Falklands/Malvinas WIP - Printable Version

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- asheshouse - 04.02.2008

If you extract the load.ini from the Burma map you will be able to read the texture reference in the [FIELDS] section. Copy the one you want into your load.ini. Don't erase the old texture immediately. You can just disable a line by adding ; in front oof the text.

After you have added some sections of road in FMB take a look at the map_T.tga image. You will see that the road has a specific RGB value. You can use the paint tool on map_T to extend the road network quickly.

RGB valuse for road/rail/tracks is complicated.

The basic values are road 128; rail 64; tracks 32, but you must add this value to the RGB value of the underlying texture, and if road and rail cross they add together as well,

Example midland0 is RGB 4

so midland0 with road and rail crossing is RGB 4+128+64 = RGB 196

Hope that makes sense.

- RealDarko - 04.02.2008

Ashes that was fast!!
Wich will be the better way to quickly change the basic texture of the map? Swapping the current lowland entry by a Burma scrub entry??

- asheshouse - 04.02.2008

At the moment your basic texture is Lowland0, RBG 0 on map_T

-- so in your load.ini add ; at the beginning of the [FIELDS] line Lowland0
below this insert a new line Lowland0 = (path and filename to Burma texture)

Very quick to do this in load.ini, and quick to change back if you don't like it, or if it stops working for some reason.

- RealDarko - 04.02.2008

Thank's! I have a lot of time tonight for trying, working and editing! Hope to post pics soon!
Anyone know how to add airfields??

- Neil Lowe - 04.02.2008

Quote:Anyone know how to add airfields??

Best way to find out is to open an original map and select and copy one from there and paste into your new map.

Cheers, Neil Smile

- RealDarko - 04.02.2008

How can I do that? I need a basic airfield, a dirt runway with two parallel taxiways. Is possible to change the texture of the airfields? As I will love to use something with a muddy look on it

- Neil Lowe - 04.02.2008

Open a map in the extended FMB (some original maps won't open)

Zoom in on an airfield

Select none in display.

Add only Aerodrome points, Runaway(sic) and ground plates to display.

Alt+left click, drag a selection around airfield (icons of selected objects will turn red)

Ctrl+c (copy)

Open your map in extended FMB

Zoom in to area you want the airfield, left click on the map.

Ctrl+v (paste)

Edit the airfield how you want from there. New tex for the plates is possible. Prolly best to get used to the object stuff before you worry about textures Wink

Cheers, Neil Smile

- RealDarko - 04.02.2008

Thank's a lot Neil!!

- asheshouse - 04.02.2008

I never realised that you could copy/paste from map to map like that.
Thanks Neil. -- very useful.

- RealDarko - 04.02.2008

I'm having problems with the shore.

I can paint the black shore to better textures, will be time consuming but doable. The other problem is that I can't get shore to 0m what shall I do?

P.S. Textures applied, building stelements and roads now

- asheshouse - 04.02.2008

I'm having problems with the shore.

I can paint the black shore to better textures, will be time consuming but doable. The other problem is that I can't get shore to 0m what shall I do?

Try painting texture in map_T.tga You can select the sea area so that you just work with that. Then using pencil tool add in some RGB 0 pixels in the parts of the coast where you had black appearing. It doesn't matter if you stray into the water. Note: you may have problems with textures near the map edge, north edge of the mainland for example. Don't worry about this at the moment.

For the height problem edit image map_h.tga Select all the RGB 0 area. Inverse select so that you are now working with elevated area. Now use paintbrush or airbrush to add RGB 0 in areas where the coastline was too high. Do a bit at a time then check the effect in FMB.

- RealDarko - 04.02.2008

Thank's! Really important to get a nice map!

- Baco1170 - 04.02.2008

RealDarko, I have been doing some research and there were no concreete airfields neither in the Islands nor in the Argentinian continent. Since the Argentinian Airforce is born in 1950, there is no previous information on bases. Still the argentinian army had a large Air Division and the navy had some bases too. Besides there is aeronautical activity in the country since 1918 aproximetlly. And I know for a fact that there was air postal services so there must have been some kind of improvised airfields, made of dirt.

So the bases you put on the map must all be dirt bases, and in the islands I woudl use the undefined airbase like in the MTO kind of bases. Without defined runways.
Of course you are the artist so I

- asheshouse - 05.02.2008

RealDarko -- I am replying to your PM here because you may get useful comments from others who read the post.

I have taken your current map_T and opened it in Photoshop Elements.
Selected the sea area and painted a strip of additional land in RGB 0 on each shore of Port Stanley Harbour.

You must use the pencil tool for this work in order to get precise RGB values.

Saved the file and then re-opened ok in FMB. So I am not experiencing your problems.

Maybe your software is not saving the file in the correct format.
You say it worked ok before editing but did not work after editing, and the only thing changed is map_T

You have said that you are using Paintshop Pro but have also tried it in Gimp. I dont have any experience with either of those editors, but maybe others can comment.

In the *.tga format you can save in various pixel depths.
My software is set to save in 16bit, although when I view the file in XnView it says it is 8bit targa type 3.
Have you got something in the setup which is saving in a different format.

I do recall in early posts people having to adjust settings in Gimp in order to save the right type of tga file.
My knowledge of tga file formats is limited.

- RealDarko - 05.02.2008

I'm trying to save the file in 8 bits. Maybe the problem is here??

Neil, how can I add airfields icon to the FMB?