- kapteeni - 03.06.2008
Uther Wrote:Kapteeni that looks like you have flown off the map.Try it with Olegs maps and you see all sorts of strange things.
This is easy to fix. Map_c needs at least 32 pixels (IIRC)land from maps end. Other wise you have nasty ponds like in picture above.
I have had similiar issues with my maps too :oops:
Anyways this is a great map.
- Redfox59 - 03.06.2008
Thanks boys.
I checked and it is a mistake that can be seen from the game and not the editor to the construction.
As you can see the editor do not see.
This bug is next fix for future upgrades.
Because of
- steeldelete - 03.06.2008
hey thanks for your work Volpe!
Sadly I can't find the map in my FMB. I can fly on all the maps. I post here my map.ini. I donwloaded the static.ini from AAA and no change.
Ardennes_S Ardennes/sload.ini
Ardennes_W Ardennes/wload.ini
Balaton Balaton/load.ini
Balaton_winter Balaton/load_w.ini
Basserabia Bessarabia/load.ini
Berlin Berlin/load.ini
Burma Burma/load.ini
Chichi Chichi/load.ini
CKY_Atlantic_summer Coralsea/Atlantic_summer_CKY_load.ini
CKY_Atlantic_winter Coralsea/Atlantic_winter_CKY_load.ini
CKY_Berlin_autumn Berlin/Autumn_CKY_load.ini
CKY_Berlin_winter Berlin/Winter_CKY_load.ini
CKY_Lvov_winter Lviv/winter_CKY_load.ini
CoralSea CoralSea/load.ini
CoralSeaOnline CoralSea/Online_load.ini
CoralSeaOnline2 CoralSea/2_load.ini
Crimea Crimea/load.ini
dlv_Sinai dlv_Sinai/load.ini
Empty1a Empty1a/load.ini
Empty1a_Winter Empty1a_Winter/load.ini
Empty1b Empty1b/load.ini
Empty1b_Winter Empty1b_Winter/load.ini
Empty2a Empty2a/load.ini
Empty2a_Winter Empty2a_Winter/load.ini
Empty2b Empty2b/load.ini
Empty2b_Winter Empty2b_Winter/load.ini
Empty4a Empty4a/load.ini
Empty4b Empty4b/load.ini
FinsGulf FinsGulf/load.ini
fly_Z_BOB_A fly_zo_BOB/fly_Z_normA_load.ini
fly_Z_BOB_S fly_zo_BOB/fly_Z_normS_load.ini
fly_Z_BOB_W fly_zo_BOB/fly_Z_normW_load.ini
fly_Z_Crimea_desert Crimea/fly_Z_d_load.ini
fly_Z_Net5_autumn Net5Summer/fly_Z_A_load.ini
fly_Z_Net5_winter Net5Summer/fly_Z_W_load.ini
fly_Z_Normandy_autumn normandy/fly_Z_normA_load.ini
fly_Z_Normandy_summer normandy/fly_Z_normS_load.ini
fly_Z_Normandy_winter normandy/fly_Z_normW_load.ini
fly_Z_Norway_winter Norway/fly_Z_w_load.ini
Guadal Guadal/load.ini
GuadalcanalSept Guadal/Sept_load.ini
GuadalE Guadal/eload.ini
Hawaii Hawaii/load.ini
IasiOnline Bessarabia/load_Iasi.ini
Iwo Iwo/load.ini
IwoOnine Iwo/Online_load.ini
KhalkhinGol KhalkhinGol/load.ini
Kiev Kiev/load.ini
Kuban Kuban/load.ini
Kurland_Autumn Kurland/load.ini
Kurland_Autumn_online Kurland/load_online.ini
Kurland_Winter Kurland/wload.ini
Kurland_Winter_online Kurland/wload_online.ini
Kursk Kursk/load.ini
Kwajalein Kwajalein/load.ini
Kyushu Japan1/load.ini
LAL_Crimea_autumn Crimea/LAL_crimeaautumn.ini
