Falklands/Malvinas WIP - Printable Version

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- RealDarko - 01.02.2008

I reduced it to 1:3 the final map so it will be more or less 225 km
I edited and prepared the two maps

Hope they're are ok. I'm at work now so not tried yet
Can you please check for me?

- asheshouse - 01.02.2008

Port Stanley Harbour
[Image: Untitled-1.jpg]

This is very rough and there is some mismatch between map_c and map_h but I just went through the exercise to remind me of the steps.

One vital bit of info you were not told. The MWmap_c.tga image size must be in multiples of 32

So I have sized your map_c to 4480x4992 and map_h to 1120x1248 and saved them as 16bit *.tga files. Your map_c file name must be MWmap_c.tga

I set up a folder in maps called Falklands (you might want to use another name)
In all.ini add a line Falklands Falklands/load.ini --- or Malvinas Malvinas/load.ini

Copy contents of map Online9a (or Empty1a) into the Falklands folder but dont copy map_c.tga, map_c.tga_table, or map_h.tga

Resize images map_f.tga and map_T.tga to 1120x1248, to match map_h.tga

Paint all of map_T to RGB 28 (water) --- this gets more complicated later.

Open actors.static in text editor and delete all contents and save.
Do the same with labels.txt and texts.txt

Open MWmap_c resize to 2240x2496 and save as ed_m01.tga (overwriting existing file)
Resize same image to 1120x1248 and save as ed_m02.tga (overwriting existing file)

Paste Map_c tools into the Falklands folder
Run disect

Two new files are created

Rename NewMWmap_c.tga to map_c.tga
Rename MWmap_c.tga_table to map_c.tga_table

Fire up IL-2 and open Falklans in FMB
You have green sea in the distance because of map_F -- dont worry about it at the moment.

--- For some reason I've ended up with sea textures on the land areas -- not sure why -- maybe someone will spot my mistake?

- RealDarko - 01.02.2008

Possible to share all your work? That will avoid me a lot of headaches! I will be out until sunday, then will start the texture work!!
Thank's a lot Asheshouse!! Do you want a JAMON??

P.S. My mail capitanstratos at yahoo dot es

- asheshouse - 01.02.2008

I thought you wanted to learn how to do it?

You will need to know how to adjust your map_h and map_c when you refine the detail in key areas.
The best way to learn is to put these together yourself.

--Oh! and I sorted the problem with the sea texture on the land. Your MWmap_c.tga had thin strips of white pixels along the bottom edge and lower left side. These must have been confusing the disect.bat routine. When I edited them out the image disected ok. -- So here is Port Stanley with the key high grounds visible in the southwest.

In this image the dark black areas will need more land texture applied and the southern coast of the sound is set too far back. Bring the coastline slightly forward onto the flat area to stop the sea running up the slope. I edited the map_F to get rid of the green in the distance by pasting in the outline of the sea from ed_mo2.tga and painting the sea part grey.

What does "Jamon" mean? --- Do I want a slice of the action? --- Sorry no. Too busy with other projects, but happy to help out occasionally.

Over to you RealDarko. I look forward to seeing some good images.

[Image: Untitled-1-2.jpg]

- Metatron - 01.02.2008

If this is released, I'd go completely crazy and skin world war two aircraft as Falklands war aircraft. Big Grin

- Baco1170 - 01.02.2008

WOW! thsi is going FAST!

I geuss we might give a new meaning to the Battle fo the South Atlantic jejeje.

Asheshouse I sure am intreseted in learning con you show me the ropes?
where do I start reading? I tryed folowing the posts here But I got a bit lost..

Jamon means JAM, Spain is famouse for its raw Jam. Its like Procciutto but with longer time of stationing, witch makes it tastier and with a stronguer scent.

I would say Yes Asheshouse, you will not regret it.

- Baco1170 - 01.02.2008

Resources: images: ... tpmv01.htm ... tpmv02.htm ... tpmv03.htm ... tpmv04.htm ... tpmv06.htm ... tpmv13.htm ... tpmv14.htm ... tpmv10.htm ... tpmv07.htm ... tpmv09.htm

As you can see, theres not much snow, and yes a yelowish green gras. Not many trees, and one thing that strikes everybody is how blue the water is. its not like teh greish North Atlantic, but more a kin with the Pacific Blue.

- RealDarko - 03.02.2008

Got the files and the map load on FMB, can't play missions over it. I design a mission and when I hit play, nothing happens. Strange no?
About the shorelines I have some problems. When the area near the coast is hilly, Is strange; from far all looks great, but near, you can see the SHORE is not at 0 meters so you can see the inside of the land. How can I solve that?
Exist any tutorial for texture modification?? Can't found one

- asheshouse - 03.02.2008

Corsairs at Port Stanley

I had a similar problem getting missions to start when I was starting with my map. At the moment your map has no scenery objects. The game engine doesn't like this and refuses to save. --- Sorry I forgot to mention this.

You need to add two or three bridges and some buildings. It will then work ok. I will send you the actors.static I have created, which you should put into your map folder.

To avoid the transparent areas on the coasts you need to ensure that all of the land area is at zero height. To do this either edit map_h to move the black area further inland, or move the coast line forward by editing MWmap_c --- whatever you think is best.

Have you got the map editing tools from Fly_zo so that you can edit map in FMB? If not PM him.
In FMB-Map Editor in the menu options you use Tiles to set the textures to various categories. Lowland0, Lowland 1 etc. The textures corresponding to these are detailed in the load.ini text file under [FIELDS]

When you designate a texture category to an area it will appear on Map_T as a pixel with a specific RGB value -- More later. I think your first task is to sort out the black areas by applying land textures. Lowland0 will be fine to get started. Then you need to get the coastline all reduced down to height zero. This will take you some time to do.

[Image: Untitled-2.jpg]

- RealDarko - 03.02.2008

Is possible to use the tool "blur" on the coastline to have sealevel shores? Then I can replace the textures with better ones.

1.Can I raise a area?

2.Where are my planes and objects now in the FMB? They are not here

3-Where are some of the textures? I want to use Burma scrub as the Falklands long grass

- spud - 03.02.2008

you need to set one of the textures in load.ini to the burma scrub.


- RealDarko - 03.02.2008

I used Blur over map_h to get a better representation of the islands heights. Now is time to add the textures and the objects on the islands and the continent. Need to know how can I add textures so I can use them and how I can save the map once is edited. I unlocked the FMB so I can now change textures and add objects. But when I try to save, it says that is not possible cause it can't found the path

- Neil Lowe - 03.02.2008

Create a "IL2dir/maps/yourmapname" folder and it will save ok. This is where the unlocked FMB saves it's new files to. Transfer these saved files to your new map mod folder to see the saved changes when you re-open your map to edit again.

Hope this helps,

Cheers, Neil Smile

- fly_zo - 03.02.2008

RealDarko Wrote:Got the files and the map load on FMB, can't play missions over it. I design a mission and when I hit play, nothing happens. Strange no?

you can not make missions in unlocked FMB ..... revert to original FMB for missions

make backup of unlocked bldconf.ini and default bldconf.ini and just switch them as needed



- RealDarko - 04.02.2008

Thank's!! Things are going well! One question, well two.

-Currently all my map textures are the default green grass. I know I can change the textures on FMB, but is not possible to convert the green grass into the "Burma Scrub" texture? I want it to be the base of my map and use FMB to change the whole textures can be time consuming

-How can I add new textures to use it? For example how can I add the "Burma Scrub" texture? So is selectable into FMB?

-I can add roads in FMB, as there are very few roads on my map, will be the better way right?