Am I Being Stupid? - Printable Version

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Am I Being Stupid? - Dr. Strangelove - 05.09.2008

Hey peeps!

... I don't know about this... I was looking into the Darwin Map, and downloaded it, but I just can't find it in the "load maps" in FMB. Malta, Libya, Argentina, and D-Day + 3 weeks show up, just not Darwin. It's a real shame too. Cry

Any smart people out there? 8)

- fabianfred - 05.09.2008

did you add the line of text to the MODS/MAPMODS/maps/all.ini file???

NTL_Darwin_Small NTL_Darwin_Small/NTL_Darwin_Small_load.ini

- Dr. Strangelove - 07.09.2008

Nah, I didn't do that before. Now I have, though.

So, yeah, I guess I was being stupid. :o
