Lonestar - 21.05.2010
I've just loaded your mission in FMB!
Looks good, stugumby!
-)-MAILMAN- - 29.05.2010
Any chance the map (ocean area) could be made bigger?
I would like to launch the 1942 mission from its historic distance east of the island. Launch point was some 128 nautical miles (237.056 km) from Marcus Island. Strike mission flew on a heading of 250 to reach the attack point just south of the Island and started their dives at 10,000 feet.
Nautical Mile=2025.3718 yards yards = 1.852 kilometers
Mile=1760 yards = 1.609344 kilometers
Lonestar - 30.05.2010
-)-MAILMAN- Wrote:Any chance the map (ocean area) could be made bigger?
I would like to launch the 1942 mission from its historic distance east of the island. Launch point was some 128 nautical miles (237.056 km) from Marcus Island. Strike mission flew on a heading of 250 to reach the attack point just south of the Island and started their dives at 10,000 feet.
Nautical Mile=2025.3718 yards yards = 1.852 kilometers
Mile=1760 yards = 1.609344 kilometers
Hi Mailman!
Sorry, I have other commitments for the coming months but its free for you to extend my map for your own purposes!
At that time I started with this and is open for everyone:
Re: [Map] Marcus Island - stugumby - 09.08.2010
MAP LS_Marcus/load.ini
TIME 12.0
CloudType 0
CloudHeight 1000.0
player IJA_F_S_72z00
army 2
playerNum 0
Planes 1
Skill 1
Class air.A6M2N
Fuel 100
weapons default
TAKEOFF 96190.57 82245.72 0 0 &0
NORMFLY 95583.60 81179.03 500.00 300.00 &0
0_Static ships.Ship$DaihatsuLC 2 96189.13 82301.09 360.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
1_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$A6M2_21 2 98786.22 83439.23 449.10 0.0 ja
2_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$A6M2_21 2 98758.49 83443.81 449.10 0.0 ja
3_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$B5N2 2 98732.48 83443.40 449.10 0.0 ja
4_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$B5N2 2 97858.32 83572.32 539.10 0.0 ja
5_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$A6M2_21 2 97847.49 83548.16 539.10 0.0 ja
6_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$A6M2_21 2 97858.51 83514.90 539.10 0.0 ja
7_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$D3A1 2 97862.38 83544.10 539.10 0.0 ja
8_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$D3A1 2 97938.74 83496.73 480.00 0.0 ja
9_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$A6M2_21 2 97925.79 83634.57 539.10 0.0 ja
10_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$A6M2_21 2 97261.70 83633.44 225.00 0.0 ja
11_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$A6M2_21 2 97277.34 83658.21 210.00 0.0 ja
12_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$A6M2_21 2 97290.77 83682.98 210.00 0.0 ja
13_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$D3A1 2 97838.19 84865.26 449.10 0.0 ja
14_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$D3A1 2 97940.26 84873.24 449.10 0.0 ja
15_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$HaGoRadio 2 98117.55 84521.00 450.00 0.0
16_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$HaGoRadio 2 98055.86 84216.56 450.00 0.0
17_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Kurogane 2 98689.55 83449.81 450.00 0.0
18_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Kurogane 2 98327.24 83455.82 450.00 0.0
19_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 98047.09 84528.95 540.00 0.0
20_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 97607.57 84673.39 405.00 0.0
21_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 97847.72 84109.06 540.00 0.0
22_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 97513.61 83898.89 585.00 0.0
23_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 98020.72 83853.75 450.00 0.0
24_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 98565.39 83836.44 405.00 0.0
25_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BunkerA_gun 2 98266.82 86137.77 630.00 0.0 0
26_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BunkerA_gun 2 98434.98 86080.75 660.00 0.0 0
28_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type88_75mm_JA 2 97633.47 83824.38 660.00 0.0 0
29_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BunkerA_gun 2 96948.17 82854.26 465.00 0.0 0
30_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BunkerA_gun 2 99044.91 82707.27 390.00 0.0 0
31_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BunkerA_gun 2 98944.99 83880.30 705.00 0.0 0
32_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BunkerA_gun 2 98714.98 85169.03 705.00 0.0 0
33_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 98562.26 83831.41 405.00 0.0
34_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Kurogane 2 98042.78 84510.54 540.00 0.0
35_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BunkerA_gun 2 96836.70 84024.01 570.00 0.0 0
36_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type88_75mm_JA 2 98612.10 84858.86 660.00 0.0 0
37_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type88_75mm_JA 2 97819.85 85011.03 660.00 0.0 0
38_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type88_75mm_JA 2 97279.42 83492.76 660.00 0.0 0
