For Howlin Mad: "Pik As" F2 - Guest - 14.09.2008
- Shooter - 14.09.2008
Hey Hey...You're back with a vengance, hope the Gulag wa to your liking
I dont care what anyone says BF109s have a certain look about them, they even look good when you smoke them
- Guest - 15.09.2008
Thanks, M8 :!:
- Guest - 15.09.2008
Hi, Howlin :!:
Thanks, M8 :!: :wink:
- ALOTEF - 16.09.2008
I remember flying the ME109 in CFS3. Boy, what a beast. Ultra engine torque doesn't help when you take off. :wink: Sometimes the thing lifts off the ground, dangles in the air for a second, stalls, and has a meeting with MR ground. Usually upside-down.
Awesome looking screen, FATBOY. Hope to see more. MORE YELLO-NOSED MESS'S!
- Guest - 16.09.2008
Thanks, M8 :!:
CFS3 has always been a totallly different ball game. Personally, I prefer the flight models in the IL2 series. :wink:
I'll see if I can come up with some more yellow nosed one's for 'ya, M8 :!:
- Guest - 16.09.2008
Oh, sorry, Howlin! Amost missed your post :!: :oops:
If you and Badger send me your personal skins I'll make some shots of the two of you flying together :wink:
- ALOTEF - 17.09.2008
Fat Boy Wrote:Thanks, M8 :!:
CFS3 has always been a totallly different ball game. Personally, I prefer the flight models in the IL2 series. :wink:
I'll see if I can come up with some more yellow nosed one's for 'ya, M8 :!:
Weee! Thanks alot. Yea, CFS always was different....IL2 seems more...realistic. But its a pitty there aren't any flight sims that accuratley model the ME109's torque on take-off. That'd be cool!
Pilot: OK, Here ve go, ya? Cabbage section, begin take-off!
Ground control: Go easy on zat throttle, herre oberlautennant.
Pilot: Ja Ja, dumkopff....ACH HIMMEL! (SMASH!)
Ground control: Help! Our oberlautenent has flipped!
Now that would be one good sim. :wink:
- 4./Kg53_Wipe0ut - 17.09.2008
There ya go.
Howlin (White 6) and Badger (White 5)
In default skins in a full real server.
Taken from a recorded track
- Guest - 17.09.2008
Ah ha! So them's the culprits, WipeOut :!:
Where's your ride, WipeOut :?:
- 4./Kg53_Wipe0ut - 18.09.2008
I've kinda been promoted to the 2nd position in my flight, so I don't have a skin presently with the correct markings (Used to be A1-CM, then moved back to A1-DM, a week later moved up to A1-BM due to one member leaving us.) So it's a bit confusing... :roll:
Anyway, here's the A1-CM skin I used to fly:
And howlin, that screenshot is from the previous phase of the campaign actually
- Guest - 18.09.2008
Muhuhahahahahehehehehe! Wicked load you're dropping there, WipeOut :!: :twisted:
Nice screenies you've posted, M8! How about posting some in this forum on a regular basis :?:
Yes, that's an invitation :!: :wink:
- 4./Kg53_Wipe0ut - 18.09.2008
Ooooh an invitation!
thanks m8, I will do so from time to time
- Guest - 18.09.2008
C'mon, now. You must have a ton of images on the old hard drive already :!: :wink:
- Guest - 18.09.2008
Cool! Surprise me :!:
Any way you can get 'em up will work. Well, that's what Mary Jane Stinkowitz used to tell us boys anyway :twisted: :wink: