Mission loading failure in modded campaigns - bohr-r - 12.01.2009
Hello all,
I have joined IL-2 AAA recently and really enjoyed all the wonderful and amazing additions to the game that are offered here. Many thanks to all those who contributed to all the mods, campaigns, skins, etc.!
I recently downloaded dixiecaptain's excellent Just and Eyelash - 1941 FEAF Philippines Campaign. When I got to mission no. 11, however, at the end of the mission loading this message popped up: "Mesh3do/humans/Paratroopers/Russia/mono.sim not created". I was not able to load the mission, neither in campaign or single player mode, nor in the full mission builder. Yesterday, the same problem occured with mission 13 of PhilK's Magyar Jabo campaign.
Does anybody have any idea what might be causing this problem and how to get rid of it?
Your input would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
- F4U-1_Corsair - 12.01.2009
im not an expert but it sounds like you are missing a mod needed to run the campaign. specifically, an infantry mod
{HVY-E}Jinxx - 12.01.2009
You're missing some new objects. Go back to the D/L for the Mission/Campaign and make sure they don't require some other Object Mod, ie.... Cannon's Objects... or something of that nature.
- bohr-r - 12.01.2009
Thank you, F4U and Redleg for your suggestions. I may have made a mistake when trying to add lines to the static.ini file in order to get the infantry mod and other mod objects to work. Now, this is a very basic computer question, but how do I correctly add lines from read-me files to the static.ini file in notepad without using hard returns? I tried to copy and paste the relevant sections of code into the static.ini file, but somehow I am probably not doing it right.
Any help with this would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
- FZ - 13.01.2009
... same with me here, I've had similar probems with a lot of missions from different campaigns, and to make a long story short, it looks like I have a problem with houses, cause when I get the "null" message, I only need to delete the [House] line in the .mis file to be able to load and play the mission
Recently I got this message for the first time: "Mesh 3do/Tree/Line_2/livesim not created" and again I deleted the [House] line and that did it !!
Has anybody and idea of where those houses are in the game and where I could download the missing ones, or all of them ??
Thanx in advance :lol:
Mission Loading Failure - bohr-r - 25.01.2009
Hello again,
Thank you to all those who offered suggestions and advice in regard to a mission loading failure I had with two modded campaigns. Since your latest replies I have checked to make sure that the infantry mod is installed correctly. Nonetheless, I still get the same error message "Mesh3do/humans/Paratroopers/Russia/mono.sim not created" on several missions from the FEAF campaign and the Magyar-Jabo campaign.
I have opened the relevant mis. files in word-pad, but they don't seem to contain any lines with "paratroopers," "mesh," or "mono.sim." When I try to open these missions in the full mission builder, the came crashes to desktop.
How many objects should there be in the infantry mod? I have 65. Are there more that I somehow did not get?
Any help with this would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
- FZ - 26.01.2009
.. looks like it has to do with your static.ini file, R-One wrote there were 2 possibilities:
"ATTENTION, il existe 2 READ ME :
- Infantry MOD Complet READ ME.txt : il s'agit des lignes