zip_Alpen Beta2 available! - Printable Version

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zip_Alpen Beta2 available! - zipzapp - 31.08.2008

Download the Beta2 here;11657650;

or ...



Installation: Unzip the as a folder zip_Alpen to your ...\mods\mapmods\maps folder. Add the following line somewhere in the all.ini in your ...\mods\mapmods\maps folder:

zip_Alpen zip_Alpen/zip_Alpen_load.ini

Thats all.


Changes to previous Beta:

Roads cleared from buildings, rivers & lakes recleared with a better tool.

Population of Augsburg, Milano, Muenchen and Wien more then halved (Industry excepted) for better framerates.

Zooming memory error fixed. Return-to-FMB-error may still occur. You avoid this when saving a mission, leaving the FMB and start the mission from the main menue. Ask Mister Maddox to fix that ;-)

Venice reworked and populated (narrow channels at perfect mode only).

New Airports at Augsburg, Muenchen-Riehm and Memingen created by JV69_BADA. Many thanks, Bada!

Added Swiss castels created by Lowfighter. Many thanks, Lowfighter!

Highway-airport between Muenchen and Augsburg and airport near Treviso added.

Castle Vauban added.

Some sightseeing points added.

Some million trees planted at higher regions.

Hill at airport Muenchen-Suedwest ironed.

Some roads and rails fixed, some river sections smoothed.

New map_f for excellent mode (Still quite bad, sorry)

Some textures changed.

One tree on a runway felled.

Typo in hight_table.pdf fixed.

A lot of other fixes and little changes.


Fixing the water issue

When flying low over water in the hight you may notice ugly black strips at the lakes banks. When flying very low over the water in the hight your plane may crash without any notable reason and there are some other strange issues. To solve all that set "water = 1" in the games conf.ini. You can use the "IL_46Wswitcher.exe" for that, you will find it in your Zip_Alpen folder. Place it in the games mainfolder, create a link to your desktop if you want and run it. It will save your original conf.ini as conf_save.ini without any change. Then it will create a new conf.ini from yours and change your water=4, water=3 or water=2 to water = 1, which will be displayed. The original value is stored in a file conf_water.ini. The next time you run the program it will change the water back to your original value, wich is also displayed. Your original conf_safe.ini isn't touched anymore. This works when using the better openGL-setting instead of the DirectX-setting. You will need this also with any other map where the water is not just at hight 0. In my opinion there is no notable difference between the water settings exept bow and stern wash.


Using the hight map

Bombers and divebombers need to know the hight of the aim. Open the zip_Alpen_height_map.xcf with gimp. Select the color picker and pick at aims position. Read colour value from pickers info box. Open hight_table.pdf and read assigned hight from the hight_table.pdf. Maybe someone can change the xcf to other formats like photoshop.


More sightseeing & military objects needed!

There are still very few castles and other famous buildings on that map and there are no military installations like marshalling yards, radar stations or fortifications. Especially castle Neuschwanstein is missed ;-) If you build such objects within your missions (even with an other map), please send me your .mis file. I will extract this objects, add them to the map and publish a new version from time to time. You will be named then, of course. Nice small bridges for Venice are also needed! Someone should create them, please. All parcitipaters will get this map for free ;-)


Why this is still a beta:

This is mainly still a beta, because there are no railway stations. I added some hundreds or may be a thousend of them. This took two weeks. The next two weeks i tried to make the map run also with the stations. It still doesn't. That has nothing to do with the stations themselselves or, within reasonable limits, the size of the actors.static. This issue may occur also with other big, well and diversified poulated maps. It's resolvable, but this may take some time.


New textures will be used with the next version


Please keep reporting issues, they will be fixed if possible.


Many thanks to AAA and all posters at AAA and their suggestions.



- RichardHed - 31.08.2008

For those of us whom downloaded the previous beta, Are ALL the files updated, or is it possible to download JUST the changed files to keep the d/l smaller as an update?

I appreciate your work and don't want to cause you too much trouble it's just I have satellite Internet and have a bandwidth limit

- Triad773 - 31.08.2008

Excellent ZipZapp! Looking forward to trying this out Big Grin

Thanks for this excellent map and all the work it entails 8)

- RichardHed - 31.08.2008

Just flew from Munich to Venice in a MIG-9
flew for 35 minutes, seeing Venice then turning northwest to land. ran out of fuel and landed on a road.
What can I say.... it's breathtaking. WONDERFUL map thank you.

- lowfighter - 01.09.2008

Thousand thanks :!: Big Grin 8)
Downloaded and will check today...

