- Dixiecapt - 01.10.2008
its ok, got a loaner tv from the family, and I will get an even faster PC when I can afford it.
In the mean time I will put what all I have on Thumb drives in a package or two, and offer them to the aaa public via File front.
these would be, VMF-213 campaign skins, templates for the second tour, and the word doc with all of the mission breifings.
ALso I have about 11 or 12 Philippean missions that I will offer up, though one of my friends has taken up the task of working on that campaign slowly from his own pc.
- roger-wilco-66 - 02.10.2008
sorry to hear that, I'm rooting for you that you'll have a functional system soon again.
If you want to share your missions I'd be glad to get them, since the first Hellhawks tour is coming toward it's end.
- roger-wilco-66 - 02.10.2008
A little OT, but worth mentioning:
If one is interested in visiting some places (as well as relics) mentioned in the campaign and do some reading, there is a nice website which is worth visiting (imho) :
Other locations on the site are interesting, too, for the PTO inclined.
- whiskey111 - 13.10.2008
Why You didn't make a full installer for this campaign and made this easy to install ?
It will be better
- Dixiecapt - 14.10.2008
I don't know how to make the download an .exe file. If anyone would like to make Tour One a auto Install that would be fine by me!
However your installing this as is, just like something you'd get off Mission4Today, soooo I don't think anyone is having any trouble.
- whiskey111 - 14.10.2008
I have a big troubles with flags and hangar mods because I don't have axactly the same game folders as it's maker
And I don't know what is the reason.
I have installed
AAA_Community_Installer_ver_1_0_part01 on clear version of il-2 so everything must be OK. But it isn't
Sounds Like Static.ini, Has nothing to do with Campaign. - Dixiecapt - 14.10.2008
Those issues have nothing to do with the campaign.
IF i had an installer for the campaign and all the mods in it you would still have the same problem.
I suggest going to the topics of those mods and posting your issue there.
More than likely you are having trouble with your Static.ini
- King Franky - 15.10.2008
Hm, I have similar problems like whiskey.
After download your [DOWNLOAD TOUR 1] (Slot) VMF-213 Hell Hawks Campaign and installed all necessary Mods like in all the Readme's described my Game crashed to the desktop at 70%.
Before that I've only installed the Unified Installer over a clean IL2 1946 4.08, which worked fine and without any problems.
So I think an installer for your campaign would be simplify the things for me a lot.
- Dixiecapt - 16.10.2008
Please refer to discussions in the Hanger 2 and Flag 3 Topics, as others have had these issues with the static.ini and the UI.
I understand the request for simplicity! However, I don't know how to make and .exe for this campaign, though I am willing to allow another to do so. I am shure You will still have the same problems if you do not have a Static.ini located in your MODS folder though, so... Again this is not a problem with the campaign.
Please Read the Instructions , and Discussion for Installation of Hanger 2 and Flag 3 Mods
- Dixiecapt - 16.10.2008
OOoooo Also remember you need Cannons UK Map, and Fabianfreds Thi-Burma Map as these maps come with Objects. This might also be what is happeneing here.
- oho - 22.10.2008
Hi all,
I can'T load the campaign because I can't install the hangars mod because i don't have a static.ini to put the text into :oops: . Can someone help me to get the static ini?
- Dixiecapt - 22.10.2008
This is a Problem that I think comes with the UI,
but it's and Easy Fix!
Check out this AAA link to DL a Static.ini
More info.
- Dixiecapt - 17.11.2008
TOUR TWO & THREE: Will be back under construction after the completion of the FEAF Campaign "Just an Eyelash" that I am nearly finished with and now playtesting for the Philippines Map!
Maybe I can get Tour Two out by X-mas, The VMF-213 Hellhawks Campaign takes much longer to build because I am following Diaries, and After Action Reports to make Everything as Identical to what had actually happened as possible.
(Note: FEAF almost as big as all Three Tours, Done in 2 months, whereas this as been a WIP since the Slot Map Release)
- eddie_brunette - 26.11.2008
Hi dixie
First of all, thanks a lot for this campaign, your attention to detail is awesome, also I love the long flying times. (I never stick to waypoints, always navigate myself on printed maps with own compass!!)
I just have one slight problem that really hampers my progress. My campaign doesn’t safe when you exit career, so every time I start up, I’m back to the first mission with PBY.
Any suggestions?
- Dixiecapt - 26.11.2008
THanks for the words,
Thats Very Weird Eddie,
I see the other Post in IL2 CAMPAIGNS topic where another person is having this issue with another campaign.
I would check that post out, (nm you have) and if that doesn't help then Post in the IL2 Tech Help Section.
This sounds like a Map/Mod/Software Issue, rather than Campaign files.
Sorry wish I could help more with that.