How to win a head to head pass - philmybutt - 11.04.2007
fly into them
- Lt.Wolf - 12.04.2007
lmao, fly fast hit bail
- Rocketbat - 12.04.2007
i tried this! i cant beleive it REALY WORKS!
hock: this is no con people of allaircractarcade! :lol:
- flying_high_71 - 19.04.2007
Use a plane with a big canon
squint eyes
Aim Correctly
Press Trigger from about 1.2 out
Guaranteed to work 10% of the time
- Rocketbat - 14.06.2007
Hehehee, 10% thats stangely comical :lol: :roll:
- Murilo Specht - 14.06.2007
Are you drunk rocketbat? That was said 2 months ago :lol:
- Rocketbat - 14.06.2007
yep! only just read it! (or as my dad says, im just a hyppie tennage stoner that cant remeber 2 seconds ago! :lol: )
- Rocketbat - 14.06.2007
actually im just off to read the rest of these threads because ive probably forgotern them allready :roll:
- Murilo Specht - 14.06.2007
In other words: You are drunk!
- Rocketbat - 14.06.2007
well a supposeeee ya cud sai thaa (hic) buav only ada shandi (vomit alover) (insert audio clip of rocketbat slapping a cat to a violent death)
- Bearcat - 03.12.2007
Against humans it's a crapshoot.. against the AI I have found that if you shoot first often they will veer off first..
- Griffon - 27.12.2007
One must remember that the enemy is flying directly into the gunfire if it's a head on, so you can shoot much earlier then you would if they were on your 6. Remember to fire slightly above the target however, to compensate for the bullets losing energy and moving downwards as they travel further.
- renmik - 27.12.2007
My experience is...if you have other chance to win, avoid Head on Head...
But sometimes there is no another try this:
(this is tactic for Bf109...against Spitfire, not Mustang)
Speed up to 400-450 km/h... crosshair to enemy (light above)
On 1,40 short salve, ... than "Fass-Rolle" straight ahead to Spitfire...shoot several salves, Revi holding
near Target), mostly the Spit is missing one wing after this...
I have won near 75% of Head on Head against human Players in Spitfires with this tactic...
Doesn't work against Mustang (P 51 also) big spreading of bad bullets.
Now, you know one of my tactics... if you see Bf 109 at 12, think about your options.
- Griffon - 27.12.2007
Fire off a burst of heavy rounds, and if he's still coming, dive up and roll away. :wink:
- Nightshifter - 27.12.2007
I always try to make sure I fire first, even if I won't make a hit it usually puts off the other guy/gals aim for a spilt second and makes him/her think twice which gives you more time to correct your aim for the knock-out hits.