Re: Ice Eagle's Hanger -
Beowolff - 07.08.2013
Ice_Eagle Wrote:No other people made awesome 3d models. Gje52 amateurish 3d skills butchered them up to work in IL2. Now copy and paste this and quickly paste it over at SAS. Run little flammer run!
i'm getting about ready to copy and paste a few things from hotel, myself. and for dang sure HE ain't gonna like it when I do.
Re: Ice Eagle's Hanger -
Deutschmark - 07.08.2013
HotelAlpha200 Wrote:Don't worry at all Beo...
Quote:go fuck yourself you stupid pathetic troll
That's the truth!
You have had one go around already in this thread, go back some pages and see, for you SAS guys that think you can fly around the net and post what ever you like where ever you like, well in my house my patients is wearing thin and am a very patient person as most that really know me know, but am going to show you something...
It has your name in it, don't make me have to use that red button...
Re: Ice Eagle's Hanger - Ice_Eagle - 07.08.2013
Edited for inappropriate content. My appologies.
Hotel if you so desire, please decide whether you have the maturity to refrain from trolling and flame baiting.
What is your decision good Sir.
Re: Ice Eagle's Hanger - HotelAlpha200 - 07.08.2013
IDK< any suggestions?
Re: Ice Eagle's Hanger -
Deutschmark - 07.08.2013
Ice, calm down please, I know the whole story behind this but please be respectful even when you are not getting the respect, ok. :wink:
Re: Ice Eagle's Hanger -
Deutschmark - 07.08.2013
HotelAlpha200 Wrote:IDK< any suggestions?
Is that what I think you meant? if so then its IDC = I Don't Care...
If not then please say what IDK is.
Re: Ice Eagle's Hanger - HotelAlpha200 - 07.08.2013
I don't know, Deutsch
Re: Ice Eagle's Hanger -
Deutschmark - 07.08.2013
ok you got me at that one...
Now what is it that you don't know? maybe we can enlighten you :wink:
Re: Ice Eagle's Hanger - Ice_Eagle - 07.08.2013
HotelAlpha200 Wrote:I don't know, Deutsch
Here's something. Just enjoy the mods provided from all 3 websites. No need to take sides or any of that BS. Come in, have fun, and download things that may interest you. I have a pretty awesome effects pack for 4.12 coming next month. Watch for it.
Now go copy and paste this yah bitch.. ha ha I kid, I kid.
Re: Ice Eagle's Hanger - HotelAlpha200 - 07.08.2013
Sounds nice Ice!
Re: Ice Eagle's Hanger -
Deutschmark - 07.08.2013
So are we smoking the peace pipe now? 8)
Re: Ice Eagle's Hanger -
bomberkiller - 07.08.2013
Hi Ice,
bitte, vergiss doch endlich SAS (so wie ich es getan habe)!
Nicht nur Dir wurde übel mitgespielt!!!
Hier bei uns im alten Köln gibt es einen tollen Spruch:
Nohkaate jilt nit! (Nachkarten gilt nicht).
Du hast stets wunderbare Arbeiten abgeliefert an denen es aber auch rein garnichts zu kritisieren gab!!!
Und, wenn ich alles richtig verstanden habe - das Recht ist voll auf Deiner Seite!!!
Du solltest es nicht nötig haben, dass Du Dich mit gewissen Herrschaften vom ~-Forum noch 'rumstreitest! Nichts wird dadurch für Dich besser!
Wenn Du nicht vergisst wirst Du nur krank - das möchte ich
Hast Du es nicht bemerkt? Egal was war, die andere Seite wird ihr Unrecht nicht zugeben!
Den Spruch "der klügere gibt nach" finde ich total bescheuert und meist falsch!
Aber hier in dieser Sache ist dieser Spruch ausnahmsweise einmal wahr und richtig!
Egal wie häufig man altes Essen wieder aufwärmt, es wird niemals besser schmecken.
Ich wünsche mir, dass es hier endlich wieder friedlich zugeht und...
dass ich von Dir in nächster Zeit wieder "Superklassearbeiten" downloaden darf.
Bitte entschuldige meine aufdringlich harte Meinungsäusserung aber,
ich muss mich äussern weil es immer tiefer unter die Gürtellinie geht!
@ Deutschmark:
Your post was well received! Soon I will have my "FW 190_Hier kommt Alex" video upload to YouTube. A "YouTube account" I have already created. Of course, I have the error on which you have drawn my attention fixed!
Again, thank you for your note!
Wbr to all my friends (to my old "~SAS"
friends surly too!)
Re: Ice Eagle's Hanger - Ice_Eagle - 07.08.2013
danke für die freundlichen Worte. Ich werde versuchen, nicht zu lassen, dass er mich so viel bekommen in der Zukunft.
Re: Ice Eagle's Hanger - HotelAlpha200 - 07.08.2013
Yes the peace pipe is being smoked!
Re: Ice Eagle's Hanger -
bomberkiller - 07.08.2013
@ Ice,
danke Dir dafür, dass Du mich
nicht falsch verstanden hast!
@ HotelAlpha,
I read so many still at SAS and yes, you're a great guy!
And please stay as you are! Your style is very refreshing.
I hope that we remain friends and all "IL-2-friends" good comrades!
All that having the simulation made to what it is now!
If one has a problem with another, you should not confront the other so that the whole (other) community! This is unfair and unsporting!
Please remember that our life is too short to spend too much time with any problems.
Life happens to be rock and roll ...
and our Rock'n'Roll will live a long time (I hope...)
Yes, you are all think right, I'm a Rocker!
I'm sorry for my not so good (old school-) english, please forgive me,