- Handy - 06.03.2008
ill look over everthing try to figure out whats causing this. I think i may know what it is now. when i packed it i put and extra folder in there by mistake so its Handys_crimea/Handys_CrimeaTextures the folder that should go in your mods folder is Handys_CrimeaTextures. If that fixes it for anyone please let me know.
- dup - 06.03.2008
no problem here !!
very nice thanks !
- MZ - 07.03.2008
Where can I download this mod??
- alessio - 07.03.2008
Yes..but is it possible to download it?
- Handy - 07.03.2008
well im not sure why people are getting booted out of fmb? im hesitant to put i back up if its not working for some.
- fabianfred - 07.03.2008
We didn't say that we were booted out of FMB..
but booted out of the special Map tools FMB....because crimea and several other maps have a very large actors static file....
nothing wrong with your map ...all versions of Crimea have the same problem
- lowfighter - 08.03.2008
Handy, I like the rock textures and the plain (not patched) crop fields. The grass textures exhibit this stripes effect which I'm not sure where it comes from, would be nice if you can get rid of it. Then also grass textures look a bit artificial to me, again I have no idea why.
It is though the first mod which uses completely new textures
- Handy - 08.03.2008
oh i guess i misunderstood. im gonna work on the grass textures a bit today. try to get them to tile a bit better then ill post it up again.
- Guest - 08.03.2008
Wheres the DL Link????? :?
- RAF_Magpie - 08.03.2008
Look up boomer - there's going to be some texture tickling from Handy then he will release his goodness for us all again.
Handy - keep up the very good work
- Guest - 09.03.2008
Copy that Magpie, I need to start digesting what I read :lol:
- FlushMeister - 14.04.2008
Wow that's superb work man! looks a ton more realistic, how do you do this m8? I've tried for days to be able to replace the textures, but nothing works!
would appreciate a LOT if you say what you did m8
keep up the good work!
- nearmiss - 20.04.2008
The Crimea major cities, Sevastapol etc. in the default map are poorly populated with objects.
Viewing the default maps It is hard to believe anytype of major battles could have taken place there.
The actual object layout for Sevastapol alone I know would be a huge project, but it would certainly be an interesting war theatre. Especially, when you think about how hard a time the Germans had defeating it during the war.
Sevastapol was the largest city in Crimea, and was defended very well. Looking at old WW2 pictures of Sevastapol it is clear.
Textures are fun, but doing the Crimea justice I would say is going to be a major work.
The Crimea was a hotbed of action during the war, because the Russians defended it vigorously, the Germans attacked mericilessly, then within a year the Russians were attacking the Germans mercilessly. It was an extremely important area for both sides, with major ports on the Black Sea.
It would be most excellent to have a carefully prepared mod map of the Crimea and the Kuban. The kuban had major ports on the Black Sea and Tuapse became a major location as far as defense of the Kuban. The mountains of the Kuban were heavily defended by the Russians as well.
The Germans used the Crimea as their launching point into the Kuban to support their invasions of the Caucausus Oil regions.
The two areas are interesting for their topography, battle ground variations and the ports. The Lockon LOMAC used the Crimea map (not too large an area), because of the diversity in the topography, sea ports, Black Sea, etc.
- Handy - 20.04.2008
hello everyone. i haven't had much free time lately. but tonight i am for sure going to fix up a few things with these and put them back up.
- Dudok22 - 20.04.2008
Great news!