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Re: Bridge Building Solved - Rammjäger - 21.04.2008

asheshouse Wrote:The solution was in this thread all the time --- on page 5

You need to set more Hot-Key options in conf.ini

I have used these entries

Shift NumPad-4=bridgeLeft
Shift NumPad-6=bridgeRight
Shift NumPad-8=bridgeOffset+
Shift NumPad-2=bridgeOffset-

bridgeLeft - rotates anticlockwise
bridgeRight - rotates clockwise
Offset moves the bridge along the axis of the route, but only up to half a pixel each way.

In addition Home and End rotates through the list of bridge options
Page Up/Down increases or reduces the number of spans

When you insert a bridge the left end is positioned on the nearest pixel centre so you need to make sure the cursor is over the correct grid intersect. Cant see any way to move the insertion point other than delete and re-insert.

Minimum bridge size is 3 pixels, 600m, comprising 200m of bridge with 200m of road each side. The bridge can be offset from the centre using the hotkeys listed above. The bridge must be located on ground at zero level otherwise the road sections on each side will be below ground.

I did try to simulate a tunnel by placing a long bridge and raising the ground in the central section to cover the bridge. Next time the file was opened in FMB the ground had been lowered automatically. Also tried running roads under rail bridges. FMB wont accept this either.

These Hot-Key commands are obviously vital. It would be a good idea to standardise the setup.
The Shift NumPad setup I have used may clash with existing setups that others are using.

Thanks, this works like a charm, BUT I have some problems still:

I created a bridge in Rotterdam (BoB map), but the next time I load the map, I get a message "Standby, loading landscape: ". This message doesn't disappear, but I can close it and go on editing. However, when I want to build a mission in the normal game, IL2/FMB crashes when it loads the map. When I remove the bridges, all is well again.
Also, it seems as if multiple instances of the bridges are created everytime I open FMB???? I once had to remove over 10 bridges at the exact same spot??

[Image: Rotterdam_preview.jpg]

Re: Bridge Building Solved - fabianfred - 21.04.2008

asheshouse Wrote:Also tried running roads under rail bridges. FMB wont accept this either.

have you tried running the road up to the bridge.....a blank section under it...then carrying on after the bridge...will the vehicle waypoints just carry on across the gap and they go under the bridge?

- asheshouse - 22.04.2008

Nice shot of Rotterdam. The detail that's going into the dock layout looks really good.

A comment on the bridges.

Don't understand the multiple bridge problem. I've never come across that, unless I've inadvertently pressed Insert too many times.

The rail bridge on the image is shown on 1940's photos extending north as an elevated viaduct right into the city centre.

- Rammjäger - 22.04.2008


I'll look at the photos and see if I can extend that bridge. The preview is work in progress; however you can see Waalhaven airfield already in the background.

What would be the normal procedure for building bridges and hooking them up to roads?

I can't set waypoints, because in the "normal" FMB I can't even load the map?! I normally swap my buildconf.ini (or whatever it's called, I'm not at home atm) to be able to edit everything in FMB, but I have to swap it back to the normal one in order to make actual missions in FMB (waypoints etc). is this the normal procedure, or is my setup not good to begin with?

- asheshouse - 05.05.2008

This will probably seem obvious to many, but it wasn't to me.

I'm beginning to work with quite large inBuilding.txt files so I need to break down the inBuilding.txt into areas that can be worked on separately in FMB Map Editor.
What I wanted to introduce was some comment/remark lines in the inBuilding.txt file to identify blocks of objects.
The normal system

/This is a comment
;This is a comment

causes an error when create.bat is run.

It seems however that its ok to add text at the end of any line. Just don't make it a new line


10_bld House$Tent_HQ_US 1 141095.25 85043.29 229.98 This is Sedan-Douzy Airfield
11_bld House$Tent_HQ_US 1 141099.48 85046.84 229.98
12_bld House$AirdromeHangar2 1 141029.06 85114.85 229.98
13_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 141013.70 85110.11 319.98
14_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 141013.32 85102.16 4.98
15_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 141018.38 85101.70 199.98
16_bld House$AirdromeHangar2 1 141060.19 85141.85 229.98
17_bld House$AirdromeHangar2 1 141093.19 85170.14 229.98


Rammjager -- sounds like your system is normal. Each bridge includes one section of road or rail at each end. If your road network runs up to the end of this section then you should be able to plot vehicle movements over the bridge. But of course you have to change into FMB Mission Editor mode to plot vehicle movements.