[WIP] NTL_Darwin_Small V1.1 + Custom Objects - Printable Version

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[WIP] NTL_Darwin_Small V1.1 + Custom Objects - Neil Lowe - 22.04.2009


Started work on creating some custom objects for the map. Very basic texture and dodgy mapping ATM, but I think it's an ok start Wink

[Image: Tower.jpg]

Cheers, Neil Smile

- Stonehouse - 22.04.2009

That looks good. One of the things I noticed when I was building my DCG campaign is how a lot of the static objects aren't quite right for the Darwin map. eg not many of the european buildings look right and the sort of tropical island ones were too tropical islandish Wink to use.

Looking forward to it.


- rollnloop - 22.04.2009

Quote:Looking forward to it

Me too Smile

- MrOblongo - 22.04.2009

Looking nice, new objects are always welcomed Big Grin

- folgore83 - 23.04.2009

Very nice Tongue , thx so much !

- Neil Lowe - 26.04.2009

Thanx guys,

Did some more work on the water tower, looks much better. (should have grabbed a new pic, oh well :oops: )

Here's a house based on pics of Darwin housing in the 40's from the National Archives. Basic tex again but will get better Wink

P.s added pic of Tower

Cheers, Neil Smile

[Image: House1.jpg]

[Image: Tower2.jpg]

- JAMF - 26.04.2009

Looking good!

- Boris The Spider - 30.04.2009

Is this just new objects are a new map + objects?

If map + objects will this just overwrite the existing Darwin map or will it require a removal of the current map?

- Neil Lowe - 30.04.2009

Hiya Boris,

This is a thread for the upcoming update for Darwin v1.0. This update will correct the few issues that were picked up after the release of the map. It also has been adjusted for the ease of use by campaign and mission builders. It will not require the removal of the old map but will replace it with V1.1.

Its also somewhere where I'll put pics of new objects and stuff that I'm working on. These will not be included in the update at this time.

Objects being worked on at the moment include:

New jetty objects.
Bank of New South Wales building.
The 'don Hotel.
Darwin Post Office. (need a pic pre-bomb damage)
New hangars specific to the airfields included.
Generic buildings specific to the Darwin area.
Better East Point battery.
A very specific city texture, better representing the layout of Darwin at the time.

Plus more....

Cheers, Neil Smile

- Toasted_Toad - 01.05.2009

G'day Neil,

Look foward to this one as Darwin is one of my favorite maps.


The Toasted One.

- Neil Lowe - 01.05.2009

Thanx Toad, glad you're enjoying it Wink

New Jetty pieces :lol:

Cheers, Neil Smile

[Image: Jetty1.jpg]

- Boris The Spider - 01.05.2009

I love the current map so getting an improved version will be wonderful.

Re: New Jetty Pieces....OOOOO! AHHHH!
Along with the other teaser's I'm drooling all over myself.
I can't wait.

(but i guess i'll have to eh?)

Thanks for your hard work Neil.

- canonuk - 01.05.2009

Those look excellent, especially the jetty objects Smile

- ex_RAAF_Elecfitter - 01.05.2009

bloody brilliant mate!

- steeldelete - 02.05.2009

Yes wow, looking good!