KG64_Cnopicilin - 22.09.2009
Thank you fo this great mod!
- fido - 20.10.2009
hi, are there any known issues/conflicts with 4.09 official?
- Fireball - 20.10.2009
fido Wrote:hi, are there any known issues/conflicts with 4.09 official?
Carrier Takeoff 5.3.3 should work fine with 4.09.
- Boosher - 15.12.2009
Hi Fireball! With the merged install into HSFX 4.1, are there any plans to add to the Carrier Takeoff mod? New aircraft and ships have become available that I'd love to see as part - The Fulmar Mk.I specifically, as well as the new British CV's and CVL's.
- jente - 14.01.2010
I just putted that folder into my MODS section, tryed to launch the panther of the Intrepid, but nothing happened when i taxied to the launchers, putted the chocks on, gave full power and nothing happened when i setted my chocks off, just accellerated a little and ended up in the water...
anybody has any tips??
- jente - 14.01.2010
jente Wrote:I just putted that folder into my MODS section, tryed to launch the panther of the Intrepid, but nothing happened when i taxied to the launchers, putted the chocks on, gave full power and nothing happened when i setted my chocks off, just accellerated a little and ended up in the water...
anybody has any tips??
Well got it working now^^
nice mod!!
- Fireball - 18.01.2010
Boosher Wrote:Hi Fireball! With the merged install into HSFX 4.1, are there any plans to add to the Carrier Takeoff mod? New aircraft and ships have become available that I'd love to see as part - The Fulmar Mk.I specifically, as well as the new British CV's and CVL's.
Hi Boosher,
I'm sorry I didn't reply to this earlier. I've been kinda scarce around here lately.
Yes, I think the new stuff could be added easily. As for the British carriers, the catapult should already work on the Illustrious and the Ameer. It does not currently work on the Indomitable. The Formidable doesn't have a catapult painted on the skin, so I'm not sure what to do with that one.
I'm not sure exactly how or when it might be added to HSFX, but I'll see what I can do when I get some free time.
- Dietz - 19.01.2010
Zuti v..08 worked with HSFX4.1 install.
Carrier Takeoff Mod-Help - 3./JG51_Geist - 05.02.2010
My apologies for my ignorance on this mod and in setting up Carriers. Ive been searching High and low for a guide to setting it up in FMB. I'm running into a few problems. I am using UP 2.0m.
1. What US carriers are equipped with catapults and can be used as a homebase?
2. Can you use any carrier and just put a homebase on it? I'm using Zuti 1.12 Im trying to use a generic US carrier and assign a home base to it. When I try to save, the homebase disappears when I reload mission???? Can homebases only be asigned to certain carriers? The Only Carrier I can get this to work on is the Illustrious
Thanks in advance for any help!
Re: Carrier Takeoff Mod 5.3.3 (updated 7/23/2009) - samleather - 13.03.2010
Fireball Wrote:*****Version 5.3.3 Update*****
This version is compatible with the official 4.09 release.
Version 5.3.3 fixes a bug that sometimes caused aircraft to spawn at the wrong base in Dogfight servers. See the list of changes below to see what else is new in this version.
To fix the wrong-base spawn problem, I had to make some significant changes in aircraft layout on most carriers between versions 5.2 and 5.3. So, for flying in co-ops everyone should move to the new version. Otherwise you'll have planes spawning on top of other planes on deck in co-op missions.
You'll notice that sometimes the aircraft may not all spawn in perfect rows, depending on which carrier and which aircraft. That's a side-effect of fixing the spawn problem, but in some ways I think it actually may look a little more realistic. Another unfortunate side-effect, is that the number of aircraft that can spawn on a CVE is quite a bit less than it was. Other carriers aren't affected nearly as much.
This mod changes the way aircraft line-up for takeoff on the deck of an aircraft carrier, allowing more aircraft to fit on deck. It also allows players and AI to use the catapult for takeoff on carriers that are equipped with catapults.
IMPORTANT: This version merges the Carrier Catapult mod in with the Carrier Takeoff mod. You need to disable any earlier versions of both mods.
Changes in version 5:
- Carrier Catapult mod is merged into this mod.
- AI can now use the catapult.
- Changed the way AI move into position for takeoff.
- Fixed the problems with AI takeoff in 2x/4x/8x game speeds.
- Slight changes to the placement of aircraft on some carriers.
- Fixed catapult to work on both short and standard decks of CVL's.
- F9F Panther starts with folded wings.
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused aircraft to spawn at wrong base in Dogfight servers. (NEW IN 5.3.3)
- Added NoNavLightsAI option, to keep AI from turning on their nav lights at night. (NEW IN 5.3.3)
- Added FastLaunchAI option, so AI can move to catapult with wings already unfolded, to speed up launch a little. (NEW IN 5.3.3)
- Added option for game host to put AI-related catapult parameters in conf.ini instead of mission file, so they don't have to be added to every mission. (NEW IN 5.3.3)
- Swordfish starts with folded wings. (NEW IN 5.3.3)
Download it here: Carrier_Takeoff_5_3_3.rar
README file is here: README
INSTALLATION: Inside the rar file is a folder named 'Carrier_Takeoff_5_3_3'. Copy or extract this folder to the MODS folder in your IL-2 game folder. Delete or disable any earlier versions of the CarrierTakeoff and CarrierCatapult mods.
NOTE: This stand-alone version of the mod is not compatible with the CERT AI mod. For a combined version of the Carrier Takeoff and CERT AI mods, look here: viewtopic.php?t=18739
is there any way to stop the aircraft from simply popping into position (its unrealistic)
catapult use - thom223 - 23.05.2010
fireball this is a great mod but the catapult doesnt work how do i use it
if you have suggestions please awnser
(sorry for my bad english
Re: Carrier Takeoff Mod 5.3.3 (updated 7/23/2009) - JIMMY99 - 23.07.2010
Hi there...
The FILEFRONT file is broken...so I can't load anything....
too bad.......Someone help me
Re: Carrier Takeoff Mod 5.3.3 (updated 7/23/2009) - Doolittle81 - 29.08.2010
I have HSFX4.11...and 5.33 enabled through jsgme. In FMB I can place acft on original carriers (waypoint takeoff, target set to carrier), BUT I am unable to place acft on the Shippack2 carriers, such as the Graf Zeppelin. I go through the FMB setup, but when mission starts the acft are airborne near the carrier. The target-set doesn't seem to have worked.
I've not tried all carriers in the shippack, but I suspect the same result. In my testing, in a single FMB mission I lined up abreast the Akagi, Saratoga, Illustrious (all original carriers in IL2/1946), alongside the Hiryu and Graf Z(both shipack carriers). The former allowed acft placement on deck, the latter two did not. Did HSFX improperly incorporate/install some aspect of the Shippack causing this??? Any ideas what my problem is??
Re: Carrier Takeoff Mod 5.3.3 (updated 7/23/2009) - Murph - 29.08.2010
Do you also have any version of the Zuti mods enabled? There is a potential conflict here since the Carrier Takeoff Mod is already integrated into the Zuti mods.
Re: Carrier Takeoff Mod 5.3.3 (updated 7/23/2009) - Doolittle81 - 29.08.2010
Thanks for the suggestion. I have no Zuti's I had the 5.33 installed (via jsgme)...didn't know carrier mod was in HSFX4.11. I removed Carrier Mod and can now place acft on decks of all ships, original and shippack.
However, i now discover that i cannot place an aircraft on deck if I have indicated that it is the Player's Acft. Even though targeted for ship takeoff, game starts with me in acft flying above ship. BUT, when i change the setting to AI for that acft (changing nothing else) and re-play the mission, that acft
does then show on Deck.
Any ideas about this oddity?