The random tree mistery - Printable Version

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- Martin98 - 09.01.2008

[Image: music_whistling.gif]

the exactly maner of make is open the sfs file, take a texture who exist (or create your own), add to his name the feilds_
example: feilds_midland.tga
take this texture, and place in your folder map/tex_ and his name in the filelist.txt

and you can use it in your load.ini

- Neil Lowe - 10.01.2008

Good stuff - well done, thx Smile

Cheers, Neil Smile

- lowfighter - 10.01.2008

Hey thanks, I'll try this!!!
Although mistery still remains: on Murmansk summer there's the texture fields_midland_ian with practically no trees. On vpmedia's Balaton the SAME texture fields_midland_ian.tga and with a lot of trees. :?

- lowfighter - 12.01.2008

I tried it with no luck.
Cry Cry Cry
Took the midland.tga texture from archive placed it in files/maps/_tex/land/summer, renamed it as fields_midland.tga, added to filelist, checked with new guinea setting lowland0=fields_midland.tga. No luck
Please if you have this trick working with some summer specific texture, please post which texture is that!

- spud - 18.01.2008

I wish we knew how to turn the damn clutter trees off in certain areas. How the heck can you place airfields properly with trees in the middle of them. Argh.

- 6S.Maraz - 18.01.2008

spud Wrote:I wish we knew how to turn the damn clutter trees off in certain areas. How the heck can you place airfields properly with trees in the middle of them. Argh.

Just a thought: maybe it depends how some textures are used. Maybe if you use a texture as "Airfield0, Airfield1,..." it will have no trees, but if you use it as "Lowland0, ..." or "Country0,..." it will have trees.

Just a guess, with the video card I now have I cannot see any trees, so cannot check that Sad


- Martin98 - 18.01.2008

lowfighter Wrote:I tried it with no luck.
Cry Cry Cry
Took the midland.tga texture from archive placed it in files/maps/_tex/land/summer, renamed it as fields_midland.tga, added to filelist, checked with new guinea setting lowland0=fields_midland.tga. No luck
Please if you have this trick working with some summer specific texture, please post which texture is that!
youps, i have not see that before

What's going on? It does not work? Trees appear? The map do not charge?

I tried it with several texture (even with texture makes of all pieces) and it works. And no need to put in a specific folder. Even in the folder WATER it works. And it works very well with the Wrapper.dll

i have tried with lowland, and that work. no tree. Maybe you have make a error?

normal that don't work!

its suposed of be

look the

- spud - 18.01.2008

seems to work, it's just that you have to exit, move your tile changes in, then reload. It doesn't eliminate clutter trees on the fly is all!


- ClockWatcher - 18.01.2008

I have noticed that when I am on the Enhanced FMB trees do appear on the runways even when the place is covered in airfield textures, yet when I fly missions set up in the normal FMB, no trees in these areas?


- spud - 18.01.2008

hat would suck since I am moving runways around to avoid the damn trees, lol.

- Skunkmeister - 18.01.2008

spud Wrote:hat would suck since I am moving runways around to avoid the damn trees, lol.

Dont. Place them where you need them. Once you place all the AI waypoints for the airfields the trees disappear in regular FMB.

- ClockWatcher - 18.01.2008

I am wondering if IL2 renders the scene in the Enhanced FMB slightly differently, because even from a cold start for IL2 same issues when in enhanced mode. But change to normal FMB, no trees on the airfield!

Confusion reigns.

Then again, could be the long nights, too long in front of the monitor and too much Laphroaig!


- spud - 18.01.2008

Wow, wish I knew that earlier today, lol.

- lowfighter - 19.01.2008

Martin, thanks again but I can't make it work. I also don't understand why should it be "Tex_" instead of "_Tex". When you extract from sfs the folder containing textures is caled "_Tex". If I called my folder "Tex_" as you suggest I get error trying to load the map. So in detail: I took the texture "lowland_1.tga" and placed it in "files/maps/Tex_/land/summer". Renamed it fields_lowland_1.tga. Added to filelist "/maps/Tex_/land/summer/fields_lowland_1.tga".
Added to load ini: lowland0= land/summer/fields_lowland_1.tga. But I get error when trying to open the map.
I don't use the new wrapper yet.

Martin98 Wrote:[quote="lowfighter"]I tried it with no luck.
Cry Cry Cry
Took the midland.tga texture from archive placed it in files/maps/_tex/land/summer, renamed it as fields_midland.tga, added to filelist, checked with new guinea setting lowland0=fields_midland.tga. No luck
Please if you have this trick working with some summer specific texture, please post which texture is that!
youps, i have not see that before

What's going on? It does not work? Trees appear? The map do not charge?

I tried it with several texture (even with texture makes of all pieces) and it works. And no need to put in a specific folder. Even in the folder WATER it works. And it works very well with the Wrapper.dll

i have tried with lowland, and that work. no tree. Maybe you have make a error?

normal that don't work!

its suposed of be

look the

- Neil Lowe - 19.01.2008

Quote:So in detail: I took the texture "lowland_1.tga" and placed it in "files/maps/Tex_/land/summer". Renamed it fields_lowland_1.tga. Added to filelist "/maps/Tex_/land/summer/fields_lowland_1.tga".
Added to load ini: lowland0= land/summer/fields_lowland_1.tga. But I get error when trying to open the map.
I don't use the new wrapper yet.

You need a texture called "fields_lowland_1.tree.tga" in your files\maps\_Tex\land\summer folder. Also an entry in your filelist.txt for it. No need for a Filelist.txt entry for the base tex if it's an original game tex.

There is no "Tex_" folder in the games folder structure that I can see. Although some of the combinations have the texture name before the _fields part of the filename. eg. texname_fields.tree.tga (load.ini entry: texname_fields.tga)

Cheers, Neil Smile