anybody thought of U.S. Maps? - Printable Version

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anybody thought of U.S. Maps? - Jaypack44 - 22.02.2008

I was just wondering, it would be cool to have some maps of areas in the U.S.A., (for training missions and what-if campaigns) Has anybody thought of this? I'd try my hand at it, but I have no Idea what to do, and even reading the posts explaining it goes Waaaaaaaaay over my head.

- spud - 22.02.2008

I've been seriously considering making my first attempt at making a map from scratch be the area near Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Kirtland, AFB was at the time a bombadier training school, using B-25s. Would be interesting to see how close I could get it, the only problem being that the mountains here have a 1200' overhanging face, lol.