- FilMit - 19.12.2007
Perfectly, absolutely other kind and an atmosphere!!! AnD, you the good fellow, thanks!
- AnD - 19.12.2007
Glad you like it guys
Now find me a way to alter this settings, and saturation in game engine
Btw. there is sharpness slider on nvidia as well. I used to use it about few notches. The edges are more aliased, but textures more sharp, and in cocpit it is easier to read gauges as well.
- renmik - 23.12.2007
Yes, you are right AnD,
little changes in Sharp-Setting do increases the quality more.
You are a genius !!!
Many thx mate.
Merry X-Mas... and look out in Sky, Santa is flying a Red-Painted Me 262 ... and fires presents.
Please don't shoot him. :lol: :lol:
- BH_Blue - 23.12.2007
brilliant water
- AnD - 21.01.2008
Hi guys after short brake
I put together my new computer with ati card, and now I have problem... I can't edit curves with anything but sliders :/
It bugs me as hell couse I worked out new version of my curves
dunno if they are better... I edited a lot of screenshots to catch the best version... and now I can't copy it to monitor curve... damn... I have smartshader option, but it doesn't seem to work as well under games. Damn ati :x
Still don't have my copy of game, so must edit screens founded in the Internet.
few exaples of new curves:
all pics founded in this topic:
(The link is inoperative)
and one from "Slot" map.
- casso - 14.04.2008
I found these files: sRGB.pf, GRAY.pf, CIEXYZ.pf, LINEAR_RGB.pf in IL2 directory. Could these files be linked with colours that are rendered by engine of IL2? If we could edit them we will get more realistic and lifeful colours in game.
These files are located in *\lib\cmm\ folder. They are propably used as Java script files. So, does anybody know how to make them editable? Change values etc.
- SVHAK - 14.04.2008
Hi m8 :wink:
first of all i like your shots & techniques.
secondly, may i ask you, if you don't mind why you don't have a copy of the game? i mean don't you have anything at all forgotten battles, p/fighters??
because i have some spare stuff & if your totally skint...... :wink: