urgent - Printable Version

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urgent - Paul De Revue - 15.05.2009

Gentlemen. I believe to be a loss of time to create maps that inside do not have historical context of IL2 1946.

I suggest the coordinators of the AAA that has the context of the game as basic criterion for approval or not of maps. Some modders has made useless wonderful works and others have created of mods the aberrations. I say this because I believe that the situation this running away to the control


- stefano - 15.05.2009

I support the proposal has' gone out of control and is not out of this unusual situation ...

Personal opinion I think an excellent proposal.



- kapteeni - 15.05.2009

1. This a MOD forum
-Modding computer games means for me that you can pretty much do what you like, even if it should be a fantasy map. That is a good way to start mapmaking.
- If we start to say no to fictional maps, Oleg Maddox himself would have never been aloud to made any maps. Many of vanilla maps are fictional too.
2. You can DL maptools and use all the knowledge of history, architecture, and geographics that you have. I will be the first to fly absolutely correct map of yours.
3. My ME 109 G 2 is porked and teh P-47 won teh ww2!
Do you have some specific map that you like to throw in to the fire of DOOM?
I think that all the maps that have been accepted to AAA UI official releases are pretty decent.
PS. Freedom of speech and freedom to create somthing new are basic rights to every man.

- agracier - 15.05.2009

Don't understand the problem, nor see anything urgent or see anything going out of control. There are never enough maps to choose from.

I'm thinking you perhaps mean maps like Cal-Zimbotho or Zip_Islands, neither of which even refers to a historical location. But they are amongst the best made maps and just as importantly, extremely fun and interesting to fly around in. The game is a richer environment for having them available for install and use.

Nor is anyone truly inconvenienced by there being a varied choice of maps. There is always a very simple solution if there are certain maps you don't care for: if you don't like them, don't install them. And if you've installed anyway and still don't like them, then un-install them.

Map makers give screenshots and explain what their maps are about, so there is no reason to feel uninformed before choosing or not choosing to install a map. Things are pretty clear on that account.

There are modders who put in a lot of free time to make maps and make them freely available for all. There is no need to criticize their choice of maps.

- Paul De Revue - 15.05.2009

Gentlemen. I expressed my vision of the facts. If they agree excellent, if they disagree bad luck. What it said was for the good of all. All excess of freedom generates anarchy finally and, destruction.

My concern is not with the approved maps and yes with that they are being made currently.

I am not against the freedom. I am and I will always be against the o disequilibrium.

grateful for its attention.

- dunkelgrun - 15.05.2009

I prefer historical maps that I can use to recreate moments in history - but that doesn't mean that every other map is worthless. Far from it. If someone is willing to put their free time into creating something that any of us can use then more power to their elbow. Unlike fantasy weapon loadouts and aircraft FMs, new maps give nobody an advantage but everybody some fun.

Keep 'em coming, whatever and wherever they may be!


- kapteeni - 15.05.2009

Paul De Revue Wrote:Gentlemen. I expressed my vision of the facts. If they agree excellent, if they disagree bad luck. What it said was for the good of all. All excess of freedom generates anarchy finally and, destruction.
And the opposite generates Totalitarism and finally destruction. First they burn books and then people.
Whatever...If you dont like modded maps, that is your choise.
BTW. My next map will be the Historically accurate Middle_Earth. Actually in the period of the Second age.
Good night!

- agracier - 15.05.2009

Paul De Revue Wrote:Gentlemen. I expressed my vision of the facts. If they agree excellent, if they disagree bad luck. What it said was for the good of all. All excess of freedom generates anarchy finally and, destruction.

I am not against the freedom. I am and I will always be against the o disequilibrium.

grateful for its attention.

Haven't encountered any anarchy here, nor are we on the eve of destruction either ... this must be one of the most polite and well-behaved forums I have ever had the pleasure of joining. Members are helpful to newbies and willing to explain things to those not in the know. So many members seem eager to contribute something in exchange for all the other great mods and maps being offered freely here. I see no need to belittle their efforts nor discourage other potential modders or map makers.

- VF101hawk - 15.05.2009

he might have meant a couple of the maps following the ui 1.1 that wasnt finnshed.
canons was a beta but good anyway.
ashes im sorry to say is a mistery to me why was allowed to be in at all as its a highly unfinnished map. and therefor breaks the rule of the UI that no wip mods are to be used but only aproved mods..
but that question has been asked before without getting a good answer to it!Smile

So maybe at the next UI release we will only see aproved maps and other mods in the install???

- Bearkiller72 - 15.05.2009

"All excess of freedom generates anarchy finally and, destruction"

Wow! Did you ever think about your surroundings? Did it ever cross your mind, that the "excess of freedom" is beneficiary to creativity and a major part of our free society? Else we couldn't be writing here...

What you need and what you want from this site is your businness, Mister!
No one's gonna take you by the hand and guide you into wonderland!

Decide for yourself what you need and leave the rest to those people, who have committed a part of their life to this whole modding thing and keep this site up and running.

Freedom - Guest - 15.05.2009

It is the great irony of "freedom" that it gives you the right to challenge its very existance.

If you do not want the "fantasy" maps, aircraft objects etc .. then do not download them ... simple

I fully support the right for people to offer up any contribution they want, that is the strength of this community, change that and it will wither and die.

Just my 2 cents worth


- VonBarb. - 15.05.2009

The only urgent issue I see is people like you...

Let map makers make the maps they want the way they want to make them. They could all make a map of their ass and that wouldn't bother me in the least so long as there is so much as one person out there enjoying them (strange fellow... Big Grin )

Who the fornicating hell are you to say what should be done and what shouldn't, and call the issue 'urgent' ? Sure there were never any dogfights over the Grand Canyon, but the person who made it (sorry mate, your name fails me right now) did a wonderful job and we're all greatly enjoying flying around his fantastic map. We're not going to stop or agree to miss out on such jewels just because you regard them as pointless.

Don't ask me to choose between the 'unbound' oustandingly creative and 'anarchist' artists who sometimes make less-than-perfectly-accurate but still extremely enjoyable MODs and haters like yourself, because you'll loose every day of the week and twice on sundays.

I'll take anything the modders make as a gift and be thankful for even the most ridiculous WonderWaffe jet or a map of Mars, because in the end it serves to expand the scope of this sim, and with all the creative minds in this site, you can bet somebody will find a way to use it for something utterly fun and enjoyable.


- C2Aaircrew - 15.05.2009

kapteeni Wrote:
Paul De Revue Wrote:Gentlemen. I expressed my vision of the facts. If they agree excellent, if they disagree bad luck. What it said was for the good of all. All excess of freedom generates anarchy finally and, destruction.
And the opposite generates Totalitarism and finally destruction. First they burn books and then people.
Whatever...If you dont like modded maps, that is your choise.
And the ones that folks do not use will fall by the wayside. The popular ones will survive, ah capitalism at it's best. Just like watching TV, that is why there are several hundred channels to chose from. If we all liked the same thing this would be a very boring world indeed. Just to reiterate, do not use the ones you do not like. There a few "fictional" maps that I happen to like, use them to make completely "fictional" missions. I am a history buff and I do like things to be as historically accurate as possible, but I like to play around and be absurd also.

BTW. My next map will be the Historically accurate Middle_Earth. Actually in the period of the Second age.
And when you are done, I will bring the Thark Hordes of Jeddak Tars Tarkas from Barsoom and they will be lead by the mighty John Carter, Prince of Helium, Warlord of Mars.

Good night!

Writing in blue is mine.
Take care,

- viking4570 - 15.05.2009

PorcoRosso Wrote:The only urgent issue I see is people like you...

Let map makers make the maps they want the way they want to make them. They could all make a map of their ass and that wouldn't bother me in the least so long as there is so much as one person out there enjoying them (strange fellow... Big Grin )

Who the fornicating hell are you to say what should be done and what shouldn't, and call the issue 'urgent' ? Sure there were never any dogfights over the Grand Canyon, but the person who made it (sorry mate, your name fails me right now) did a wonderful job and we're all greatly enjoying flying around his fantastic map. We're not going to stop or agree to miss out on such jewels just because you regard them as pointless.

Don't ask me to choose between the 'unbound' oustandingly creative and 'anarchist' artists who sometimes make less-than-perfectly-accurate but still extremely enjoyable MODs and haters like yourself, because you'll loose every day of the week and twice on sundays.

I'll take anything the modders make as a gift and be thankful for even the most ridiculous WonderWaffe jet or a map of Mars, because in the end it serves to expand the scope of this sim, and with all the creative minds in this site, you can bet somebody will find a way to use it for something utterly fun and enjoyable.


'nuff said, and didn't you know, that was a map of my ass. -viking

Re: URGENT - Maico - 16.05.2009

Paul De Revue Wrote:Gentlemen. I believe to be a loss of time to create maps that inside do not have historical context of IL2 1946.

I suggest the coordinators of the AAA that has the context of the game as basic criterion for approval or not of maps. Some modders has made useless wonderful works and others have created of mods the aberrations. I say this because I believe that the situation this running away to the control


On the other hand I agree with this guy. I am just wondering why my request for the X-wing fighter and the Death Star map have not been completed. Korea was a total waiste of time.
Most of all I agree that if someone does something as a hobby/kindness of thier heart and shares it with a community of people for FREEEE (HELLO!) We should tell them exactly what we want done. While we are at it let me say, if you have not built anything for the community, you have got NO OPINION.