shot up Truck columns smoke question - PapaG39 - 02.12.2008
I love to strafe stuff, but a combination of an old flight model system, maps that don't seem to bring out objects very well and damn old eyes make it very hard to make contact again after a strafe.
The trucks smoke for just a few seconds & then it is over. I know that it must be possible to make those smoke columns last a bit longer because when an aircraft augers in the smoke lasts for as long as the map is up.
Is there a setting somewhere that would make truck/tanks etc smoke last for as long as the map is up?
- fabianfred - 02.12.2008
There is indeed a mod which makes the vehicle/tank smoke last a little longer and better looking.. ... aring.html
look in the mods folder and try the two "Mods Fumees....."
made some time ago by Lal_Rone
- PapaG39 - 02.12.2008
I don't read, write or speak french so I'm in the dark.
We don't have a filelist.txt anymore so I couldn't add those four lines in there.
I can't find an effects or smoke files either.
Would I just drop the Effects folder in my mods folder?
I don't want to screw things up by doing this wrong...
- Vpmedia - 03.12.2008
are the files imho
I use livetime 5000 / 8
increase those values
whitesmoke mat sets you generic smoke view distance btw
- fabianfred - 03.12.2008
PapaG39 Wrote:I don't read, write or speak french so I'm in the dark.
We don't have a filelist.txt anymore so I couldn't add those four lines in there.
I can't find an effects or smoke files either.
Would I just drop the Effects folder in my mods folder?
I don't want to screw things up by doing this wrong...
OK... put the files folder into the MODS folder and rename it 'smoke'
and put the other effects folder files into the effects folder you have in your new smoke'll notice they are different files
- PapaG39 - 03.12.2008
Hmmmm, oboy...Fly_zo says in his post (Mods install confusion - An Explanation)
(The link is inoperative)
not to move the files folder because it will make the installer unworkable.
If I just made a copy of the files folder and renamed it to Smoke would that work ok without messing up the future installs?
Sorry for more questions, but I am one of those "computer challenged" old people. I can screw up a perfect thing...
when I unzipped the file from the download place I get an Effects folder and inside that Effects folder is a Smokes folder which has four files:
I copied and pasted the Smoke folder with the four files in it to the mods, but it didn't change anything.
- PapaG39 - 03.12.2008
Well, don't know if this is o.k. or not, but what I did was ...
In the Mods folder is a mod called: Gray_curving_Smoketrail
Inside that folder is an Effects and SMOKES folders.
I put the CarDryingFire and CarDryingSmoke files inside the SMOKES folder and it definately does work a bit better. the smoke now lasts about 2 minutes..
however if you fly just a short distance away the smoke disappears...I think that is a map limitation though.
What would be nice would be to have those vehicles burn as long as an augered in aircraft.
I looked for vpmedia's livetime 5000/8, but a google search just brought total confusion...ha ha.. are light years ahead of me here...
- fabianfred - 03.12.2008
U didn't mean to touch the Files folder in the game....
when you unzip those two Fumee mods...rename that Files folder to smoke or whatever you like...merge the other effects folder with it....then just put your new folder into MODS
edit.... I combined them and sent a new one to my site myself
- PapaG39 - 04.12.2008
well thank you ff...I just unzipped & put the "new smokes" folder in my mods folder & they seem to work just fine. the smokek & fire lasts a bit longer & smokes much better.
It is to bad that we couldn't get things to render a bit further away though. I guess that is a map problem. I notice that on some maps some of the village houses etc don't even start showing up until you are about to fly over them.
My biggest bugaboo though is the maps. like the crimea map which has rolling white waves in a 360 degree arc around a lake. all of that white water along the shore line looks like white ants running around...
I thought someone had fixed that, but they showed up again when I installed UI.
anyway, thank you for the smokes mod. I really like it..