A mod to drop one bomb at a time? - Printable Version

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A mod to drop one bomb at a time? - J_Hartikka - 07.10.2008


Anyone know if there is any IL2 setting or a mod to allow drop just one bomb at a time, instead of a pair?

In reality, bombs were dropped one at a time, except of course those planes which carry heavy bombs under wings far from fuselage and have to drop them both to keep aileron balance.

All those planes that carried bombs under fuselage or under wings close to fuselage primarily used one drop at a time, although some planes had an option to set bombs to be dropped as pairs, too. Why then in IL2 sim has only pair drop, when there are more than one bomb? I imagine that the current IL2 way of dropping only pairs of bombs is a simplification from the early development stages of this flight sim, which nobody has yet recalled to fix? Smile

Two bombs together no more effective than one

As a stingy man I find it repulsive to waste half of bombs, because blast radius of two bombs dropped next to each other is not significantly larger than that of a single similar bomb. Only fragment density is increased with double bomb drops, but even then the effect to destruction radius is marginal.

So, if having a realistic option for single bomb dropping, one could have almost double bombing effect with those planes, which now are incorrectly restricted to drop bombs as pairs only..!

For example Ju88, He111, Blenheims, SB2, DB3 are planes used in online games like AW and IL2 war that after long flight to targets now have a very limited count of efficient bomb drops, usually only one or two. Having an option of dropping single bomb at a time one would increase their now moderate bombing capability close to what they were in reality - two or four drops of bombs.

- Fay King - 07.10.2008

Wrong section. :roll:

- J_Hartikka - 07.10.2008

Tnx correction! I am new here... :lol:

I hope it is now in correct thread:


- fly_zo - 07.10.2008

J_Hartikka Wrote:Tnx correction! I am new here... :lol:

I hope it is now in correct thread:


yup, that's the right one .....

i'm locking this