some unretouched screenies from the map... - viking4570 - 02.05.2009
Some unretouched screenies from the map...
What tha!!- he's a long way from home!
cheers - viking
- Boris The Spider - 02.05.2009
Fall down, go BOOM!
(**in a Foghorn Leghorn voice** It's a joke son, a joke")
- F22-Raptor-2006 - 02.05.2009
I've followed the first page instructions and also installed NTL_Darwin map and it still won't load. I also tried changing the load.ini [woods] part to what you wrote on page 2 but it still does not work. It has java.lang runtime exception load problems with the load.ini I also have LAL_Rone hangars etc...
Also tried opening in both 4.08m and 4.09b1m but no luck...
Any idea??
in the load ini it mentions this:
ColorMap = map_c.tga
HeightMap = map_h.tga
SmallMap = map_M.tga
TypeMap = map_T.tga
FarMap = map_F.tga
ReflMap = map_R.tga
In the folder i downloaded there is no map_R or map_M.....
- viking4570 - 02.05.2009
Hi - sorry your having trouble m8 - It shouldn't matter that those two maps aren't there. Make sure the textures are in _tex/land/summer/Grand_Canyon/
If you look in the load.ini you'll see where the map is looking for it's textures.
- Metatron - 02.05.2009
It's the confederacy flying Bf-109s!
- Metatron - 02.05.2009
It's the confederacy flying Bf-109s!
- F22-Raptor-2006 - 02.05.2009
viking4570 Wrote:Hi - sorry your having trouble m8 - It shouldn't matter that those two maps aren't there. Make sure the textures are in _tex/land/summer/Grand_Canyon/
If you look in the load.ini you'll see where the map is looking for it's textures.
ah ok i'll try now thanx. It was previously named _tex/land/summer/VKG_Grand_Canyon/
EDIT: yey it works thanx
- Smash - 04.05.2009
Ppppsst Hey check this out.
If i looked like crap you can thank youtube lol.
UhhgggGG youtube took my sound away aGain.
- jzoopster49 - 11.05.2009
I think I followed all the instructions to the letter and put everything where it was supposed to go in my Il2 Folder, but I don't see the Grand Canyon map in the list of maps available when I try to set up a FMB. Anyone know the reason this might be? I didn't install the small QMB file.
- EasyRider - 11.05.2009
jzoopster49 you need to enter>
VKG_Grand_Canyon VKG_Grand_Canyon/load.ini
into the all.ini and it can be found in MODS/MapMods/maps
it will then show in the list of maps in the FMB
Really cool map Viking,thank you it is awesome to fly on
- viking4570 - 11.05.2009
Thanks, Easy - I'm glad you like it -viking
- jzoopster49 - 12.05.2009
EasyRider Wrote:jzoopster49 you need to enter>
VKG_Grand_Canyon VKG_Grand_Canyon/load.ini
into the all.ini and it can be found in MODS/MapMods/maps
it will then show in the list of maps in the FMB
Really cool map Viking,thank you it is awesome to fly on
Thanks!!! I was trying to put it in the all.ini outside the mods folder. Works like charm now and great fun. Great map to fly around in.
- EasyRider - 12.05.2009
Your welcome jzoopster49, glad you got it figured out
now you can check that canyon out
- Nocturnum - 13.05.2009
This is a really fun map alright. I took the F9F for a couple of spins along most of the length of the Colorado river sections last night. Hit speeds of up to 720km/h indicated yet it was surprisingly easy to manoeuvre around the corners. Really great fun doing it though.
Just a comment, the 'top' of the map has some really obvious repeating textures which detract a bit from the overall appearance. However, since I suspect most people are like me and spend all their time down in the canyons it's not much of an issue.
Thanks a lot for sharing it with us.
- Herra Tohtori - 02.06.2009
This map looks absolutely gorgeous, but I am having some trouble getting it to work.
First of all, I do not have [quick] section in my conf.ini file, nor do I have ../Missions/Quick/ directory.
Creating the directory is a trivial problem, but adding a section to an ini file opens some questions, such as where to add the section, and what to substitute as the number. In this regard, I find the instruction to add "CustomXX=VKG_Grand_Canyon" to conf.ini somewhat lacking.
