OT: IL2 Goes to consoles. Look at the landscape - Printable Version

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- Trooper117 - 07.06.2008

This is not SoW related.. It's a seperate 3rd party..
SoW is still coming out on pc........ No need to panic.

- renmik - 07.06.2008

Hm...I think it could be a tactic,

to get more interested players for SoW.

Just a thought:

If IL-2: Birds of Prey (see Trailer) comes out for PC/PS3/XBOX360 it is a big Bandwith of

new Players coming into Game.

Let's say, a Platform is WIP until Release, so users from one of all 3 Systems can connect
and interact on one server, and than SoW appears...

I think, Oleg gets as rich as Google-Guys.

Just a thought

8 ppl max online though - Spanky - 08.06.2008

only supports 8 max online but runs with a hundred ai's no problem

- Trooper117 - 08.06.2008

lol.. I hope Oleg does get as rich as the 'Google guys'...(then he will have more resources, which in turn means more goodies for us)...

- Bee - 08.06.2008

Hope there is a PC release and that it can be modded. 8)

- kapteeni - 09.06.2008

Bee Wrote:Hope there is a PC release and that it can be modded. 8)

- CrazySchmidt - 09.06.2008

Damn that looks good!!! 8)

CS. Smile