DrJones 3D Converter for IL2 - Guest - 22.08.2008
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Well here it is finally !
chk it out
- fly_zo - 22.08.2008
so "THE DAY" has finally arrived ....
free modeling for all !
another turn point in Il2 history
many thanks to dr.Jones and all involved
- khirareg - 23.08.2008
I don't understand, it's not my birthday
- 4./JG53_Badger - 23.08.2008
Yes :wink:
- Trooper117 - 23.08.2008
Er.. For some reason this news scares me.
- Myshlayevsky - 23.08.2008
Вротмненоги, тысячачиртей!!!!111одинодин
Thank you!!!
- RAF_Magpie - 23.08.2008
Trooper117 Wrote:Er.. For some reason this news scares me. hock:
Why's that Trooper?
- Trooper117 - 24.08.2008
I know we had a very small modding team at the site, but although that limits the amount of aircraft that can be produced, I quite liked the idea as at least there was some semblence of accuracy and control there..
The flood gates are now open though, and although there are people out there who may now be able to do sterling work with this new gift, there are others that won't.
I know.. my little security bubble has just burst! :wink:
- Kristorf - 24.08.2008
I understand were your comming from Dave.
Is this a possible Pandora's Box opening?
What controls will be in place to stop 'uber' projects popping up all over the place, possibly destroying all the hard work done at AAA (and Fusion), in one foul stroke??
Only time will tell
- fly_zo - 24.08.2008
well, it does give you possibilities to convert 3d model into Il2 compatible one but you still need knowledge how to import it in game .... that i hope will remain confidential
this only helps AAA team cos receiving finished( converted) models saves their time .....IMHO
- RAF_Magpie - 24.08.2008
Control? None.
Well the fact is that this is a only 3D converter - not a tool that builds aircraft, nor is it a tool that means those aircraft will necessarily work with the game engine. All it this does is convert meshes; its not a uber tool for anything. People still need a base knowledge of the games operation, and aircraft operation for it to work correctly. Just look at the rising amount of demands for a tutorial as an example...
- Kristorf - 24.08.2008
Okey Dokie, thx for that
- dgk196 - 26.08.2008
A quick question..........
Is there a 'tutorial' on the horizon?
- magot - 27.08.2008
dgk196 Wrote:A quick question..........
Is there a 'tutorial' on the horizon?
will be but wait
btw know you work with 3dsmax?
but guys,making new meshes with full structure and import in correct msh structure without bugs is hard work !So know buidling java classes for mount new objects and other things is need ....
Its not a childs play imho ...