I'm assuming I can just add
to the end of the conf.ini file, but the question is, what should be used instead of XX? Should I use 00 or 01? Does it start index from zero or one? Are the already existing quick mission maps counted on the list?
Well, I assume this is just a way to add the map to the list of maps used for quick missions, and as such isn't as important as getting the map to actually work, which it doesn't.
I keep getting the same error report as here:
Cpt_Biggles Wrote:World land()"VKG_Grand_Canyon/load ini" loading error
and nothing I have done has helped in this regard. I have:
-Installed the NTL_Darwin map (which loads fine in FMB)
-Installed the LAL_Rhone's hanger mod (which also show up in FMB)
-checked I don't have any rogue static.ini files (in fact the one needed for LAL Hangar mod I had to create manually - and had to subsequently rename to static.ini.backup because it caused all the ground objects to seemingly disappear from the game when playing with the stock maps)
-checked directory paths and cases to match those in the load.ini
-tried to check that the files specified in load.ini actually exist.
The last part seems to be something of a question mark, because I can't seem to locate some of the files mentioned in the file, but then again they could very well be utilizing the retail game data and I wouldn't see those files in the mod directory.
Here's my (relevant) directory tree:
G:\Pelit\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Mods\Mapmods>tree /a /f
Folder PATH listing
Volume serial number is 0000-0000
| all.ini
| NTL_Darwin_Small_Readme.txt
| NTL_Darwin_Small_actors.static
| NTL_Darwin_Small_ed_m01.tga
| NTL_Darwin_Small_ed_m02.tga
| NTL_Darwin_Small_labels.txt
| NTL_Darwin_Small_load.ini
| NTL_Darwin_Small_map_c.tga
| NTL_Darwin_Small_map_c.tga_table
| NTL_Darwin_Small_map_F.tga
| NTL_Darwin_Small_map_h.tga
| NTL_Darwin_Small_map_R.tga
| NTL_Darwin_Small_map_T.tga
| NTL_Darwin_Small_texts.txt
| actors.static
| ed_m01.tga
| ed_m02.tga
| ed_m03.tga
| ed_map_T.tga
| labels.txt
| load.ini
| map_c.tga
| map_c.tga_table
| map_F.tga
| map_h.tga
| map_T.tga
| texts.txt
| \---summer
| NTL_Darwin_Small_Wood0.tga
| NTL_Darwin_Small_Wood1.tga
| NTL_Darwin_Small_Wood2.tga
| NTL_Darwin_Small_Wood3.tga
| NTL_Darwin_Small_Wood4.tga
| \---summer
| | NTL_Darwin_Small_burmascrub.BumpH
| | NTL_Darwin_Small_burmascrub.tga
| | NTL_Darwin_Small_DarwinAF.tga
| | NTL_Darwin_Small_DarwinCT.BumpH
| | NTL_Darwin_Small_DarwinCT.tga
| | NTL_Darwin_Small_ParapAF.tga
| |
| \---grand_canyon
| Fields_compton1.tga
| Fields_compton1R.tga
| Fields_gc_airfieldDesert.tga
| Fields_gc_barren1.tga
| Fields_gc_brecchia.tga
| Fields_gc_desert_1.tga
| Fields_gc_macchia_neu3.tga
| Fields_gc_macchia_neu4.tga
| Fields_gc_MTO_lowland_3.tga
| Fields_gc_redstone_1.tga
| Fields_gc_sandstone1.BumpH.tga
| Fields_gc_sandstone1.tga
| Fields_gc_stratredD.tga
| Fields_gc_stratredDR.tga
| Fields_MTO_lowland_3.tga
| gc_barren.tga
| gc_barren_2.tga
| gc_desert_1.tga
| gc_downcity.tga
| gc_macchia_neu4.tga
| gc_MTO_lowland_3.tga
| gc_whitechalk.tga
Here are the files mentioned in load.ini that I can't see in this directory tree (there are others but most likely they are default game files):
- map_M.tga
Like said, most likely this is not the issue, but I'm fresh out of ideas here.
Am I missing something obvious? Does this map has some other dependencies than the ones already mentioned in this thread?
I really want to get this thing working, but it is eluding my efforts and it's getting frustrating.