Malta Map WIP available - UPDATED - V1.2 - Printable Version

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Malta Map WIP available - UPDATED - V1.2 - 6S.Maraz - 02.02.2008

This is the "unofficial" release of the Malta Map WIP; official release on AAA
forum will follow soon.

NEW: ver 1.2 Available

[Image: malta-rid.jpg]

Archive available here (when the servers are available I mean Smile ):

Big thanks to Letchik for his work on buildings


Change History:

ver 1.2
- this version of the map comes with three different building densities in towns.
Normal version (mrz_Malta) is as before Medium and High density versions
(mrz_Malta_medium and mrz_Malta_high) have been done by Letchick. You will find
them as three separate maps in the FMB. Thanks Letchik !!!

ver 1.1
- changed one texture in load.ini
- minor texture changes in the map
- modified coastline and objects in French Creek (added dry dock and new piers)
- all city buildings replaced with Slovakia buildings
- added about 10% more buildings in Valletta area and some larger towns in Sicily
- corrected .mis mission files to point to correct map name

ver. 1.0
- Initial public release


- lowfighter - 02.02.2008

Many thanks Maraz! 8) 8) 8)

- asheshouse - 02.02.2008

Congratulations on being the first with the release of this new generation of maps.
I am going to download it straight away.

- Bee - 02.02.2008

Congratulations indeed!

A world first. You just wrote yourself into the history books Maraz. Well done!!!!

- MiWa - 02.02.2008

It finally happened!
This is a new page in Il2 history...
The game will never be the same.
Congrats Maraz!

- Trooper117 - 02.02.2008

Very, very impressed with this mate.. You, and others like you deserve a big vote of thanks from us all! :mrgreen:

- kapteeni - 02.02.2008

Holy Mutha OF christ. This is my lucky day. Just got 8800gt and now this!!!! After a short flight i must say that Malta map looks great!!!! Confusedhock: Confusedhock: :lol:

- donald_the_duck - 02.02.2008

Ottimo lavoro!


ottima mappa!!


complimenti davvero Big Grin

- JV69_BADA - 02.02.2008


Maraz: pm :wink:

- Ranwers - 02.02.2008

Thanx !

Maybe soon... :wink:

[Image: 02022008135013md7.jpg]

- 6S.Maraz - 02.02.2008

ranwers Wrote:Thanx !

Maybe soon... :wink:

We hope so, Ranwers, you are a magician !!! Big Grin

- Ranwers - 02.02.2008

What will be CANT without Malta.... Smile

- ClockWatcher - 02.02.2008


I would like to add my congratulations for what you have achieved. Map making is long, tedious, annoying, thankless on occasions and a pain in the :oops: . But boy oh boy, the joy of flying across your own creation is worth every minute when you realise what you have achieved and brought to life. Big Grin

Have a hearty slap on the back from me 6S.Maraz, for your contributions to the forum and a first class piece of work which sets a benchmark for us all to aspire to.


- Boser - 02.02.2008

Great! Very very much thank you!!!

- Cat_Mouth - 02.02.2008

It is a final version or a beta ?

Because I am little bit disappointed :

1. the towns are very very poor .... There is one house for 150 meters ....
2. I often see houses on falls, then house don't really touch the ground ...
2. many airbases are visually bugged. Runaway textures are layered and the bases blink.
3. the choice of the texture are strange because I see a big Patchwork with plenty of different colors. It's very flashy when you fly ...

It is normal, or my version is bugged ?