[WIP] zip_Islands_war - Printable Version

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[WIP] zip_Islands_war - zipzapp - 14.12.2008

This little map is intended especially for dogfight campains: There is a peace loving western state. And a peace loving eastern state.
And the middle so peace loving Islands state, that it has only a very small army. But they have all the raw materials you need to build warplanes, fighting ships and guns.
So conquer the Islands before your opponent does and throw him away from what he conquered to keep the Islands free!

The anounced "dogfight campain mod" would begreat here.

Texture with auto generated trees in the foregound. There seems to be nearly no loss of framerates.
Unfortunally this method doesn't work with city textures. Buildings suppress the trees.

View over one of the main citys. There will be four climatic zones from very early snow to desert.

- fabianfred - 14.12.2008

A fertile imagination at work...... looks good Big Grin

- RealDarko - 14.12.2008

Looks amazing!! Hope to see it soon!!

- lowfighter - 14.12.2008

Town looks very nice! Question: do you have also some highlands there? I can't really tell from the map..

- kapteeni - 14.12.2008


I was planning similiar map. Now i dont had to do it!

- letku - 14.12.2008

Very nice, love it allready!

- DK-nme - 14.12.2008

Nais (read: nice) map - was wondering, isnt the island depictured on ur map, the german isle of Sylt?
[Image: zipinsel01pe1bx3.jpg]
Looks very familiar...


- DK-nme - 14.12.2008

Hahaha, I see now, that it is - was checking with google earth, which I for same reason just installed...
Nice map, will look foreward to downloading it.


- dunkelgrun - 14.12.2008

LOL! If only Santorini was just south of the Isle of Man! I know where I'd be spending my holidays.

Nice map, thanks Big Grin .


- Friendly_flyer - 15.12.2008

Very neat idea!

- Triad773 - 15.12.2008

Another great map from ZipZapp- looking forward to it Big Grin

- zipzapp - 15.12.2008

There are some bigger hilles, but no real mountains and no bigger highlands.

No reason to stop any other project - win one map and continue fighting on an other ;-)

- CKY_86 - 15.12.2008

This map looks very fun and will be great to fly on.

Cannot wait for this one Big Grin

I hate to ask this question but is there any planned release date? :wink:

- zipzapp - 16.12.2008

In the swamps. There are moscitos, crocos and even politicians. Better don't get downed here.

A train running through a forrest. Should be jungle, but i failed to create jungle trees. One also can use only one tree type in a map.

Tropically area. Some buildings will be exchanged. There are only a few fitting buildings in the game.

Map will be ready when it's done ;-) I will publish a beta in a month or two or so.

- lowfighter - 19.12.2008

Beauty :!: