What's the correct way to employ CS? - Printable Version

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What's the correct way to employ CS? - Acajoun - 31.07.2008

I've downloaded the CS tool and I'm trying to get it working, but nope!
The indications I've found in this forum are:

"Say, you want to change your map layout in some area... Just define that area by upper left and lower right corner coordinates.
Then you extract that actors.static and get a number of out*.txt files.
Run the program and input the coordinates. The program will create number of files:

outBuildings_1.txt and outBuildings_2.txt,
outChiefs_1.txt and outChiefs_2.txt,
outChiefsRoad_1.txt and outChiefsRoad_2.txt,"

The concept that the area we want to edit must be definited by coordinates into the CS program is quite easy to grasp, but what I cannot understand is how to arrange for binding that cordinates to a choosen map (f.e.: if I want modify the Palau map and I run the CS program, i can imput some coordinates, but I cannot imput the name of the map I want change...). As many other times I ask if someone can explain this difficult point. Anybody can say if there is (and where...) more detailed and less criptic instructions for a dodo?
Thank You for help!!!

- lowfighter - 31.07.2008

Acajoun, each map has it's own actors.static file. If you run "extract" on such an actors.static file you'll have as output a series of outfiles for example "outBuildings.txt". If you look at such a file you see something like:

397_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 135025.11 148489.23 330.00
398_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 135037.72 148462.66 330.00
399_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 135062.50 148457.25 60.00
400_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 135075.56 148481.12 -0.00
401_bld House$RussiaClutterMoscow4 1 135077.67 148422.75 -0.00
402_bld House$RussiaClutterMoscow4 1 135009.95 148471.23 -0.00
403_bld House$AirdromeHangarT1S1 1 134335.50 148703.76 260.00
404_bld House$IndustrialFactoryWarenHouse1 1 134381.75 148767.12 315.00
405_bld House$IndustrialFactoryWarenHouse1 1 134393.81 148742.98 315.00
406_bld House$IndustrialFactoryWarenHouse1 1 134306.84 148760.58 270.00
407_bld House$IndustrialFactoryHouse1 1 134302.73 148683.66 319.99

For example in

406_bld House$IndustrialFactoryWarenHouse1 1 134306.84 148760.58 270.00

the numbers 134306.84 and 148760.58 defines the x and y coordinates of object "IndustrialFactoryWarenHouse1"

So now when you take such a "outBuildings.txt" file and place it in the CS program folder then run CS the program will take each of the lines in outBuildings and compare the coordinates with the "box" coordinates which you input in CS. If the coordinates are inside the "box" defined in CS then that line is output in outBuildings1.txt. If the coordinates are outside the CS "box" then that line is output in outBuildings2.txt.

Then using outBuildings1 or outBuildings2 you can run actor tools "create" to get a new actor.static which has objects only inside the CS box area (outBuildings1) or outside that area. Say a map is 100000 (x)by 200000 (y)Km.
The original actors static are spread over these space. If you run CS with the box defined by

x1=0,Y1=0 (first corner)
X2=10000, Y2=100000 (second corner)
outbuildins1 will contain the objects present in the lower half of the map and outbuildings2 tthe objects contained in the upper half of the map...

Hm, not very clear to me your question itself but hope it helps.

- Acajoun - 31.07.2008

Thank you, Lowfighter for your answer. It has been very useful, at least to understand some aspects of the work of CS. Unfortunately, I couldn't be clearer in my question for two (helas! strong) reasons: the first, because it is very difficult to make the correct questions about a matter we don't know enough; the second, because here on AAA I try to write in a language that I don't know well. :oops:
Well, you have told me that i should run "extract" on the choosen actors.static file. But I have no idea about how to do that: I've tried to right click on a such a file, but all that I 've obtained is the choice for opening ("OPEN", not "EXTRACT") the file by three ways 1) by winRAR archive 2) by actors_CS 3) by Notepad (and as a result for trying the first way is an "error" message", whilst the third gives a totally blurred text...). Something still excapes me... maybe should i extract the file by a suitable program? :?:
Thank you again, neverthless, for your help!

- lowfighter - 31.07.2008

Please download the map tools (first link in map tools download thread). Extract to a folder and read carefully the readme (about "extract" and "compose" commands and what this tool is doing). Try to use it with any actors static file to extract the text files from the actors.static and then to compose an actors.static from text files. Maybe more tomorrow...anyway it's the mos
Good luck!

- Acajoun - 01.08.2008

Dear Lowfighter, I've read as carefully as I could the readme of 0.93 but I'm still here to ask for your imput. I've seen there are two commands that can be passed to 0.93, 1) java -jar Act.jar extract 2) java jar Act.jar create . How, and where exactly(into the file Act.jar, executable file?), to pass such a commands? I'ts from this morning h.6 o'clock i'm trying to do it....
Forgive me if I profit too much of your courtesy.

- lowfighter - 01.08.2008

Hi Acajoun,
let's say you extracted act.jar and all other files in a certain directory lets say "C:actorstest". Next: place in the same directory any existent actors static file . Say that actors.static file is called actors1234.static or whatever name.
Go to programs> accesories and start the "command prompt" program. Navigate to the directory "C:actorstest". Navigation is done with the commands "cd .."
which moves you towards the root C and with "cd directory_name". For example in our case do repeatedly "cd .." till you are in the root "C:" then do "cd actorstest" and you'll be in your actors directory. Once you are there give command:
java -jar Act.jar extract actors1234.static
Similar steps when running the create, anyway hope it helps and don't hesitate to post if you have problems.
One important file which has to be present besides the actors.static is MapSize.txt,
see readme.txt

There's another way of executing the "extract" and create commands, using .bat files maybe next time about it...

- asheshouse - 01.08.2008

As Lowfighter has explained, it is necessary to use Actors Tools (Act.jar) and Actors_CS.exe together.

Actors Tools is best used with batch files.
Make two batch files using a text editor.

Extract.bat --- needs the following text in the text file.

@echo off
java -jar Act.jar extract actors.static

Create.bat --- needs the following text in the text fie

@echo off
java -Xmx1024M -jar Act.jar create

You also need a file called mapsize.txt which contains the text

# Size of map y direction in meters

Change the number to suit the y dimension of your map, in metres.

If your actors.static is named differently change the reference in extract.bat

Click on extract.bat to extract all of your out*.txt files

the out*.txt files are what is used in Actors_CS.exe

Follow the instructions provided.

When using create.bat ensure that the in*.txt files don't have any blank lines at the end.
This can make create.bat fail.

- lowfighter - 01.08.2008

Good you popped in Ashe, forgot about the blank lines in the "in" files Big Grin

- fabianfred - 01.08.2008

Cracking the actors static file and using the autopop has always been beyond me .... maybe there is enough info in this thread to finally help me understand it too 8)

Thank You very much! - Acajoun - 02.08.2008

Many thanks, guys, Tongue
for your lessons. Now I'm going to print them all and afterward I'll go immediatly to test them. I hope I'll can give You some notice of succes in employing them tomorrow or few days after tomorrow. Thank You again!

A last effort - Acajoun - 03.08.2008

Hello, boys,
I think I'm very close to success, but remains a last obstacle to overcome. I've installed in C:\Documents and settings\owner> the tool "map_FMB_tools" (leaving the default name to the destination folder). Then, employing the command "cd map_FBM_tools" from programs>accesories>command prompt i managed to navigate to "map_FMB_tools. Into map_FMB_tools i had previously copied an actors.static file. At this point I've given the command "java -jar Act.jar extract and... I 've received for every attempt I've made the message "Unable to access jarfile Act.jar"! :x . What I'doing wrong now?
NB: I've considered what asheshouse suggests about employing batch files. Following instructions found on the net i've managed to create the batch files with Notepad but in this case the problem is how to put them after C:\Documents and settings\owner\map_FMB_tools>... I'ld prefer a soution (if that is possible) without batch files because I am an informatic rookie.
Thank You for Your patience and You collaboration

- lowfighter - 03.08.2008

Hi Acajoun,
So you downloaded a file called "map_FMB_tools.rar"
If you open it with winzip or winrar it contains a folder "map_FMB_tools". If you doubleclick on "map_FMB_tools" you see that it contains 2 zip files namely and Now doubleclick on You see it contains 3 files: Act.jar, mapsize.txt and readme.txt. select all these 3 files and drag them to the folder you want to use the actor tool, I suggest something like this
C:\Documents and settings\owner\ACTORS_TOOL\
So once the 3 files are inside the
C:\Documents and settings\owner\ACTORS_TOOL\
and you placed your actors.static there too, you can run the "extract" command.
Please read carefully the readme.txt too and don't forget to use the correct Mapsize number, as Asheshouse already told you.
The actor tool is just the file Act.jar. It uses the Mapsize.txt.
To get the correct mapsize number there are several ways. For most land maps, go into FMB, and place an object as much to the north as possible. Save mission. Open mission with notepad and you'll see a line like

0_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 20000.11 250000.23 330.00

The number 250000 is the number to be in mapsize.txt.

There's another method, but about that later...
Good luck..

- Acajoun - 04.08.2008

So, I've finally managed to create the out.txt files! I've put the actors.static file into the ACTORS_TOOL folder (where is Act.jar) and i've input the command "java -jar Act.jar extract actors.static". All has gone well Big Grin. I've exported the out.text files to the actors_CS folder. Then i've inserted in "Cut files" frame of CS the coordinates previously taken from the map loadet on FMB and finally I've clicked on the command "Cut files". I've obtained
outBuildings_1.txt outBuildings_2.txt
outChiefs_1.txt outChiefs_2.txt
outChiefsRoad_1 outChiefsRoad_2.txt
As fly_zo suggests in TOOLS FOR MAP BUILFING - DOWNLOAD! I've put the *_1.txt files into the ACTORS_TOOL folder in order to have a new, smaller actors.static file for working on FMB. and i've imput the command "java -jar Act.jar create". Helas! This time all i've obtained has been the message
Actors Static Lite v.O.93
converting bridge file
Cry What is still lacking? :?: :?: :?: [/quote]

- lowfighter - 04.08.2008

Acajoun, the correct names for the files which "create" uses are "in..." so you have to rename all the necesary files from "out..." to "in..." (it's writen in the readme.txt too)
Hehe, you're pretty close :wink:

- Acajoun - 05.08.2008

Hurra!!! Big Grin At last I've created my first MWactors.static file! Thank You a lot lowfighter, I wouldn't have ever managed to do that without Your help!!! But wait! I've put the MWactors file into MODS>MAPMODS>maps>xmap. I've activate FMB by the necessary modified versions of conf and bldconf files, then I've load the map, ready to modify it. At this point I've discovered that the loaded map is not a smaller part of the original one but it preserves the original size: the only thing that has changed is that it has lost all the original objects (houses,airstrips etc.). I' ve tried neverthless to add some new object, but every time I zoom the map with the left slider for putting this object in the right place the only element of the map that remains visible is the grid. All the screen background gets black, with the ecception of a whithe square in the centre. At this point I can well add objects but i cannot see exactly where... Is it so that it works? :?: Thanks again!!!