- Triad773 - 01.09.2008

Hi ZipZapp- working on some missions here: up to number 7 with a clear idea of doing up to 9 of them in a single download pack.

Thanks for your map; the whole thing looks great- the Schio hardpoints look a few metres off from what they were, but no big deal. What I have run into is that B-25's and JU-88's cannot take off from Schio or Bergama. Not sure if it is the runway length or the nice varied terrian, but either way, they do crash on takeoff for some reason ( despite altitude). I have found a workaround in having them air start. They should be fine for landing due to their reduced gross weight Wink

Mission 5 is a real mix-er-uper :twisted: I hope folks enjoy the map you have developed as well as be inspired to develope more missions on their own.

I pretty much explore your south end of the map, although it is my hope that others develope Alpine missions that expand on what IL-2 is about by publishing missions that occupy other areas- it is such a nice large map! 8)



- vampire_pilot - 01.09.2008

very good, it is really better now regarding the Memory failure. not all elininated but definitely better. The new airports and towns look great!

- fernand - 01.09.2008

Excellent ! Thanks a lot

- phasmid - 01.09.2008

Nice map TYVM. Venice is looking good.

- lowfighter - 01.09.2008

Yes, and the castle you added too! Big Grin

- Triad773 - 01.09.2008

Just finished a series of 9 missions for this great map.

See here for more details:

Thanks to ZipZapp!

Enjoy, and post feedback if desired in the thread linked above.


Triad 8)

- magot - 03.09.2008

St. Mark's Square ? Big Grin
great details!

[Image: squarestmarkxi3.jpg]

- rollnloop - 04.09.2008

Hi, i tested this beta map for the first time (did not try beta1), here's a short review:

-this map is huuuuuuuuge Confusedhock: i understand the failures with FMB reload better now.

-withing game limitations it is quite convincing already, and with expected further work on texture (as i read in other threads) it will certainly be a gem.

-2D map could use less fluo colors, frontiers would be nice too.

-few problems with AI 262 on Munchen airfileds: 1/at RIEM the aircraft don't spawn at runway threshold, thus the take off distance available is shorter. 2/over 4 runway axis at the two airfields (didn't try the autobahn yet) only one allows for a Me262 take off at 100% fuel, due to forest close to the runway axis. With a spawn at threshold+ free runway axis there should be no problem for take off for the JV44 262s.

Now let's go find some doc on 15th AF raids over north italy/south germany/austria Big Grin

Thanks a lot for your work, i have high hopes in the next evolutions, and will have fun with this beta meanwhile 8)

- zipzapp - 04.09.2008

Yes, there are woods a little bit close to the runways, not only an Muenchen. I changed this meanwhile and will also change the Riem starting points. Textures are great imho ;-) and don't forget, the new ones came out just two weeks ago or so and are still in work and it's not done with a change in the load ini. I wait till a fuller set comes out and there are also some installing problems yet. I also hope to new woods textures so i can rid of the sliced trees.

The size of the map of course is beyond any usefull meaning ;-)

- Vpmedia - 05.09.2008

great work!!

currently I'm using this map with this texture combination:


LowLand0 = land/summer/rom_fields_LowLand2.tga
LowLand1 = land/summer/rom_fields_LowLand1.tga
LowLand2 = land/summer/sk_LowLand3_fields.tga
LowLand3 = italy_DF/land/summer/grass_macchia_rock_v2.tga

MidLand0 = Italy_DF/land/summer/LowLand_2neu.tga
MidLand1 = land/summer/Lowland_2.tga
MidLand2 = land/summer/Lowland_1.tga
MidLand3 = land/summer/midland.tga

Mount0 = land/summer/mount.tga
Mount1 = land/summer/bottommount.tga
Mount2 = land/summer/uppermount.tga
Mount3 = land/summer/mount4.tga

Country0 = land/winter/snow3.tga
Country1 = land/summer/bigcountry.tga
Country2 = land/summer/Dcountry.tga
Country3 = land/summer/rom_fields_MidLand0.tga

City0 = land/summer/DownCity.tga
City1 = land/summer/MidCity.tga
City2 = land/summer/CenterCity.tga
City3 = land/summer/rom_factory.tga

AirField0= land/summer/airfieldGr.tga
AirField1= land/summer/rom_air_fields_0.tga
AirField2= Italy_DF/land/summer/fields_handfields_med.tga
AirField3 = land/summer/fields_dry2a.tga

Wood0 = land/summer/sk_LowLand0.tga
Wood1 =
Wood2 = forest/summer/sk_ForestFar.tga
Wood3 =

Water0 = land/summer/dry2_v2.tga
Water1 = land/summer/MTO_Desert_2.tga
water2 =
Water3 =