Falklands/Malvinas WIP - Printable Version

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- asheshouse - 05.02.2008

Maybe it is Paintshop Pro which is the problem.

I have opened your file in Gimp2 and added land texture to an area of sea and Save As map_T.tga

I had an option to select RLE Compression. I unselected that so saved the file uncompressed.
You said your Gimp file was small -- must have been compressed.

File saved in Gimp2 opened ok in FMB

Maybe Paintshop Pro also uses compression?

--- I will not be able to comment again for a few hours. Best of luck.

PS. Easiest way to add an airfield symbol will be to copy and paste an entire airfield from another map as per Neils method described in earlier post. That way you will instantly get a fully working airfield complete with takeoff and landing facilities and taxiway routes. All you need to do is level the ground in the area selected using the height tool in FMB Map Editor, after you have positioned the airfield.

- RealDarko - 05.02.2008

I will try it asap. Do you know If is possible to solve the black shores adding the tex "coastsea"?? It looks better with my current textures.
A pixel will be enough?

- RealDarko - 05.02.2008

Ashes, I send you a mail can you please check it?

- RealDarko - 05.02.2008

Thank's to Asheshouse, I solved the black shore problem!
Now some pics of the development. I don't know how to artistically put the textures, but not bad!

Isla Soledad ( sorry don't know how is called in English )
[Image: Imagen1.jpg]

Port Stanley area
[Image: Imagen2.jpg]

San Carlos area
[Image: Imagen3.jpg]

Gran Malvina ( west Falkland )
[Image: Imagen4.jpg]

Beagle channel on continental Argentina
[Image: Imagen5.jpg]

Texture suggestions are pretty welcome specially If someone can recommend a realistic snow texture and how can I apply over the map to get good results!

- Neil Lowe - 05.02.2008

Marvellous, well done. Big Grin Big Grin

Cheers, Neil Smile

- asheshouse - 06.02.2008

Good to see it coming together.

The coastline is quite rounded because it has been based on SRTM data.

In the major harbours you will probably have to edit the map_c to add detail and to get the coast to match the lines of the harbour basins. Don't be afraid to do this. It will probably cause some more black tiles to appear but you will know how to deal with these now.

- RealDarko - 06.02.2008

Thank's for the tips Ashes!! Can someone tell me which textures can better represent the ice and rock of the Beagle channel??

- RealDarko - 06.02.2008


- Neil Lowe - 06.02.2008

RealDarko Wrote:Thank's for the tips Ashes!! Can someone tell me which textures can better represent the ice and rock of the Beagle channel??

Just a matter of flying on some of the default maps and seeing a texture you like, have a look at that maps Load.ini to get the path and texname and use that path in your maps Load.ini in the correct slot.

Cheers, Neil Smile

- asheshouse - 06.02.2008

Here is an idea. I don't know if it works because I haven't tried it.

Because of the mountains and large range of altitudes on your map it would look good if your first draft of textures varied depending on altitude.

Low level - green marshy areas.
Higher level - rock and grass textures.
Mountain tops - snow and rock

You could use your map_h to make masks representing different altitude bands.
Select a range of RGB values
Copy the selection as a layer into map_T and apply a single RGB value to the area.

If you do this you might quickly get a lot of detail variation introduced, which might look good.

--- Just don't blame me if it doesn't work. :lol:

It may be worth looking in the Murmansk-Winter map for Beagle Channel textures.
-- or have a look at what was used for the Norway - Winter map mod.

You might want to introduce two water textures. One to show ice and one to show open water channels. I cant recall that being done before but In most areas subjected to sea freezing the ice starts at the coast and spreads outwards. It doesn't all freeze at once. -- Maybe thats a refinement for later.

- ClockWatcher - 06.02.2008


How many maps are you involved now Wink Textures assigned to height does work, I wrote an article on it in the Tutorials thread. Not perfect but it gets a lot of textures down very quickly.

RealDarko, textures for Falklands, very little grass (normally only found in small patches around settlements), mostly rock, bog, and moorland. There are also very few trees, no woods worth speaking here as they were all removed by visitors, traders and settlers over the years. Good to see your progress on this one.


- RealDarko - 06.02.2008

Working on the textures. Anyone know how to rotate a copied arifield? I need my airfield in a pure W-E position, but nothing similar around. Any idea??

- big_yamato - 06.02.2008

ClockWatcher Wrote:Asheshouse,

How many maps are you involved now Wink Textures assigned to height does work, I wrote an article on it in the Tutorials thread. Not perfect but it gets a lot of textures down very quickly.

RealDarko, textures for Falklands, very little grass (normally only found in small patches around settlements), mostly rock, bog, and moorland. There are also very few trees, no woods worth speaking here as they were all removed by visitors, traders and settlers over the years. Good to see your progress on this one.


Confirmed! Big Grin I made several height "plates" in microDEM as different texture "placeholders". Anyway, @ RealDarko, if you use PS/GIMP (dont know about PSP) you can vary the lowland textures by using four similar texture "plates" (one for RGB1, another for RGB2, etc...) stacked one above the other and use "Dissolve" blending with different strengths to each plate.

- Baco1170 - 06.02.2008

RealDarko I

- Neil Lowe - 06.02.2008

Quote:Anyone know how to rotate a copied arifield? I need my airfield in a pure W-E position, but nothing similar around. Any idea??

No probs,

Open your map in extended FMB

Show/hide appropriate objects.

Right click terrain, choose unselect to remove any yellow selection icons that there may be.

Alt+left click drag, selecting objects to rotate. Icons of objects now should be red.

Select "Rotate Objects" from toolbar menu.

Zoom in to selected objects. (not in Enter/3D mode)

Left click terrain where you want the pivot point for the objects to rotate around. Do not click on an object.

Use keypad numbers to rotate selected objects.


Hope this helps Smile

Cheers, Neil Smile