OOF - IAF.116~Jagr - 24.03.2009
I would like to request a section for OOF.
- Potenz - 24.03.2009
Yes would be perfect cause at the moment WIP section is a mess, so a proper OOF Forum would be great.
- fly_zo - 24.03.2009
voted yes , especially if this would speed up publishing ....
really looking forward to have WW I in IL2 ... can't wait actually :wink:
- Guest - 24.03.2009
Definitely. It's kinda hard to keep track of all the aicraft being developed for it.
- RAF_Magpie - 24.03.2009
I requested it a while ago but never heard yay, nay, maybe... So naturally, voted yes.
- highlander_262 - 24.03.2009
Def yes on this one, really looking forward to this
- Ulrich Rudel - 24.03.2009
would it be a public or private thread,
i dont care which but we definetley need our own forum section
- RAF_Magpie - 24.03.2009
Public... there is no need for a private one.
Deutschmark - 24.03.2009
Salute ALL hi ;-)
OOO YES Please! OOF forum.
WW1 Project Member.
- Ulrich Rudel - 24.03.2009
Ok thx for the reply magpie
- si1va - 24.03.2009
It would be especially useful to have an OOF forum to make WIP announcements and any patches/updates after release. Better then looking through different threads in separate forums to find updates.
- IAF.116~Jagr - 24.03.2009
Who voted no? Come and show your self! lol
- VonBarb. - 24.03.2009
I usually find AAA has way too many forums and it's easy to get lost, but I have to admit a separate OOF forum would be a terrific idea. Even with different threads for each plane, the map and objects, at least they'll be easier to find and check for updates.
So it's a yes from me.
- Guest - 24.03.2009
My vote is Ja!
- EasyRider - 24.03.2009
Count me in,I voted yes 8)