- Nocturnum - 26.10.2008
Fun, isn't it? Not much of a one for climbing but great for dewinging floatplanes at low altitudes. Those cannon must be 30mm or more, don't you think?
Have fun!
Looking forward to this !!! - farang65 - 26.10.2008
Hi There,
Your campaign looks like it will be a lot of fun downloaded tonight.
I haven't flown for a while busy with firstly a map and now an objects photo directory which I am sure you'll put to good use.
Will be flying this campaign all week.
ps while the wife's away (1 week) the husband will fly he he he.
- Oh_Frustration - 26.10.2008
Wow. There's only one problem; I don't wanna mod my IL2... But I've been thinking about a bounty-hunter 1938 -style campaign... That. Looks. Fun. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
- MercenaryMuffin - 27.10.2008
Actually, I think the Arado has a pair of 20mm cannons. The gunfire sound is the same as the Emil's cannons.
Why don't you wanna mod, OF? The game has been extremely expanded upon and improved by the AAA mods. Let's face it...Vanilla IL2 is dead. It's only through the efforts of people like the fine folks here that this game gets new life breathed into it.
Everything is improved...gunfire sounds, engine sounds, textures, new aircraft, etc.
Besides, it's really easy to do!
- ILV_Aquila_Noctis - 27.10.2008
Well..the Arado is well and nice....but I really love the "
- Oh_Frustration - 27.10.2008
I love Rufe too, it's a great plane!!
@ Muffin:
I like vanilla IL2, it lets me play on full switch servers and so... But my UI didn't work, the switchers didn't work at all and the .exe didn't open when clicking, as it should.
Those are my reasons to play vanilla IL2.
About the campaign I've been thinking of: it would have an athmosphere close to Porco Rosso. Only that the Japanese "hero" flies a captured I-16 (red, of course!
). Some air pirates, a small camp for the Rata, and the map would be Burma where bot NL and IJA air forces pursue him all over. :lol:
Hehe, please Nocturnum please, don't be mad for me getting an idea from your campaign screenies!
- Oh_Frustration - 27.10.2008
PorcoRosso Wrote:Looking bloody marvelous there ! Just what we need.
If I may suggest... have you seen Miyasaki's 'Porco Rosso' animation flick ? It's kind of the same spirit, with BS fictional 1930s Italian seaplanes flown by pirates and a bouny hunter, wierd plane designs and all... If you have a chance to watch it, do, as I'm sure it'll give you some great ideas !
Actually I liked the film a d*mmmm...mmmn big lot. Do you like the idea above?
- VonBarb. - 27.10.2008
I love it OF ! Actually I have been playing with the idea of making such a campaign for the Italy Online map, with Pirates and Reggia Aeronautica but I was seriously held back by my lack of FMB knowledge. Bastages Of The Slot is as close to it as we're going to get IMO, unless you have a plan ?
- Oh_Frustration - 28.10.2008
I only have the idea shown above but I think I'm able to make something out of it... My little bro cnopicilin will help me.
But about the planes; MBR for the pirates, Rata for the Hero, Buffaloes and Gladitors for the NLAF and Zekes and something else for the IJA/IJN. Buaha-ha-ha-ha.
Porco, you remember the in-film Porco Rosso saying his plane is very difficult to fly?
So is the I-16! Stalls in 400kph
- VonBarb. - 30.10.2008
I remember him saying his firt engine needed some maintenance, which Curtiss took care of albeit in a pretty unorthodox way
I think Mc 200 or G-50 would be a good pick too : Italian-built, underpowered, undergunned, yet with great manoevrability. The I-16 or any afforementionned Italian designs would be dead meat against Zekes, Ki-43s and 27s would be better IMO.
- Oh_Frustration - 30.10.2008
This is going badly off the topic but Porco, I was planning the most of the campaign being played against Netherlands AF and just those early undergunned Japs you mentioned. But keep in mind that our "hero" is Japanese so he has to fly a plane that has seen operative use beyond Middle East. No G.50 for him but for his European colleague, YES!
Whoo-ho-hoo-ho-hooo.... Should I change the I-16 for something then?
- Guest - 02.11.2008
Oh man, this is great fun!!
I've got a problem, though: mission 3 gives a 'loading failed: null' error.
Any idea what it could be?
I have the Hangar mod installed, Infantry mod and SLot 1.2..... :?: :?:
- Nocturnum - 02.11.2008
Sorry there bigbossmalone, don't know what the problem could be. It seems like you have everything you need. Does it open in the FMB?
- Guest - 07.11.2008
I just tried again, and it opens and runs fine!!.....strange..... :?:
Anyways, I'm loving it! Gives a good feel of escapism/adventure, and it's action-packed!
Great stuff!
- Shifty_Farker - 18.12.2008
i'm finding it impossible to do mission 6, the one where you have to fly to the two villages. I just can't find a way to take off. Any help would be much appreciated.