everyone's using the new wrapper? - Printable Version

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- Trooper117 - 15.02.2008

I've set up evrything as suggested above.. Seems to be working ok, but I still have a couple of issues.. not sure if this is related but I can no longer get internal flap or gear sounds for any of the Mc 200 series, but I can hear them clearly on external view??
I hope that soon, to avoid any confusion we will have everything unified into the MODS folder only and we can do away with the old 'files' structure completely.. Is this possible oh great mod creators in the sky??

- asheshouse - 15.02.2008

I agree with Fly_zo. The new system is much more streamlined.
But I think we should bite the bullet and get rid of /root/files
The duplication is confusing people.

Now --- The startup screen.

The files that ship with AAA Mod Pack are now background0_ru.mat and background.tga
I have no other gui folder as far as I can tell.
--except the v_basic folder has an empty gui folder.

If I disable the AAA Pack folder then I get the Russian startup.
If I enable the AAA Pack I get a white screen
If I change the filenames to background0.mat and background0.tga I get the Pacific Fighters startup screen?? but with the text missing.
If I change the filenames to background0_ru.mat and background0_ru.tga I get the white screen.

All very confusing.

- fly_zo - 15.02.2008

asheshouse Wrote:I agree with Fly_zo. The new system is much more streamlined.
But I think we should bite the bullet and get rid of /root/files
The duplication is confusing people.

Now --- The startup screen.

The files that ship with AAA Mod Pack are now background0_ru.mat and background.tga
I have no other gui folder as far as I can tell.
--except the v_basic folder has an empty gui folder.

If I disable the AAA Pack folder then I get the Russian startup.
If I enable the AAA Pack I get a white screen
If I change the filenames to background0.mat and background0.tga I get the Pacific Fighters startup screen?? but with the text missing.
If I change the filenames to background0_ru.mat and background0_ru.tga I get the white screen.

All very confusing.

do you have Jollies mod for reverting .tga's installed ( for opening unreadable tga's).... you know via loading screen , that one removes text from loading screen (game version ...)


- saunders1953 - 15.02.2008

Okay, and just to clarify (or maybe add to the confusion :twistedSmile: what, if anything, happens if the mod you are putting into the MODS folder doesn't have a complete path, starting with "3do." When I first starting using the new wrapper, and was still somewhat confused by the whole process, after unzipping and while renaming whatever the file was, I noticed the path in the downloaded mod file skipped either the "3do" or "effects" or some such subfile. I'm pretty sure it was "3do file that was missing in the path string. All my mods seem to work, but then I loaded a lot of them, so maybe it isn't working but I just don't miss it. What's the word on this?


- fly_zo - 15.02.2008

saunders1953 Wrote:Okay, and just to clarify (or maybe add to the confusion :twistedSmile: what, if anything, happens if the mod you are putting into the MODS folder doesn't have a complete path, starting with "3do." When I first starting using the new wrapper, and was still somewhat confused by the whole process, after unzipping and while renaming whatever the file was, I noticed the path in the downloaded mod file skipped either the "3do" or "effects" or some such subfile. I'm pretty sure it was "3do file that was missing in the path string. All my mods seem to work, but then I loaded a lot of them, so maybe it isn't working but I just don't miss it. What's the word on this?


if file don't have exactly right path structure for files (game wise) that file won't be loaded ... period!

If you got it working .... you must have same file with the right path in some other mod ... so wrapper loads it from there.


- asheshouse - 15.02.2008

fly_zo Wrote:do you have Jollies mod for reverting .tga's installed ( for opening unreadable tga's).... you know via loading screen , that one removes text from loading screen (game version ...)


- fly_zo - 15.02.2008

asheshouse Wrote:
fly_zo Wrote:do you have Jollies mod for reverting .tga's installed ( for opening unreadable tga's).... you know via loading screen , that one removes text from loading screen (game version ...)


i believe problem is with AAA mod pack , as i understood Jolly removed splash screen from latest version . I don't have AAA mod pack installed and never ever had any issue with splash screen .


- saunders1953 - 15.02.2008

Thanks Fly_zo! It made sense to me that you'd need the whole path, but I thought maybe the wrapper went in and grabbed needed files despite whatever the file/subfile path was.

- Huxley_S - 15.02.2008

I installed the new wrapper to use vpmedia's default map improvement and it's great. It's much easier to manage the mods and it had no impact on any mods I had installed. I have since installed the new cockpit skins, tanks, fabianfred's effects, planeshine etc etc with no problems at all.

The new wrapper is the way to go folks.

- Username - 15.02.2008

fly_zo Wrote:3 if you put files folder into mods folder and rename it to be last one (alphabetically) there and just move maps from it to mods\mapmods\ once you won't have any problems afterward

Maybe not for maps, but Jolly will have a problem producing his uninstallers for cockpit upgrades if he doesn't know where we have placed our old files folder - or what we have called it. That's why he recently asked us all to leave it in the IL2 root directory and not to rename it.

- fly_zo - 15.02.2008

Username Wrote:
fly_zo Wrote:3 if you put files folder into mods folder and rename it to be last one (alphabetically) there and just move maps from it to mods\mapmods\ once you won't have any problems afterward

Maybe not for maps, but Jolly will have a problem producing his uninstallers for cockpit upgrades if he doesn't know where we have placed our old files folder - or what we have called it. That's why he recently asked us all to leave it in the IL2 root directory and not to rename it.

since map mods must use all.ini file that is the best way .... trust me i do coordinate my statements with Jolly .... part of my job here


- Neil Lowe - 15.02.2008

New wrapper here, though most of my older installed mods, edited/new maps are still in "IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\files"

Cheers, Neil Smile

- fly_zo - 15.02.2008

i don't get it .... i started thread regarding relations of new wrapper and map mods month ago and we all agreed vpmedia's solution is the best :


So i did present that to mrJolly and got his ok to make installer which install all map mods into agreed destination + place or update all.ini there

mods\mapmods\maps\ all.ini

I did post instructions in install sticky here and at map mods download section ...

So what you want me to do now ?

I know that ones who are familiar with modding have no problems install any mod at any system (files , mods, mods+files, mods+z_basic....) But you're confusing average users here .

again .... what shall i do?


- lowfighter - 16.02.2008

I haven't yet passed to the new wrapper for two main reasons. I like the fact that I have an overview of the modded files in one single file, the filelist.txt. And second, as I fiddle a lot, enabling or disabling this or that, I like that i do this on a single file by just commenting or uncomenting a line and not having to browse folders and rename them or rename individual files.
But I guess I have to do it since otherwise I would have to add things myself with each new wrapper mod I download.

- kapteeni - 16.02.2008

As you all know about my difficulties with my lapland map, i decided to have 2 separate installs of IL2 1946. One with everything. New cockpits+lother latest mods and one just for map makinng...(see my Lapland war 44-45 threat).

This a bit OT, but here i go:
God, i hope that in BOB, we`ll have "legal" Map making tools. I would even pay a extra for that. Maybe if they (OLEG+Stuff)see what this community can do, they make bobs sourcecode little bit more transparent. That would make BOB the mother of all the flight sims IMHO

This a bit like MS versus Linux/open source... 1C must be watching us and i sincerely hope that they learn something from people here.