Should I extend my map? - Printable Version

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Should I extend my map? - canonuk - 04.04.2008

Hey guys,

Since my BoB online map has gone to beta, I thought about my next project. I had the idea that I could produce another actors.static representing the airfields in 1941/42 so that RAF operations over France could be modelled.

That got me thinking though. If I was to expand my borders to the east and south I could take in a bit more of northern France and Normandy, which would allow me to include some important Luftwaffe airfields (for Battle of Britain) but also for 1942/43 RAF and USAAF raids over France.

I know that Clockwatchers Battle of Britain map will cover this area, but since I'm not the owner of a massive PC I'm thinking about having the area on a smaller scale.

So, what do people think? Below is a map of my current area (black border) and my proposed expansion (red area).

[Image: ext.jpg]


- Trooper117 - 04.04.2008

Absolutely mate... Extend the map for future ops! You know it makes sense.. Don't be pressured by the 'I want it now' crowd, it's obvious you want to do it or you wouldn't have run this thread!

- Fay King - 04.04.2008

Great idea!....Please release BoB Online first though. Big Grin

- Guest - 04.04.2008

Fay King Wrote:Great idea!....Please release BoB Online first though. Big Grin

+1 Big Grin

- whiskey111 - 04.04.2008

Yes, great idea Big Grin

- Guest - 04.04.2008

Definitely need to release BoB online first!Big Grin

- dup - 04.04.2008


Great news !

- Scharnhorst1943 - 04.04.2008

Absolutely release the BOB online map first. Wonderful.

Just a thought though ... we already have a Normandy map ... could you maybe shift your larger map to stop where the stock Normandy map begins? This way you could move the boarder that much more to the east ... justmy 2 cents.

This way we would be getting new area instead of redoing something we already have.

I am not knocking this at all don't get me wrong, just why not take all the area you were going to add and just go strait east? The Finland map is like this, it is rectangular not square ... would it be acceptable to do the same here and have a rectangular map that focuses more on France and Netherlands?

- canonuk - 04.04.2008

Well, asheshouse is already doing east France/Belgium etc

My aim for my extended map would be to take in some other Battle of Britain luftwaffe airfields (Beaumont le Roger, Caen etc) but also allow some 1942/43 bomber campaign missions on one map. My Normandy wouldn't be in as much detail as the current existing Normandy map, but would be fine for the overall area. For detailed Normandy missions you could load up the Normandy map (or Clockwatcher's map)


- Scharnhorst1943 - 04.04.2008

canonuk Wrote:Well, asheshouse is already doing east France/Belgium etc

My aim for my extended map would be to take in some other Battle of Britain luftwaffe airfields (Beaumont le Roger, Caen etc) but also allow some 1942/43 bomber campaign missions on one map. My Normandy wouldn't be in as much detail as the current existing Normandy map, but would be fine for the overall area. For detailed Normandy missions you could load up the Normandy map (or Clockwatcher's map)


Thanks for the clarifacation. Sounds good to me then. I did not know how in depth you were going to do Normandy ... now I know Big Grin

- canonuk - 04.04.2008

Ok, see this post:
