poncho - 21.07.2008
I have posted an additional link for those who can't use filefront.
Thanks all for the photographic evidence.
Mr.Oblongo, I assume that when the square reflector/armour glass is present, as in your photo, then the plane is equipped with a reflector sight. Consequently the iron sights are offset to the right. This was my thinking when I removed the reflector glass and centered up the iron sights in this mod. I need to figure out if my assumptions are valid before taking this further.
Also, I wasn't aware of the auto sight switching for Japanese planes, I will have to study this, maybe something there that I can use.
- Gambinobross - 22.07.2008
Quote:In Japanese Zero The backup sight is automatic. When the Reflector sight is damaged or destroyed
it switches automaticly to the Iron sight.
thanks gbollin
Quote:Also, I wasn't aware of the auto sight switching for Japanese planes, I will have to study this, maybe something there that I can use.
Lol me neither ... untile last month ...
in one year i saw it working ... one time ...
To build missions with " random " revi or ironsighted planes ... i was just trying to build them up using H-81 iron or revi thomahawk at my discrection ...
- MrOblongo - 22.07.2008
Just noted that the 3D model dont have the aquare reflector (look the plane in external).
Veltro@MC205 - 03.08.2008
I saw a French Hawk75-A3 with the same iron site. I am curious if the whole P-36/Hawk75 series had the iron site. I guess I will do some research. This would be cool on the French Hawk 75's. By the way, great work on this mod. Thanks
poncho - 03.08.2008
I also contend that in Hawks without reflector sights the iron sight would be aligned on the central axis of the a/c. I just saw Tora Tora Tora and the P40s had iron sights aligned in this way (I know this is Hollywood, but why would you put your only gunsight off axis?). Likewise I think if the French did not have enough reflector sights to go around they would have centered up the iron sight as their primary.
Please do continue your research. I would be glad to apply this sight to a version of the Hawk 75 if it is valid.
- dFrog - 04.08.2008
Veltro@MC205 Wrote:...I am curious if the whole P-36/Hawk75 series had the iron site...
No, french Hawks were equiped with Baille-Lemaire gunsight.
- RAF_Leigh - 05.08.2008
what about american?
- pehung - 18.01.2010
both links are undownloadable...
any other optional links??
- heero12 - 20.01.2010
the link is broken?
would reup please?
- Sakai07 - 25.01.2010
I never noticed the japanese zero sight was functional until I got my reflector sight damaged and it moved right up, strange eh?
- heero12 - 28.01.2010
could someone please reup the file?
the links are broken and not found this file nakele link that posted
- heero12 - 09.02.2010
reup this mod please
- Guest - 09.02.2010
heero12 Wrote:reup this mod please
+1000 Please
- George Formby - 10.02.2010
FAW_SPIT Wrote:I've just Try it.. it"s nice work... and its not more difficult to aim with this bead..
The dream will be tu have this sight in backup.. ONce your reflector was killed by gunfire. switch to the ring.bed sight..
Ok i' awake now.. it was a dream..
Really nice idea and work
That's a good thing about having a trackIR system setup, you can actually use the back up sights when they have em
poncho - 11.02.2010
Links are refreshed.