actors static directions for use? - Printable Version

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actors static directions for use? - fabianfred - 29.09.2008

I am now at the point where the actors static for my Thai map is over 200kb and starting to have memory problems when using the maptools FMB

I never tried the method of cutting the actors static into bits..... any advice?

..and where is the link for the tools?

- lowfighter - 30.09.2008

Fred, you find the link for CS (cut and shift) by LSA in the first sticky on this forum ( map tools download). CS is used in concert with the actor tool (act.jar) which "extracts" the textfiles (outBuildings.txt etc) from the actors.static and "creates" actors.static from text files (inBuildings.txt files).
Perhaps this discussion can help too:


(BTW Acajoun had a problem in not being able to load ANY map properly in FMB map mode, it turned out that his CONF.ini was not compatible with FMB map mode, don't know why, but after I sent him my conf.ini he could do things as we all do with FMB map mode. Pretty weird thing cause I don't remember anybody having conflicts between conf.ini and map-FMB )

- fabianfred - 02.10.2008

I cannot get this to work.... I can extract the out files from the actors.static.... and I can use the cutter to make two sets of files for halves of the map...

but I cannot get them to create a new MWactors says 'Done any key' but nothing is made

I made the mapsize.txt correctly..

why does the extract make an outwing.txt ...but the readme say to use an inwings.txt the spelling correct?

the mapsize ..... eg. 740000.0 is this the only data in the file.?..the original has an explanation in there too

is mine not working because I have no bridges on my map....I thought it was autopop which needed them to work...not the actors tools

- lowfighter - 02.10.2008

Fred with "extract" you get the out-files. The inverse process, "create", uses the infiles as input files. Try this: extract
2. rename all outfiles to infiles for example outBuildings.txt to inBuildings.txt
3. run create
It should work but:
the inWing.txt (the bridges) should be non-void. So if the original map had no bridges the outWing.txt will be 0 KB. If you rename all out to in and run create it will not work. So in your case it's not working since you have no bridge. But you can add a bridge either in FMB map mode or do this:
Copy the text below and paste it into notepad and save it as inWing.txt in the folder you run the actor tools for your map. This inWing.txt is just a bridge somewhere very close to the border of the map. Then the create should work.
One more thing make sure there are no blank lines at the end of each in-file, that's another reason i know for "create" not to work...So here's the inWing.txt

Planes 1
Skill 1
Class air.A_20G
Fuel 100
weapons default
NORMFLY 2500.0 300.0 500.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 2700.0 300.0 500.00 300.00 &0

- fabianfred - 02.10.2008

did all that ....still no joy Cry

do you have my Thai map?

if you have time later perhaps you could see if will it work for you

I was trying to make two exact halves of the map (actors.statics) North and South so that i could continue adding airstrips and objects to each seperate half

- Poltava - 02.10.2008

With danger of making a fool of myself here, as I know nothing of map making, being a mere missionbuilder, I think that recent experience has shown that very big maps are a pretty big headache for everyone. As a user I rather go for two, more normally sized maps than one humongous one.

- lowfighter - 02.10.2008

fabianfred Wrote:if you have time later perhaps you could see if will it work for you

I'll check it tomorrow, today it's pond fishing day Big Grin

- zipzapp - 02.10.2008

Just extract the actors that comes with the autopop tool first. Rename all out...txt into in...txt. So you get a set of files that work with garanty, especially a working inWings.txt.

Then extract your static.actors and rename the outfiles into infiles exept the autopop inwing. When splitting that or joining different inBuidlings.txt don't forget to add/delete the "[Buildings]" entry in the first line and to remove broken lines at the splitting breaking point. It's also a good idea always to delete the line break at the end of a inBuildings file.

And don't forget to create a mapsize.txt.

- fabianfred - 02.10.2008

just tried to extract the actors which comes with the autopop and got this error

Actors Static Lite v0.93
Reading *.static file
Reading bridges
Press any key to continue...

and all the out files are blank :?

- lowfighter - 02.10.2008

Fred, I checked your actors and run the extract then the create and all went fine. If you wish I can split later the actors north and south and send it to you (please PM your email in that case). Still it's important to figure out what is wrong, especially because you can use autopop to populate more densely your towns and villages...

- fabianfred - 03.10.2008

I was wondering if there is an error with my java
I tried updating to the latest version

some time ago I got a new update and then the mapC tool wouldn't work until I uninstalled the update :?

- fabianfred - 04.10.2008

What is the procedure for joining two actors static files then ?

do we just copy/paste the two sets of in.txt files into one and then combine them?

OK I tried combining them and putting them into a mission file to load into then sorted out the duplicate numbers and got everything in order...I then put them back into the in text files and it worked...

but funny...... why is the new actors smaller than the sum of the two parts?