urgent - Printable Version

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- Blindowl - 16.05.2009

Disequilibrium?? I believe the author of "URGENT" was simply showing off their new
Websters dictionary ,because without it they wouldn't know what it meant,let alone how to spell it :lol:

I may add that the "Island" map is one of the best made maps for IL2,,fictional,yes,and it is also
a work of art.


- IAF.116~Jagr - 16.05.2009

tater718 Wrote:Call me an anarchist,then. I just enjoy strapping-on a high performance aircraft and tooling around the countryside. Historical is interesting but the reality is that we all are flying around in little make-believe airplanes pretending to be brave and bold heros.
Lighten up,for Pete's sake!

Damn. You should have just said as Brave and bold Heros. Why did you have to say pretending! lol Tongue

- Andy Brandt - 16.05.2009

if the very talented modders want to make a fictional dogfighting map, or any map watsoever, thats great. even better is the fact that they are willing to post it up on AAA for the un educated masses like us, to download for FREE, so we can have fun and admire the wonders of Il2.
The maps are free, you can download them as you please, and use them as you want. if you want a purely historical simulator, just dont play on the map!
as for the stuff about freedom of speech and the end of humanity/society as we know it, dont you think its all a bit much when we are talking for a bunch of textures for a game on a computer?

(ps that wasnt a dig at the modders!!! v greatfull for their work!)

Anyway, whatever pleases you sir


Hi There - farang65 - 16.05.2009

I see from time to time people arguing over a conflict map area and a non conflict map area or a very brief conflict area that occured of a 1 day battle to a few days battle.

As an example Truk Island to Northern Australia.

The ware between 1940 and 1945 was a WORLD WAR so why can't we create all parts of the globe.

Yes major battle areas are highly important and yes even staging areas are highly important as well as lesser non short conflicts.

You also have to think about the people that served in all of these kinds of areas and situations.

Another reason for doing staging areas is these areas help a beginning map maker with the entire map making process before he/she even attampts a major conflict map.

As I say why don't we map the entire globe.

Cheers Kirby


- kapteeni - 16.05.2009

This has been a good threat. Thank you Mr Urgent. When i first started to make maps, my aim was to make My Lapland as real as it can get. But whilst struggling to learn, my magination started to fly. How about making Starwars map for those uberplanes in 1946 or Anarctic map? I finally made fictional Lapland map with cities that are like from central Europe.LOL. But i foud that mapmaking is fun and decited to carry on. Nowadays i mainly concentrate to certain realism, but i had to admid that there is always a little anarchist in me. I try to put some eastern eggs to my maps for some reason.
Pesronally, i love big realistic maps with historical and geographical places and stuff. But as a map modder myself, i had to teel ya guys, that is almost impossible to achieve 100% results. We must use wrong houses and trees in a wrong places, you know. But fortunelately we humans have something called imagination. With that, i can fly over my fictional Kt_Channel map and feel the BOB, even that i know that is a "useless wonderfull work". And i think that map has served its purpose well. It is the most DL:ed map that i have made. It even managed to MM, and that is something, what im real proud about.
One point more. By using maptools, you can change every excisting map to whatever you like, like rapid climate change. I can make Finns gulf to look desert and desert to jungle very easily.
So keep the maps coming guys

- kapteeni - 16.05.2009

Sorry about me broken english.

- Oh_Frustration - 16.05.2009

It's people like you what cause unrest.

- RAF_Leigh - 16.05.2009

ohh waaahh

if you don't like it

the doors over there

- Boris The Spider - 16.05.2009

kapteeni Wrote:...BTW. My next map will be the Historically accurate Middle_Earth. Actually in the period of the Second age.
Good night!
I'm pretty sure your tongue was in your cheek but if not....I'll take one. Your mapmaking skills are some of the best out there and I'll bet it would look extremely good.
I would have a couple of small requests....please make, or have someone make some Helm's Deep objects:
[Image: 00001257-195061.jpg]

and a Minas Tirth castle object:
[Image: Minas_Tirith_2.jpg]

Add in a Mt. Doom and I'll base my Lerches there.
(sadly folks, Boris is more serious than you might think)

Seriously though, why not? As has been stated by others before me, download/use what you like and if you don't want a fictional map, don't get it.
Frankly I can't see the map makers bringing about the fall of IL-2/Modding by making a few fictional maps. There are plenty of historical maps in the works.
I look forward to any new map as long as it maintains the high quality of what's already been released.

- VonBarb. - 16.05.2009

Oh yeah, a Middle Earth map ! After all, if you remove the objects, it would just be a map of new Zealand Big Grin With the pretty amazing collection of Warbirds based there, it would be historical to fly most aircraft around such a map Wink



- kapteeni - 16.05.2009

@Boris The Spider
Don't temp me. I cant deny that it was in my mind too. But the secrets of the maptools can only fire tell.
:twisted: Fire. Walk with me!!! :twisted:
Wait, what is it? It is somekind of writing:
"One Tool to rule them". And what the... is this:
"In 2 weeks, be sure"

**** Confusedhock: ****
Keep it secret. Keep it safe!

- fly_zo - 16.05.2009

...thread's title has been edited by me ... no more all caps, please

personally, i like and appreciate every map someone is willing to publish here ... historical , fantasy , heck even Star wars ( night missions) map will be appreciated here

beauty of mods .... user have a choice , heck even a possibility to customize maps if wanted


Mars ??? - Guest - 16.05.2009

A map of Mars PorcoRosso ?

Now there is an idea..


Re: Mars ??? - agracier - 16.05.2009

GJE52 Wrote:A map of Mars PorcoRosso ?

Now there is an idea..


Aside from getting the geographical (marsographical?) survey detail, you could probably just take any desert map, provided it has no water, and then assign reddish colored textures ... I made a bunch for a desert map once, but they looked just too outlandish for a desert to be predominantly reddish colored. They did have value as an occasional reddish tint here and there though.

But it would be a piece of cake if you want to pretend flying on Mars. You wouldn't even need to worry about aligning the coast and blurring ... the scale of things might be a problem though ... isn't Mons Olympus some 27km high?

Re: urgent - caldrail - 16.05.2009

Paul De Revue Wrote:Gentlemen. I believe to be a loss of time to create maps that inside do not have historical context of IL2 1946.

I suggest the coordinators of the AAA that has the context of the game as basic criterion for approval or not of maps. Some modders has made useless wonderful works and others have created of mods the aberrations. I say this because I believe that the situation this running away to the control


Those of us who are making maps are quite happy building our creations. In no way whatsoever do I want someone telling me what I can or can't create. If that creation is of interest to others, so be it. If it isn't, no-one will download it. I simply don't see a problem, since all you need to do is differentiate between 'reality' and 'fantasy' and leave it to the end user what he wants.

In any case, modding IL2 has a learning curve and it's ridiculous to assume that a noobie can learn the finer points of mapping whilst trying to replicate a historical enviroment to the satisfaction of the critics. Why do think I chose a fictional country for my Zimbotho map? Thats my first effort. It does, in fact, have a sort of historical rationale behind it, but that's because I wanted it to, not because I'm working to satisfy somebodies preferences.

I suggest that If you want maps of historical context then break out the tools and get cracking - the more maps the better Smile