Problems whit jet engines - Gazul - 17.03.2009
I just wanted to play whit some jetplanes but when I pressed toggle engine button, screen sayd "engine: off" it didn't work, tried whit Ta-183, YP-80 and Yak-15. Hope someone knows how to solve this.
Edit: In Quick mission bulder this seems to work. But when I am going to play singlemission that was made in FMB, I can't start jetengines.
- HansHansen - 17.03.2009
Are u sure you start the mission on the airfield?
Jet engines wont restart in the air and dont start when youre not on an airfield.
IN fmb is a special function when you set a "start point" it automatically sets it on next the runway.
- Gazul - 17.03.2009
ok this helped. At least whit QMB I was able to start Ta-183 in air after turning the engine off.
- Junkers - 17.03.2009
HansHansen Wrote:Are u sure you start the mission on the airfield?
Jet engines wont restart in the air and dont start when youre not on an airfield.
IN fmb is a special function when you set a "start point" it automatically sets it on next the runway.
Jet engines can be restarted in the air, you have to build some speed first though. If you are going fast enough they should start.
- vampire_pilot - 17.03.2009
jet engines can restart in the air no matter what speed!
they have on-board startes, no need to turn the prop manually or by speed.
you may need a few tries, as starting the hot engine is the problem.
when it comes to starting on the ground though... IL2 is a picky game. not all airfields can manage jets. also, if you try to take off from a non-airfield place the engines won't start (at least I experienced that, even with complex engine off). try a diffrent airfield on a diffrent map.
- godzyla - 18.03.2009
HansHansen Wrote:Jet engines wont restart in the air and dont start when youre not on an airfield.
Wrong, the Me-262.
You can restart the engines with a minimum speed of 350 kph and a height below 3,000 meters.
But before restarting the engines, set throttle on 25-30% for the engine you want to restart, it's very important because if you set it at 0%, when you'll increase throttle (little by little) the engine could be on fire (90-95% of cases).