Central, and Southern Burma Map? - Printable Version

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- fly_zo - 15.02.2008

Dixiecapt Wrote:yeah I have been looking into it, but I'm keeping priority in the Campaigns that I have about a weeks worth of work left on.

One thing i got snagged on is, well two things I got snagged on were... How to get the black and white outline map, I understand a Photoshop like program is used but I've been stumped on that.

The other thing are the Map_ files, like Map_c and stuff like that...

I'm sure i simply over looked it though if its in one of the many tutorials.

I would Indeed like to shift from Campaign building, to Map building!

Look for Clock watcher's posts in Tutorial thread regarding converting srtm files into game needed map_c.tga ;map_h.tga ; map_T.tga . Afterwards you just load them in graphic editor (as 8bit gray scale) . For map_c (black and white) just fondle with brightness / contrast seating until you've got it right

If you like we will guide you step by step ( we're doing it already for Kapeteeni -war in Lapland thread ... and for Prodigy -Germany thread)



- Dixiecapt - 15.02.2008

Cool, I will look over the tutorial where you pointed out, and at both of those posts before I ask for help.

Some of the important places I'd like to see on this map would be, the Gangaw Valley, Irawaddy River, Sittang River, Pegu, Rangoon, Magwe, Mandalay, The Burma Road.....

and maybe even Akyab, and the lower chindwin

- fly_zo - 15.02.2008

Dixiecapt Wrote:Cool, I will look over the tutorial where you pointed out, and at both of those posts before I ask for help.

Some of the important places I'd like to see on this map would be, the Gangaw Valley, Irawaddy River, Sittang River, Pegu, Rangoon, Magwe, Mandalay, The Burma Road.....

and maybe even Akyab, and the lower chindwin

great :-) so PM me your mail address so i can send you tools ....


- Dixiecapt - 15.02.2008

Duh >.< sorry

You already gave them too me :oops:

- fly_zo - 15.02.2008

ok.... so you are fine ,

now go and make history ..... Big Grin


- kapteeni - 15.02.2008

Here we go again :lol:

Possible Burma Maps - Dixiecapt - 15.02.2008

[Image: BurmaPossible.jpg]

A. is most likely,

B. Includes Calcutta, Major Base for the British.

C. Includes the Imphal, Kohima area.

A Noobs SRTM Woes - Dixiecapt - 15.02.2008

Ok ....

I've played with the SRTM Website, I've played with the ftp site that clockw had listed in his lage srtm's to game tutorial...

I'm habign trouble getting my hands on an SRTM for Burma, I was able to look at them on the official website but when i tried to download them it said they were too large. Infact I had to shrink down to about the size of a metropolis before it gave me the ok, and then told me nu such info is availible....

So im stumped.

- Dixiecapt - 15.02.2008


I found data on Skunkmisters link Skunkmeister:
The website I've been using for SRTM data is

I've got about 6 panels however, they are downloading.... I don't know if they are going to be what I need, but the even more interesting question will be, How do I piece them together!?

oh well, back to reading through the tutorial page for info on that...

- Dixiecapt - 15.02.2008

well with that, I got Masssssssiiiiiivvvvveeee TIF files.

I put one in infraview to check it out, before i took this picture I cut it's size down to 20%,

This tif is grey, black, and white..... I officialy feel as if Im over my head with this stuff...

but for the heck of its here is the pic..

[Image: untitled-1.jpg]

- fly_zo - 15.02.2008

something is wrong here .... if that supposed to be map_t.tga (textures) ... those white areas are problem

if that is map_c.tga than colors are inverted .... land should be white and water black

like this:
[Image: rivers-test_map_c.jpg]

please post your map_h.tga (elevations)

i followed ClockWatcher's tutorial to the word and didn't have any problems in converting srtm to map files .... (tutorial section)


- fly_zo - 15.02.2008

Dixiecapt Wrote:Nevermind

I found data on Skunkmisters link Skunkmeister:
The website I've been using for SRTM data is

I've got about 6 panels however, they are downloading.... I don't know if they are going to be what I need, but the even more interesting question will be, How do I piece them together!?

oh well, back to reading through the tutorial page for info on that...

here is how to merge srtm files into one big map ( by Clockwatchers tuto):

"But what if you want to add to this new DEM so you can make a bigger map?

Close the map you have opened and click on the

- Dixiecapt - 15.02.2008


yeah I got that far tonight. Gettign stuck would give me time to re-read things and see where I had messed up.

However, getting this far as brought to my attention how much work these maps are going to take, and how Amazing the job of Pacific Team, and other teams really is. Confusedhock:

With a baby on the way come this May I just have to admit that I don't have the time to make this map. Maybe someday someone will wish to make it, and or in a year or so i might have it done, working just a tiny little bit at a time.

Thanks for the Tutorials Clock, and thanks for the help Fly! :wink:

- fly_zo - 15.02.2008

there is no time limit m8, and certainly no pressure ....

so if you ever decide to finish it and need help , just ask

all the best,
p.s. thanks for kind words

- CzechTexan - 28.03.2008

Hello. I got Mods just because I wanted to fly the Hawk and to cover the Burma campaigns. I appreciate you guys at least making an effort to start something for an expanded Burma map area. Perhaps someday this project will come to fruition. For now, it still remains the "Forgotten Front." Anyone else interested in taking up the torch?