Where are Game Maps Located? - Printable Version

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Where are Game Maps Located? - agracier - 07.12.2008

A silly question perhaps, but where i can find the game maps that are NOT one of the created maps by members here? I am looking for the ini files that belong to maps like Slovakia, MTO, Norway and other such maps that do not show up in the Mods/mapmods directory.

I have a sneaking suspicion that they are in the .SFS files that are added when upgrading to versions 4.08 and 4.09, but if so, how in the world does one work with them? And how does one extract the info on their texture files?

- psycho turkey - 07.12.2008

Check out the AAA Community Map Making Guide. fly zo has a section describing how to extract the files you are looking for.

- agracier - 08.12.2008

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll take a look and see what I can find (and more importantly can understand). I'm sure the map making tools are very good since so many fine maps have been made already, but for me none of the instructions in the map tools have ever made much sense ... just can't get into the right frame of mind I suppose...

- asheshouse - 08.12.2008

You are on the right track.
Use sfs extractor to open up fb_maps14.sfs
You will soon get the idea.

--but you will hit a problem. Large maps like Slovakia will not open in FMB Map Editor.
You have to use actors tools to split the objects into roughly 50x50km areas to be able to open it.

This gets quite complicated. You would need to study the readme files in the tools.

You would be wise to start with a small map which opens in FMB Map Editor first, and use that to experiment.