anyone want a green Mt. Suribachi..?? - Printable Version

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anyone want a green Mt. Suribachi..?? - fabianfred - 06.02.2008

I made one to put in the sea ...(well two together actually)...on my new map.....a re-hash of the pacific Islands map

I made the dual runways on the Southern Island work by deleting one Runaways icon from each strip....and cut out some of the parking and adjusted taxiways etc.

I'll put the map and mountain and a great mission to go with it up for download at my usual site.....soon...

[Image: 0602200814-46-34.jpg]

[Image: 0602200814-56-55.jpg]

- fabianfred - 06.02.2008

the Mountain Suribachi does not seem to appear in the normal it is an object for map makers to use....
sent to my usual..... ... sions.html

- spud - 06.02.2008

All the map maker only objects have a certain format if you look at static.ini. Like just a path to the msh file.

The FMB objects are different. If you were to copy an FMB object entry and point to the suribachi mesh, I bet it shows in the FMB.

- big_yamato - 06.02.2008

If only the shape's editable, I can make a more convincing Krakatoa... :lol: