Changing Color of Sky in Maps - Printable Version

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Changing Color of Sky in Maps - agracier - 16.05.2009

In a fit of mischievousness I tried something out, but it's lacking something in the way of the color of the sky.

So I was wondering if anyone knows how to change the in flight default color of the sky? I'm looking for something that is a bit more darker, maybe towards a reddish or purplish blue, maybe even a brownish tint about it.

It's just for fun but that aside, knowing how to tweak the sky color is a handy bit of knowledge. Might be useful for desert maps as well for instance ...

- Stratodog - 16.05.2009

Sounds very SciFi. interesting...

If you ever find out how to change the sky color, could you please make a mod to brighten up the sky at high altitudes, it's waaaaay to dark. See this thread.
