Help wanted: Actors Cutter Tool Specialist - Printable Version

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Help wanted: Actors Cutter Tool Specialist - kapteeni - 23.11.2008

Kapteenis Map Office search virtual Actors cutter Tool specialist.
I been trying to learn how to make those friggin actors.static Tools and i cant ,so i ask for help!
Is it possible to combine two actors.static? Excample: i make FLY_Z Britain fully populated from empty actors.static and want to add that to huge defaultactors.static file.
If i mail those actors, can somebody do it for me? :oops:
:twisted: AND, Yes i've been reading all the posts and tutorials! :twisted:

- lowfighter - 23.11.2008

I can do that tomorrow or something, you know my email Kapteeni...

- kapteeni - 23.11.2008

You are Hired, Mr Low. I send email to you. And TY for adcance!