editing maps-HELP! - Printable Version

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editing maps-HELP! - Jaypack44 - 15.04.2008

Hi all- I'm currently working on a small alteration to the Normandy map, but I've run into a problem. In the large river delta/harbor on the upper right of the map, I want to replace an area of land with water. I've tried copying an area of the water and pastin it over in Map_T, I've tried it in the map editing FMB (it just shows black blotches over some of the land areas) , and it still doesn't work! what am I doing wrong?

- fabianfred - 15.04.2008

Map_C is the one which defines which areas are land and which are water...and need to match map_h and map_t

but map_C is not as easily edited....because you need to use the mapC tools to re-combine it into a map....then edit....then dissect it again

- fly_zo - 15.04.2008

...yup ffb is totally right Big Grin ..... but don't get discouraged here cos it sounds far more complicated than it really is

.... get map tools (sticky) ,read readme's carefully and you'll get it in no time .... Big Grin