LAL_Crimea_mud Crimea/LAL_crimeamud.ini
LAL_Crimea_summer Crimea/LAL_crimeasummer.ini
LAL_Crimea_winter Crimea/LAL_crimeawinter.ini
LAL_FinsGulf_autumn finsgulf/LAL_FinsG_autumn.ini
LAL_FinsGulf_spring finsgulf/LAL_FinsG_Spring.ini
LAL_Kuban Kuban/LAL_load.ini
LAL_Kursk Kursk/LAL_load.ini
LAL_Lvov_autumn Lviv/LAL_Lvivautumn.ini
LAL_Moscow_summer Moscow/LAL_sload.ini
LAL_Normandie-43 LALnormandy1/LAL_load1.ini
LAL_Normandie-44 LALnormandy2/LAL_load2.ini
LAL_Okinawa OkinawaLAL/load.ini
LAL_Okinawa_OnLine OkinawaLAL/Online_load.ini
LAL_Prokhorovka Prokhorovka/LAL_load.ini
LAL_Smolensk Smolensk/LAL_load.ini
LAL_Stalingrad_Summer Stgrad/LAL_sload.ini
Lvov Lviv/load.ini
Lybia_N-E Lybia_N-E/tob2_M_load.ini
Manchuria Manchuria/load.ini
Marianas Marianas/load.ini
MarianasOnline Marianas/Online_load.ini
Midway Midway/load.ini
Moscow Moscow/load.ini
mrz_Malta mrz_Malta/mrz_load.ini
mrz_Malta_high mrz_Malta/mrz_load_high.ini
mrz_Malta_medium mrz_Malta/mrz_load_medium.ini
MTO MTO/load.ini
Murmansk murmansk/load.ini
MurmanskSummer MurmanskS/load.ini
Net1Summer Net1Summer/load.ini
Net1Winter Net1Winter/load.ini
Net2Summer Net2Summer/load.ini
Net2Winter Net2Winter/load.ini
Net3Summer Net3Summer/load.ini
Net5Summer Net5Summer/load.ini
Net6Island Net6Island/load.ini
Net7Islands Net7Islands/load.ini
Net8Islands Net8Islands/load.ini
Net8Islands_v2 Net8Islands/load_v2.ini
NetIslands NetIslands/load.ini
NetMountains Netmountains/load.ini
NewGuinea NewGuinea/load.ini
Normandy1 Normandy/load2.ini
Normandy2 Normandy/load.ini
Normandy3 Normandy/load1.ini
Norway Norway/load.ini
NWEurope NWEurope/load.ini
OdessaOnline Bessarabia/load_Odessa.ini
Okinawa Okinawa/load.ini
OkinawaOnline Okinawa/Online_load.ini
OnlineDesert desert/load.ini
OnlineItaly Italy_DF/load.ini
Palau Palau/load.ini
PalauOnline Palau/Online_load.ini
Prokhorovka Prokhorovka/load.ini
SandsOfTime SandsOfTime/load.ini
Singapore singapore/load.ini
Singapore2 singapore/load2.ini
Slovakia Slovakia/load.ini
SlovakiaOnline Slovakia/load_Online.ini
Smolensk Smolensk/load.ini
Stgrad Stgrad/load.ini
SummerMoscow Moscow/sload.ini
SummerStgrad Stgrad/sload.ini
tab_ardennes ardennes/tab_wload.ini
Tarawa Tarawa/load.ini
The_Slot_01-44 Slot/load_0144.ini
The_Slot_07-43 Slot/load_0743.ini
The_Slot_08-42 Slot/load_0842.ini
The_Slot_10-42 Slot/load_1042.ini
The_Slot_10-43 Slot/load_1043.ini
The_Slot_12-42 Slot/load_1242.ini
vp_Balaton Balaton/vp_load.ini
vp_Lvov Lviv/vp_load.ini
vp_SandsOfTime1 SandsOfTime/vp_load.ini
vp_SandsOfTime2 SandsOfTime/2vp_load.ini
vp_SandsOfTime3 SandsOfTime/3vp_load.ini
Wake Wake/load.ini
WinterFinsGulf FinsGulf/load_w.ini
vol_ItalyAfricaGreece vol_ItalyAfricaGreece/vol_ita_load.ini
- Redfox59 - 03.06.2008
tigre Wrote:Sorry Redfox59, but MALTA IS HORRIBLE!!
Right observation.
But this map was not made for MALTA.
The theatre of action is wide for actions in the long haul, and not specific to particular places.
It is assumed that for specific actions on specific areas there are other maps very nice and treated you can satisfy your request.
See the nice map of MALTA 6S.Maraz.
- COBRA19 - 03.06.2008
MAMAMIA thet is greit TNX
- fly_zo - 03.06.2008
steeldelete Wrote:hey thanks for your work Volpe!
Sadly I can't find the map in my FMB. I can fly on all the maps. I post here my map.ini. I donwloaded the static.ini from AAA and no change.
vp_Lvov Lviv/vp_load.ini
vp_SandsOfTime1 SandsOfTime/vp_load.ini
vp_SandsOfTime2 SandsOfTime/2vp_load.ini
vp_SandsOfTime3 SandsOfTime/3vp_load.ini
Wake Wake/load.ini
WinterFinsGulf FinsGulf/load_w.ini
vol_ItalyAfricaGreece vol_ItalyAfricaGreece/vol_ita_load.ini
well, it's listed ok .... do check if all.ini is in its proper location ( and that you don't have another all.ini somewhere else )
it should be in
also check if folder with map files is correctly named (vol_ItalyAfricaGreece)
- danger - 04.06.2008
Trooper117 Wrote:BRILLIANT!.. First the channel map, now this!! :mrgreen:
lol, the channel map was not exactly a good one was it ? for starters, the coast of england was totally wrong
however , this map is f*$%ing EXELLENT
well done. best map i have seen to date.
- lowfighter - 04.06.2008
Very nice map, many thanks :!: :!: :!:
- kapteeni - 04.06.2008
danger Wrote:Trooper117 Wrote:BRILLIANT!.. First the channel map, now this!! :mrgreen:
lol, the channel map was not exactly a good one was it ? for starters, the coast of england was totally wrong
however , this map is f*$%ing EXELLENT well done. best map i have seen to date.
I quess you mean my Kt_channel map. It is not england/france, it is a fictional channel 8) dogfight map
Redfoxes Italy/Africa map is a masterpiece. I think it is 2 best map right after Slovakia. It is a good excample about devotion and hard work for this old game-engine.
- Trooper117 - 04.06.2008
danger Wrote:Trooper117 Wrote:BRILLIANT!.. First the channel map, now this!! :mrgreen:
lol, the channel map was not exactly a good one was it ? for starters, the coast of england was totally wrong
however , this map is f*$%ing EXELLENT well done. best map i have seen to date.
What the hell is wrong with some of you lot??..
You get free maps after all the time and effort that people have put in at no cost to yourselves, and you still moan!!!! ..This really grips my shit!!!!! :?
- steeldelete - 04.06.2008
Fly_zo thanks that solved it. I had a map file backup in the mods folder.
great, I made a round trip. It's fantastic, one knows also from the vegetation where one is.
- Trooper117 - 04.06.2008
Yep.. I flew past a mafia boss yesterday, nailed it down to the exact grid square, within 50 metres! :wink:
- Redfox59 - 04.06.2008
The enthusiasm I saw many of you reward me time that I used to make the map.
Now I try to amend it with textures and objects of 4.09.
An image of what could be.
It is not a promise but over time we will see.
- skarden - 04.06.2008
Fantastic work redfox! just d'/l'ed it and am about to take a tour around the med. 8)
cheers and a big thank you for all your hard work ~S~
- Whizz - 05.06.2008
Thanks again for this map, it's a real beauty. Could I ask one small favour if possible? Would it be possible to add a grass airfield near either Trikkala or Larissa? Would be good for knocking together some 1941 blitzkrieg fights for the Gladiators and Hurricanes of the RAF.