39_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type88_75mm_JA 2 98294.51 85601.45 660.00 0.0 0
40_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type88_75mm_JA 2 98233.57 84664.71 660.00 0.0 0
42_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Twin25mm_JA 2 96763.06 82858.50 480.00 0.0 0
43_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Twin25mm_JA 2 97194.12 84426.33 525.00 0.0 0
44_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$G4M1_11 2 97713.23 83894.84 270.00 0.0 ja
45_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$G4M1_11 2 97867.48 84024.76 210.00 0.0 ja
46_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$H8K1 2 95994.37 82404.82 480.00 0.0 ja
47_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$H8K1 2 96311.30 82270.40 480.00 0.0 ja
48_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$H8K1 2 96077.32 82313.06 480.00 0.0 ja
49_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$H8K1 2 96151.47 83938.60 270.00 0.0 ja
27_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type91_105mm 2 98326.25 86143.12 660.00 0.0 0
41_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type91_105mm 2 98074.84 85785.61 540.00 0.0 0
50_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type91_105mm 2 98697.25 85568.62 360.00 0.0 0
51_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type91_105mm 2 98859.04 84342.63 360.00 0.0 0
52_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type91_105mm 2 98996.01 83747.86 360.00 0.0 0
53_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BunkerA_gun 2 99128.42 83307.24 705.00 0.0 0
54_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type91_105mm 2 98459.01 82716.09 450.00 0.0 0
55_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type91_105mm 2 97038.43 82852.96 450.00 0.0 0
56_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type91_105mm 2 96645.92 83837.59 570.00 0.0 0
57_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type91_105mm 2 96578.41 82860.71 450.00 0.0 0
58_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$L2D 2 97339.22 83747.81 225.00 0.0 ja
59_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$L2D 2 97391.07 83802.20 225.00 0.0 ja
60_Static ships.Ship$Barge1 2 96658.49 82791.93 615.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
61_Static ships.Ship$Transport5 2 97580.92 82774.24 615.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
62_Static ships.Ship$Transport5 2 98805.00 85378.17 675.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
63_Static ships.Ship$Transport5 2 97057.70 84493.76 675.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
64_Static ships.Ship$DaihatsuLC 2 97233.22 82786.96 570.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
65_Static ships.Ship$Transport3 2 96839.44 82619.19 630.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
66_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BunkerA_gun 2 96243.78 83338.80 570.00 0.0 0
67_Static ships.Ship$Transport5 2 96916.27 84431.41 585.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
68_Static ships.Ship$Transport5 2 96980.14 84399.42 405.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
69_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$D3A1 2 97674.13 84763.57 449.10 0.0 ja
70_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$D3A1 2 97469.17 84533.87 449.10 0.0 ja
71_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$D3A1 2 97321.92 84385.45 449.10 0.0 ja
72_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 96795.96 82857.93 390.00 0.0
73_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 96841.09 82856.93 585.00 0.0
74_Static ships.Ship$DaihatsuLC 2 96141.32 83928.08 645.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
0_bld House$Tente-QGhosp 1 97938.87 84060.38 630.00
1_bld House$Bunker8 1 98854.99 84342.64 675.00
2_bld House$Bunker8 1 98076.60 85785.32 495.00
3_bld House$Bunker8 1 98325.77 86141.00 600.00
4_bld House$Bunker8 1 98693.36 85568.59 675.00
5_bld House$KitchenRU 1 98610.12 83864.34 405.00
6_bld House$FlagJapBattle 1 98050.18 84498.71 405.00
7_bld House$FlagJapBattle 1 98616.75 83858.33 405.00
8_bld House$Tente-QGhosp 1 98581.39 83885.65 405.00
9_bld House$Bunker8 1 98992.10 83748.12 675.00
10_bld House$Bunker8 1 98459.04 82719.27 405.00
11_bld House$Bunker8 1 96647.87 83835.24 540.00
12_bld House$Bunker8 1 97038.29 82857.58 405.00
13_bld House$Bunker8 1 96578.32 82864.89 405.00
14_bld House$FurnitureSandbag_Wall 1 97196.28 84426.32 525.00
15_bld House$FurnitureSandbag_Wall 1 96764.21 82860.34 480.00
16_bld House$FurnitureSandbags_Round 1 97194.06 84425.93 705.00
17_bld House$FurnitureSandbags_Round 1 96763.11 82858.91 660.00
18_bld House$Tente-abri 1 97935.28 84051.60 360.00
19_bld House$Tente-abri 1 98300.99 84233.94 360.00
20_bld House$Tente-abri 1 98360.31 84177.09 360.00
21_bld House$Tente-abri 1 98832.37 84344.54 360.00
22_bld House$Tente-abri 1 98606.85 84846.26 360.00
23_bld House$Tente-abri 1 98657.97 85211.00 360.00
24_bld House$Tente-abri 1 98659.20 85223.34 360.00
25_bld House$Tente-abri 1 98594.46 85607.60 360.00
26_bld House$Tente-abri 1 98531.41 85754.73 360.00
27_bld House$Tente-abri 1 98261.84 86023.38 360.00
