- dsawan - 15.08.2009
cry: Hi, guys. i installed this plane and it is giving me a crash at 60 %. i followed instructions to the letter and now my modded install wont start. i tried removing the f-84 and from the ini and it still wont start and crashess to desktop at 60%. i ran ac 3.8 and no go there. is anyone else having this prob. Its a pisser cause now I cant fly my fav modded installs like before. i really dont wanna reinstall again as this would take weeks to do over again. Hope you can help. thx.
One more thing. My modded install worked fine yesterday. today, I only installed the he-219 made for its own slot and the danzig mods of the fw-190d with modded weps and the hurricane and bf-109 f/g and yak 9 recently released in the new aircraft downloads. It was working up to that point. i did the f-84 last and thats when it crashed at 60 &. i hope this bit can help. thx. :
P/O W. 'Moggy' Cattermole - 16.08.2009
Sounds more like the others are causing the issues. Did you check IL2 worked after you added each aircraft?
- RAF_Loke - 21.08.2009
One little question.
How do you take-off in this beautiful plane?
I use 50% fuel, reach about 200kph and pull gently back on the stick - and BOOM! as soon as it begins to raise the nose.
- Flakiten - 21.08.2009
RAF_Loke Wrote:I use 50% fuel, reach about 200kph and pull gently back on the stick - and BOOM! as soon as it begins to raise the nose.
Quote:Early F-84s had to be pulled off the ground at 140 knots (160 mph, 260 km/h)
140 kts it
- Guest - 21.08.2009
Loving this one, a real keeper
- RAF_Loke - 24.08.2009
Yeah well, even if I try and take off at 140 it won't. It doesn't begins to raise nose until I reach the 200.
Using take off flaps.
- Wolfar - 24.08.2009
You think that's bad, the AI can not take it off when a human can.
We are making a mission where there is 75% fuel and 20 rockets. We are using the Pusan Air Field and it is LONG and the AI cant take off but humans can....
No biggie the real FM when it comes out should fix it.
_Harpia_Mafra55_ - 24.08.2009
Wolfar Wrote:You think that's bad, the AI can not take it off when a human can.
We are making a mission where there is 75% fuel and 20 rockets. We are using the Pusan Air Field and it is LONG and the AI cant take off but humans can....
No biggie the real FM when it comes out should fix it.
In mission i creat to take skin photos, all ok with ai's.
- RAF_Loke - 25.08.2009
Quote:You think that's bad, the AI can not take it off when a human can.
Didn't know I was ai :lol:
- Wolfar - 25.08.2009
RAF_Loke Wrote:Quote:You think that's bad, the AI can not take it off when a human can.
Didn't know I was ai :lol:
Well I have to ask this, do you get to 140MPH then put your flaps down for take off? There is only 1 aircraft field in South Korea that can even handle the roll-out and that is Pusan. We have had some success by the airfield up by Seoul but only taking off with 50% fuel. The guys last night that tried to take off from Pusan with 20 rockets and 100% fuel got her off the ground. The only problem is they could not clear the mountain range just to the north but I could same load out but 75% fuel.
Hey it's trial and error.
- Flakiten - 25.08.2009
Please wait for the F-84G FM and JATO system.
Remember that you
- Wolfar - 25.08.2009
[quote="Flakiten"]Please wait for the F-84G FM and JATO system.
Remember that you
- RAF_Loke - 25.08.2009
sure thing Flakiten
But still have to reply Wolfar.
I'm talking
KPH and flaps are down from the beginning.
I build up thrust until I reach 80% before releasing the brakes. I only carry 2 tiny's and with 50% fuel.
But as Flakiten said, better wait. Will focus on make some skins for it.
- Wolfar - 25.08.2009
RAF_Loke Wrote:sure thing Flakiten .
But still have to reply Wolfar.
I'm talking KPH and flaps are down from the beginning.
I build up thrust until I reach 80% before releasing the brakes. I only carry 2 tiny's and with 50% fuel.
But as Flakiten said, better wait. Will focus on make some skins for it.
We as a unit all of my squadron leave flaps UP until we hit 130MPH THEN put down your flaps to take off position. This allows you to get rolling down the runway MUCH faster. Also only take 75% fuel.
Try it I bet it works for you. :wink:
Nice - randomaccess - 28.08.2009
Looks nice, downloading now.