- Fisneaky - 12.04.2008
(welcome to the candy store Bob :wink: )
- Fay King - 12.04.2008
WOOOOT!!!!!???? This is AWSOME!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this, the sim really needs this mod!
- TH0R - 12.04.2008
Can't wait. That + rising overall cloud altitude will certainly make a huge differente to this sim.
Wonderfull work!
- stansdds - 12.04.2008
If you can keep the AI from seeing through them, it will be perfect! Looking good, much better than than the cotton balls!
- HFAlex - 12.04.2008
Really nice job m8!!
Looking forward to fly trough them!
- zaelu - 12.04.2008
Maximum Bob Wrote:I've just started a new film and may have to bin the footage I've already shot :twisted:
I hope you use the 6DoF and the new cockpits... and dive sounds with the structure noise at high G's ... :lol: :lol:
- Catahoulak9 - 12.04.2008
This is very impressive work. I'll be watching for it.
- FlushMeister - 12.04.2008
Hey m8s glad u liked them! here's a couple more screens for night time and different weather.
I can't seem to get them as thick as I would like to, I tried to make them look nice, but still be able to cloud base in, but then I thought of when I took my pilots license lessons, that you really , really don't want to be inside a cloud, so no point cloudbasing, u can fly behind clouds and not be visible to an enemy, but if the enemy is 3-500 m away, he can still see you. It's eihter looks or thicker clouds
I'd go for looks...
I'll check with Mr Jolly if I can post this as an "official mod" I've polished all the sharp edges and i really can't get it much better than this. (the clouds are on only one 1024 texture, devided into 16 areas, with one puff of cloud in each, it means 16 cloud puffs in the texture, and one actual cloud uses 4-6 of these randomly,sometimes it looks great, sometimes u can see they repeat themselves, but u don't have much time to look at it in a dogfight.
Maximum Bob, No worries at all m8, I know it's hard work to make movies so some looks improvements should never be ignored! it should be up soon m8!
Thanks for the replies guys, I'm gonna try and change the landscape textures now, but I have not yet found out what folder path they are in.
- elephant - 12.04.2008
Vast improovement over the default ones!
Keep up!
- Bee - 12.04.2008
Just beautiful. Your talent is amazing. :!:
- canonuk - 12.04.2008
Fantastic! They look so deep and alive!
- Jabo - 12.04.2008
Much more realistic! Looking forward to this :wink:
- Steve T - 13.04.2008
A true artist -- thanks a lot.
- Kristorf - 13.04.2008
Beautiful work
- Trooper117 - 13.04.2008