Hehhehheelp - Kohler - 22.04.2008
Im having a little problem..in downloaded here a mod which increases the amount of AAA explosion smokes,and changes planes crash explosions..IT LAGS TOO MUCH!!! so can you help me to find that mod and tell me how to uninstall it.
- salac_78 - 22.04.2008
Whats the name of the mod;from where did u download it?
- Kohler - 22.04.2008
That is the thing we are resolving..what is the name of the mod..i downloaded it here.
- fly_zo - 22.04.2008
i believe it was one of Fabianfreds .... PM him
..extract/install same mod into temp dir. .... see which files it uses ....use ctrl+F ( find) within your game dir ... locate all those files .... remove them ( to new location) .... if all working well afterwards you may delete them completely
- hades - 22.04.2008
Deleted. Keep up the good work
- Kohler - 22.04.2008
Thank you guys,problem solved
- Kohler - 22.04.2008
And another problem..which mod makes your smoke when plane burning shallow..not black?
- Klemm - 22.04.2008
Engine startup flames by slipry i think.
But i installed the newest version of that mod and my aircraft smoke and everything like flames from jet engines is back to normal.
Here's the link, i recommend you to install this mod again:
(The link is inoperative)
- GentleKiller - 22.04.2008
LeLv17_Kohler Wrote:And another problem..which mod makes your smoke when plane burning shallow..not black?
i dont think it is a mod, it is the effect=2
- salac_78 - 22.04.2008
When somethings goes wrong with explosions,flames,smoke,everybody blames slipry.I have installed his mod a long time ago ,and a lots of mods since than,and didnt have any trouble with his or any other mod for that matter.Sure there are mods with bugs out there,but thats are feedback for.Before u download a mod read what the other memebers wrote abt it and if the feedbacks are positive than download it,if not wait for a while coz the bugs will be fixed sooner rather than later
- fly_zo - 22.04.2008
... it's tricky thing with any of effects mods cos people have different graphic cards ... settings ...dll's you name it . If someone has strange effect with for instance Slipry mod ( or ffb s) it doesn't necessary mean that there is something wrong with the mod .
- Kohler - 23.04.2008
Okay..i installed newest version of that mod but now il2 crashes in 60% GODDAMMIT!
- salac_78 - 23.04.2008
I have uninstalled yesterday my sound mod 0.90 and installed 0.93.Than i have installed all my mods,and guess what il2 crashes at 60%.than i have uninst* the whole damn thing (il 46),reinstall it,and added 0.93 mod;again chrash at 60 %.I mean wtf :? .So i have gived up on 0.93(guess my pc doesnt like it),installed 46,0.90 sound mod,and all my mods and all is well again.I guess my problem is old maschine,if yours is too try 0.90