28_bld House$Tente-abri 1 98284.68 85854.33 675.00
29_bld House$Tente-abri 1 98132.99 85749.24 675.00
30_bld House$Tente-abri 1 98269.15 85600.29 660.00
31_bld House$Tente-abri 1 97830.88 85003.69 660.00
32_bld House$Tente-abri 1 98247.85 84634.45 660.00
33_bld House$Tente-abri 1 98941.59 83742.08 660.00
34_bld House$Tente-abri 1 98449.79 82747.61 660.00
35_bld House$Tente-abri 1 97030.35 82872.47 660.00
36_bld House$Tente-abri 1 96732.32 82870.12 660.00
37_bld House$Tente-abri 1 96563.87 82878.36 480.00
38_bld House$Tente-abri 1 96664.46 83824.80 645.00
39_bld House$Tente-abri 1 97192.35 84403.12 645.00
40_bld House$46Bomb2 1 97652.58 84758.40 360.00
41_bld House$46Bomb2 1 97663.49 84768.87 360.00
42_bld House$46Bomb2 1 97828.85 84871.60 360.00
43_bld House$46Bomb2 1 97932.52 84876.29 360.00
44_bld House$46Bomb2 1 97899.50 83999.97 360.00
45_bld House$46Bomb2 1 97901.31 84002.38 360.00
46_bld House$46Bomb2 1 97910.81 84005.10 360.00
47_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97892.99 83963.79 360.00
48_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97885.59 84045.66 360.00
49_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97897.81 84112.90 360.00
50_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97898.56 84118.93 360.00
51_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97898.11 84125.86 360.00
52_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97339.08 83737.83 360.00
53_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97392.27 83796.06 360.00
54_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97445.46 83739.79 360.00
55_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97415.50 83728.04 360.00
56_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97343.28 83626.98 360.00
57_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97268.26 83621.66 360.00
58_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97276.94 83637.06 360.00
59_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97865.81 83581.36 360.00
60_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97868.62 83554.21 360.00
61_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97868.47 83526.91 360.00
62_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97941.80 83563.11 360.00
63_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97943.51 83552.97 360.00
64_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 97936.65 83501.17 360.00
65_bld House$46Bomb2 1 97864.41 83562.02 360.00
66_bld House$46Bomb2 1 97864.10 83564.82 360.00
67_bld House$46Bomb2 1 97865.09 83534.41 360.00
68_bld House$46Bomb2 1 97941.70 83559.06 360.00
69_bld House$46Bomb2 1 97941.54 83556.72 360.00
70_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 97680.02 84768.70 390.00
71_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 97696.57 84831.56 390.00
72_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 97697.98 84829.45 390.00
73_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 97697.84 84827.75 390.00
74_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 97703.07 84825.78 390.00
75_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 97836.04 84868.12 390.00
76_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 98110.05 84584.89 390.00
77_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 98134.17 84540.17 390.00
78_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 98503.67 84275.99 390.00
79_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 98498.38 84281.29 390.00
80_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 98081.81 84265.40 390.00
81_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 98373.05 84583.12 390.00
82_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 98353.64 84650.20 390.00
83_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 97895.30 84020.05 390.00
84_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 97669.36 83863.55 390.00
85_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 97538.16 83837.66 390.00
86_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 97704.66 83888.85 390.00
87_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 97273.39 83630.55 390.00
88_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 97283.98 83654.09 390.00
89_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 97368.71 83534.06 390.00
90_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 97402.24 83605.25 390.00
91_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 98777.82 83453.59 390.00
92_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 98714.30 83469.74 390.00
93_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 98740.35 83472.27 390.00
94_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 98795.35 83471.55 390.00
95_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 98753.92 83452.27 390.00
96_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 98723.92 83451.55 390.00
Re: [Map] Marcus Island -
Lonestar - 11.08.2010
Thanks for your work, stugumby!
Re: [Map] Marcus Island V1.1 Final -
Lonestar - 20.01.2012
I have only the map a bit enlarged, so that more water is available around the Island!
Re: [Map] Marcus Island V1.1 Final -
Deutschmark - 21.01.2012
Thanks for the update Lonestar.