- Bombsaway - 06.10.2009
I'll redownload but the one I got has no load.ini in it. :???: Double checked it.
EDIT: Ok, it works now. The first zip I got from your download was "MapWIP" it had no load.ini. The one I just downloaded is called "MapWIP_1" has the load.ini. Thank you, It loaded right up and looks great.
Great work.
- EasyRider - 06.10.2009
You must have got a bad download,
the map I downloaded was called MapWIP with no _1 on the end and I had a load.ini
good you have it working now though
- Mission_bug - 06.10.2009
Hello Kirby, glad you like the progress so far. Today I added a seaplane landing spot at the end of the
airfield at Saigon just to see how it all worked.
Dammed river traffic.
I can't get the landing craft to shore but at least we have river traffic.
Dammed fool place to put an airport me thinks LOL :roll:
bombsaway glad you sorted it out and like the map so far, as Easy said the file I uploaded was MapWIP,
no numbers, so not sure what happened to you but your good to go now though so all is well :wink:
Thank you all for the feedback I needed to confirm I had all the files in the right place, what a relief.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.
- Duc - 06.10.2009
Awesome pics! This should be great fun, thanks for your work Mission_bug.
- Bombsaway - 06.10.2009
Did a little tweeking. Check your pm's
- Mission_bug - 06.10.2009
I checked my PM's Bombsaway, I think that is just what the map needs to give it the proper look, how about posting those images here so everyone can have a look, there are other maps out there which could also benefit from your superb texture work.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.
- Bombsaway - 06.10.2009
Okie dokie, here are the ones I sent you...
Now, here are some where I changed the color of my texture a little. I think it may look a little too red. If I could get a little feed back, that would be great.
Second shots...
Thanks for letting me mess with your map Mission_Bug.
- Bombsaway - 06.10.2009
Ok, I did a new one and I think it will work. Some how I missplaced the first one, sorry :oops: but hopefully this new will please.
Any feed back would be great.
- RealDarko - 06.10.2009
Amazing!! Simply amazing!! Looking forward to this beautiful map!!
- Bombsaway - 07.10.2009
Okie dokie, found the the first texture so I may just send you a pack of three to decide on or you could just put them all in your texture folder and that way people could choose the number texture they like and set it in the load.ini
Any feedback on these pics would be great guys.
Uzin - 07.10.2009
The folder structure of d/l is as it follows:
MapWIP/MODS/MapMods/Maps/(PS_South_VietNam and
-Tex), an here is the typing mistake:
it should be
_Tex there.
After manually pasting the folders in proper places, the map loads in FMB well.
- Mission_bug - 09.10.2009
First up appologies to anyone who downloaded my WIP map, as Uzin has very kindly pointed out
I miss spelled the Tex folder name, if you just re name it as instructed it should be fine.
I will update the folder when I upload any further detail. The textures are experimental at the moment
and Four are in use, the Green for the hills and a Green and Brown tile for the fields and coast.
There is also a plain Brown for the airfields. If any of these textures are of use to any map builder please
feel free to use them.
Next up I must say a great big thank you to Bombsaway who not only advised me how to make the
water brown, but also provided three superb textures to use for the map.
Each one will be available for the map and merely changing a number, 1, 2 or 3 in the ini will
allow you to use the texture of your choice.
Here are some close ups of the textures:
and finally, N03
Please PM bombsaway if you wish to use these on a map you are making or wish to make, with his
permission I will put them in the map folder when I next update it.
Wishing you all the best, Pete.
- Bombsaway - 09.10.2009
Thanks for the credit Pete, I was glad to help. It looks as if you've already started working on the shoreline as well. I cant wait untill its done. Mine was just a small contribution but I'm glad you like it.
Waiting inpatiently, :oops:
- Mission_bug - 05.11.2009
Not done a great deal with this project lately I'm afraid, but here is what has been done.
I added two rivers in Da nang, none are usable, but added the city of Hue and the river
which it is on that is navigatable.
The city of Da Nang at the moment is represented with textures, no buildings yet.
Hue again is represented with textures, just trying to put the places on the map at the moment.
The ed map has had various towns and citys added but is no where near complete.
I had a go at drawing the roads, without much success, so will be adding these manualy,
I will have grown very old before this map is finished
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.
- Bombsaway - 06.11.2009
Looks great.
If you'll be very old when your done then I'm in big trouble.