Water at Height othe rthan 0? - Printable Version

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Water at Height othe rthan 0? - Guest - 14.03.2009

has that been solved? or do we need all rivers at 0 height?


I was thinking on trying to do a Chaco map, for 1936 or so, but it the area has lots of rivers at considerable heights, and a few falls also.. so it migth be inpractical to do.

- mandrill7 - 14.03.2009

Rivers can be at any height, but bridges can apparently only be put at sea level.

No-one has really figured out how to do falls yet in a convincing way.

- Lejo - 14.03.2009

Reminds me of another member here who wanted to make some dams so they could be destroyed by Lancaster Dambusters. Can you imagine if all this could be made? A flyable Dambuster, bouncing boms, huge dams and all those tons of water falling down. Confusedhock:

But that will be wishfull thinking I guess...I think we need to have patience for a couple of years when this will maybe be possible in one of the SoWBoB addons. Cry

- Friendly_flyer - 15.03.2009

The Slovakia 1.09b-map shows us that small lakes at altitude is possible. If you take a seaplane and land on one of the smaller ones, you'll see they have been made with stretching the model to the limit, but they have made it.

- Guest - 16.03.2009

Thnaks guys! Ill give it a try .