailand map covers a large area and is in 3:4 scale.....which is almost as good as full...and a lot better than half scale......
best to decide the most important areas and make those...instead of covering the whole island group...just for the sake of it looking nice

- Fay King - 03.06.2008

FA_Cheech Wrote:Sorry I did not get back to you sooner but, frankly, I was not really sure how to respond. I can't speak for the rest of Team Pacific, but here's my own personal thoughts:

- The Slot was an enormous amount of work, and I'm not really sure I personally want to tackle another project of that magnitude.
- After its release, the response from the community has been a bit "underwhelming". The Slot has been on the street for about three weeks, and we have had very, very little feedback - good or bad. I'm actually not sure how to read that, especially after the amount of interest that was shown during its construction. It could be the fact that the summer months usually see a downturn in IL2 participation, it might just be the fact that the PTO just doesn't generate enough interest to make it a worthwhile endeavor, it could be a reluctance to use a map that is a 4.09b1m only release, or they just hate it and don't want to hurt our feelings (not likely, as the IL2 community is generally a highly critical lot) Wink
- Am a bit hesitant about the 1:3 scale. Most of the guys who have provided feedback seem to indicate they only want 1:1 solutions. I personally think a good map is a good map, no matter what the scale, but I think "the jury is still out" on that one.
- We have not received a great deal of votes on choosing our next project, but the majority of those who did vote wanted to see a New Guinea/Rabaul map. If that's in fact the case for the community as a whole, then doing the Phillipines may not be the right answer.

I do not wish to hijack your thread, but seeing as you mentioned it, I did want to respond to your original request for Team Pacific to take on this map. I think these things need to be discussed, but we can move it to seperate venue - your call. 8)


Please, by all means dont let you or the rest of the Pacific team kid yourselves..The Slot is magnificent!!! A true masterpiece. I have built many missions for it already and have many more planned for the future. Your work is very appreciated by not only me, but my squad, and many others here at AAA. I beg Team Pacific not give up, your work is a treasure to us. You all have raised the bar tremendously. You have given us what was once said impossible. You all have put much work and effort into The Slot....take break....regroup....but by all means...please dont quit.

Like you summertime..people are outside and not simming as often. You must also consider that people are busy using the map. I for one am busy using it. Like the movie "Field of Dreams"........"If you build it...they will come!"

Thank you for a wonderful map. Smile

- delvpier - 04.06.2008

About scale of maps :

vol_ItalyAfricaGreece is 1536 x 1280 (map_T), for this Philippines map 1/3 scale, it is 3000 x 3096, which is 600km x 620km...

It takes about 2 hours to flight from south of Mindanao to north of Luzon...

Don't you think it enough to have a lot of fun ? :roll: